Just finished it. The last chapter was so damn good. Hated the open world driving india chapter 4. So boring. But everything else was great. Highly recommended.
Edit: why are the ending credits taking so damn long. Unskipable. Its been like 15 min of credits. Gonna quit the game. Hope it doesnt lose my progress.
Man, this game is ridiculous on Crushing. I hate the combat changes that 4 made.
I agree I beat all the rest of the Uncharted's on crushing but I don't see myself beating he PS4 ones on that difficultly. I just don't enjoy the mode.Man, this game is ridiculous on Crushing. I hate the combat changes that 4 made.
You sound like me so yes, the final set piece is really awesome among the best in the franchise.
Finish Chapter 9, and then we'll talk ;-). Chapter 9 wipes the floor with anything ND has done setpiece-wise in the past, imo.
Yep - no spoilers, but looking back on it, I think that I'd have to agree.
Just finished Chapter 9:
I figure if you accept that you're not going to get many set pieces besides the big one, then it's easy to accept.
For me... I accept it. That was the ultimate chapter and a love letter to the series.
It took the best parts of UC4's biggest set piece, which was my high bar before this game, and took UC2's best set piece, expanded on them, and made you appreciate everything Uncharted brought to the world of gaming.
Also, the last line in the game is fantastic. Perfect. Perfect!
This game alsomade me like Sam a lot more. I liked him before, but what a character he was in this game.
So yeah, when you accept that it's mostly some arenas and exploration, nicely built, for most of the game, followed up bythen this game is totally worth it.possibly the best chapter of any Uncharted I've played,
UC4 still easily has my favorite narrative and villain overall. It's probably still overall my favorite Uncharted, but this game is great regardless as to the fact that it was made in a year. Well done, Naughty Dog.
I generally play Uncharted games on Normal, but I may want to extend my playtime by tackling this on Hard. How does it compare, difficulty wise, with UC4?
Im convinced thatis impossible on crushing. Its just like never ending enemieshaving to take down the helicopter
Should I collect all the tokens before completing the? Kinda digging the mini puzzles that each one has.3-4 symbol waterfall things
Man, this game is ridiculous on Crushing. I hate the combat changes that 4 made.
The diving animation is so good
I had the same thought, though I've tackled previous Uncharteds on hard/crushing. I rage quit in Chapter 8 and haven't been back. I'd advise normal as the difficulty scaling seems to pretty busted...
Endings (What's up with that?)
just got latest sales figures in
#1 in the UK. sold more than UC2 1st week when factoring digital sales
just got latest sales figures in
#1 in the UK. sold more than UC2 1st week when factoring digital sales
For those going for it, you have to say no to carrying your stats over for the chapter 1-5 without using a gun or grenade trophy or it won't unlock, make sure all stats have a 0 at the start.
Chloe: "It was as if Samuel Drake appeared out of thin air."
Translation = Naughty Dog being self aware: "Sorry for the random Sam push."
This fucking lack of care with regards to spoilers