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Unconfirmed: White House turned off audio recording of Trump-Putin call

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Here's your shining beacon of Republican "accountability", ladies and gentlemen.

This guy mucked up a thread that was about an essay on tolerance by asking for another source, even though it said in the OP that it was an opinion piece. Plus I think he's just straight trolling at this point, especially after what he posted in the Milo speech thread.


If we could please not lump ALL Republicans and Trump voters as the same that would be great.

Republican accountability failings go way back before Trump, dude.

Like it or not, the only way for Democrats to win more than just the Presidency is to win over at least some of these voters.

Nope. Just need those 8 million registered Democrats who didn't vote to get off their asses.
Is this actually illegal or only breaking with protocol? And did they record all the other calls? Articles like this really need to provide context.


I still haven't seen anything that says the White House is legally required to record phone calls.
Republican accountability failings go way back before Trump, dude.

Of politicians, sure. But this idea that all GOP voters aren't lost causes is counterproductive.

Like I said a million times, the Deplorables and Alt-Right are not worth our time, but everyone else is not a lost cause.

Nope. Just need those 8 million registered Democrats who didn't vote to get off their asses.

Unless you can prove to me that those 8 million are all evenly distributed around the districts that we need, you are making a ridiculous claim.


I just saw this.



aka andydumi
if they're discussing anything related to compromise, settlement, resolution, etc. that shit should be treated as confidential and def not recorded

fuck just out of a sign of respect given you're talking to another leader of a country, don't record him

Big difference between recording and making it public. If there are impeachment procedures, then these calls could be subpoenaed and fair game.

Caja 117

and another question to build on that one, did you appreciate the leaks wikileaks were sending out that did nothing but violate privacy on communications that were intended to be private.
Wikileaks is different than this, wikileaks doesnt own the information they leak.


you're wrong. very very very WRONG. also law firms and financial institutions record every phone call and E-Mail, why shouldn't the government?

Well I don't know about that. The protocol, laws, and ethics may vary from state to state, but I interned for a law firm in Florida and we were only permitted to transcribe phone calls, not record them. And this applied to conversations where the details would be discussed in court.

As for the Trump-Putin thing, my assumption was that some sort of record had to have been taken, not that it had to be a recording. But if audio recording was the standard protocol, it's obviously fishy.


Why the fuck would the Secretary of State have a private e-mail server to conduct business and share classified information?

To circumvent public oversight and the Freedom of Information Act. It's all about keeping the press and more importantly the public out of the loop of what their government is doing. Again, a precedent started by Bush and expanded upon by the previous administration.

Yesterday I asked how you can sleep at night.

THIS is how, isnt it?

You cant handle the guilt from helping to put this man in the white house, so every day you try and convince yourself that Hil would have been just as bad if not worse. You post over and over and over about it, hoping that the more its posted the truer it becomes.

I hope its working, man. It sucks when fellow gaffers are suffering.
About time WorldStar got banned, he's been trolling and derailing threads non stop for days on end. As for this thread, this might not even be top 5 most dangerous thing Trump has done in the last week. Insane that it's come to this.
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