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UnderRail |OT| The Fallout 3 you've waited 17 years for


Game seems focused on exploration and combat. What about character progression? Classic or oddity? What is better? And what about melee weapons and fists? They were surprisingly powerful in Wasteland 2.

there is a lot of great dialogue, I really enjoyed it. but there are few opportunities for threaten and persuasion and even then, they often fail even if you have invested a lot in them.

but yes, there is a lot of combat and exploration, especially the latter is really good which is why I would definitely recommend oddity. I doubted I liked it because I feared fights would get annoying without instant gratification. but the game is made for oddity, exploration is great and super rewarding and you will get a lot of xp. IIRC you get xp for finishing quests on top of finding oddities.

as for fists, someone here played a psi/fist combo and said it was super powerful. I played pure ranged psi and thought it was fun but didn't feel OP.


Psi/fist build sounds awesome, gonna give it a try

e: wait, does fist mean unarmed in this case or are there fist weapons?


As wrong as it sounds, fisting builds are pretty goddamn fun in RPGs. Usually it also means that there's one thing less to manage (weapon), though that doesn't seem to be the case with Underrail.


The crafting stuff is very rewarding was well, but you kind of have to know what you're doing going in. You don't have enough points for everything and most stuff requires two different skills.


Does the game have a locked framerate at 60? Won't play at 144 for me.

Shame that everything is so small in 1440p. Think I'll play in 1080p to see better, even id it's a little blurry.


*blowing dust off the thread*

Hello everyone,
I bought Underrail in the current GOG sale and wanted to ask if anyone has some good advice about character creation, gameplay and other things (what to do, what to avoid, etc.)?

If not I'll just jump in and create a character ... and create another one after 2h ... and another one .... and ...

My favorite character ended up being a stealthy SMG operator. I could get in and out at will, initiate combat and the SMG was just monstrous for mowing down enemies. Couple things have changed since I've last played (some dex bonuses got lowered which might result in slightly less attacks per second) but I think it should still work for the most part.

Here are my stats (keep in mind that you get 1 attribute point every 4 levels) - http://imgur.com/a/KuvuL

Couple notes on the stats and their importance (for this type of character):

Guns - this is your primary combat skill, max it out at every level
Throwing - 45 is enough for the Feat Three-Pointer and also gives you enough base throwing accuracy. Grenades are utilized A LOT on this build and they are absolutely amazing.

Dodge - dodge is calculated versus melee attacks. Since you're ranged and stealth you won't have to deal with that much which makes this stat fairly useless but you can still dump some points there at the end of the game. Also keep in mind that smart goggles lower you dodge score by 25%. And you want to be wearing smart
goggles, trust me.

Evasion - your primary defense layer. It's calculated versus ranged attacks. Useful because your armor (light) is generally made out of paper.

Stealth - always max it out if you're playing a stealth character
Hacking - ~135 total (with items and food bonuses) is the highest check I've seen in the game. Unless this was changed I'd recommend going for the same value
Lockpicking - same as Hacking. Due to your naturally high Dexterity your lockpicking should be very high.

Crafting skills - Around 120 is enough to craft the high end gear. You also get special crafting benches in the game that give 15 points bonus for each skill and that should cover the difference. Crafting in general is very fun in this game because it doesn't require many items - instead you'll focus on hunting down those rare high quality components to make your gear. It's also super useful because you can hand tailor the items you make to your specific build instead of relying on drops. I'd skip Biology though.

Couple general tips:

Stats and skills have synergy. This means that lockpicking for example will greatly benefit from a high dexterity stat, meaning you'll have to put less points into it to make it effective. Skills always have two numbers - base and effective. Base is used when determining requirements to pick up Feats (perks) and effective (in brackets) is used when determining if you can pass a skill check, such as sneaking, lockpicking, hacking, etc.

Other than that - check the official forums and look up NerdCommando's youtube page - he had a lot of character builds posted but again, most of those were released when the game came out so it's possible some mechanics got adjusted since then. If in doubt, link one of his guide (or even my template from above) on the official forums (or steam forums, though I think they're somewhat inactive) and ask if the build still works.


Neo Member
If you plan on making a stealth melee character, level up the traps skill.

It was very fun trying different strategies utilizing traps to overcome challenges. Unfortunately, you will not be able to breeze through the last area with this type of character.(makes it more satisfying though).


If you plan on making a stealth melee character, level up the traps skill.

It was very fun trying different strategies utilizing traps to overcome challenges. Unfortunately, you will not be able to breeze through the last area with this type of character.(makes it more satisfying though).
Also biology, poisoned traps are amazing.
I really want to try this out, but I keep reading that the game is actually pretty hard and RNG heavy when it comes to weapon accuracy. I also read that you'll need to restart the game several times so you can come up with your ultimate build for your actual playthrough. Sounds pretty hardcore to me.
I really want to try this out, but I keep reading that the game is actually pretty hard and RNG heavy when it comes to weapon accuracy. I also read that you'll need to restart the game several times so you can come up with your ultimate build for your actual playthrough. Sounds pretty hardcore to me.

It is pretty hard, even on normal. There have been some balance patches that fix some of the encounters that are way too brutal though.

I wouldn't worry about the ultimate build, just play on easy on your first try.

I really need to finish this game, nearing the end but I just dropped the game on one of those said encounters that got patched later.


I wouldn't worry about the ultimate build, just play on easy on your first try.

Some extra info to add here - the only difference between difficulties (when I played, anyway) was player health - 200% on easy, 100% on normal, 50% on hard. So if you think you're getting instagibbed too often (shouldn't happen on normal) then switching to easy might not be the worst idea ever.

@texhnolyze: look up nerd commando's youtube channel, he has a ton of UnderRail builds posted - most are thematic, ie a SWAT operator, a sniper, etc - but they're also capable of dealing with endgame content.

Also, I have to add here that you will likely restart often - not necessarily because you made mistakes with your build but because this game has some of the best game balance and build diversity I've seen in RPGs. You'll WANT to try out other playstyles, trust me ;).
Some extra info to add here - the only difference between difficulties (when I played, anyway) was player health - 200% on easy, 100% on normal, 50% on hard. So if you think you're getting instagibbed too often (shouldn't happen on normal) then switching to easy might not be the worst idea ever.

Getting instagibbed was by far the biggest issue I was having. Countless and countless reloads just for surviving the RNG first attack, after which I could apply the needed defences / kill / freeze the offending the instagibbing one after which it was just smooth sailing.


I've played it twice now, once in beta and once the full release. I was kind of happy with my gun-toting inventor, using the most appropriate gadgets and avoiding psi users like the plague.


Interesting, wouldn't have expected an expansion. Looks interesting:

  • A brand new story line that becomes available during the mid-game
  • Over a 100 new areas to explore of various types – shores and islands of the Black Sea, mysterious underground facilities, pirate strongholds, and more
  • New human factions, as well as wild creatures to combat
  • New items and crafting recipes
  • New skills and feats
  • Leveling past level 25 with a special pool of feats to choose from


Will wait for impressions, loved the main game but the last zone really soured it. If the expansion is on the level of core city I'll gladly buy it


Will wait for impressions, loved the main game but the last zone really soured it. If the expansion is on the level of core city I'll gladly buy it
When did you play it? They toned it down quite a bit, especially with the respawns in the last patch. Still pretty hard though.


When did you play it? They toned it down quite a bit, especially with the respawns in the last patch. Still pretty hard though.

before that patch, but it's not just the difficulty, it's just an ugly annoying zone with nothing in it that made me love the game. many RPGs have endgame zones with too much combat.


before that patch, but it's not just the difficulty, it's just an ugly annoying zone with nothing in it that made me love the game. many RPGs have endgame zones with too much combat.
Can't argue with that. Very few games and cRPGs in particular have managed to actually have an end "dungeon" that utilizes all the mechanics and skills used in the game instead of a super hard slugfest with maybe some dialogue options at the very end.

It should probably be something like the return to Curst was in Planescape Torment, a bounded area with a wide variety of things to do, all helping you achieve your final goal in different ways.


This is exciting news for sure.

But yea the Deep Caverns can eat a dick.

Gotta agree with you there. Being cut off from your supplies up top mixed with constant respawning baddies was such an annoyance. And the final battle was tough since I never crafted regen armor (Needed to keep my armor penalty under 20%) or regen drugs.

I think Styg will have heard all the complaints and make the new area more like the game pre-DC.


Gotta agree with you there. Being cut off from your supplies up top mixed with constant respawning baddies was such an annoyance. And the final battle was tough since I never crafted regen armor (Needed to keep my armor penalty under 20%) or regen drugs.

I think Styg will have heard all the complaints and make the new area more like the game pre-DC.
Yup, certainly looks like a side-story rather than post-endgame content.
I'm developing a habit of picking up beloved cRPGs, not knowing how to play them, and then bawling for help in official threads (or worse, slagging the game for not being casual-friendly enough).

This week, it's the turn of Underrail!

Just reading this page alone, there's plenty of good advice for newcomers. I'd just like to explain where I'm at, and see if I'm right about what my next steps should be.

So, I liked the sound of the psi/melee build I heard discussed earlier, not only for ending up completely OP, but it genuinely is a playstyle I like. I specced the character out with an emphasis on evasion and dodging which I imagined being a satisfying and important element of the build, and then started filling out things like melee damage and psi potential.

I'm finding however, that I have no advantage at all over these rathounds in the first part of the game. They don't seem to have any problem at all landing damage on me, and my own melee damage isn't sufficient to reliably take down even a single one of them using a full turn of AP. Facing two or three at once and factoring in 'pack-hunting', I'm simply getting myself killed in what should really be the tutorial stage!

I survived half way through the quest just by using up the health items I looted before setting off. But now they're gone, and I haven't yet found anyone to trade for more. Plus I'm convinced now that I'm just 'doing it wrong'.

I think I should probably start again, it seems to be the main thing I'm picking up from the posts above. Also I should play on easy while I get accustomed to the games' systems. Did I make any serious errors in my build? I more or less completely de-emphasised science, technology, traps, shooting, etc. etc, and dumped everything on evasion, dodge and melee / psi damage, with a sprinkling of stealth for good measure. Perhaps that was all a bit myopic. The thing is I was trying to go against my own tendency, which is to be unnaturally balanced, and make pasty grey jack-of-all-trades characters. Maybe I went OTT in the other direction. Appreciate any pointers!


It takes a little while to ease into your specialization. At the very start you just do what you have to, so shoot/blow those little bastards up.
It takes a little while to ease into your specialization. At the very start you just do what you have to, so shoot/blow those little bastards up.
Thanks. I can be a bit stubborn, especially so if playing a game that is uncompromising to begin with, unfortunately. Do I have grenades? I'll check. I've been opening each encounter from stealth mode with a crossbow shot, but even that hasn't given me a great advantage. Onwards and upwards ...
I quit this so long ago due to getting stuck at one of the quests (that was eventually nerfed). Some shootout in a warehouse.

I'm tempted to replay but I just get too scared I'll put 12+ hours into a character that ends up being unable to clear end game.

I wish games like this had console commands so I could respec my character or just cheat if I want to.


No legit cheats as far as I know. They have tuned the balance quite a bit though.

Also the wiki is pretty decent now in case you get stuck on a quest or forgot what you were doing.
I'm very excited for the expansion and will buy it day 1 to support the dev(s) and the game, but I guess there's still no chance for a minimap being implemented?


I usually figure out where to go/what to do. It's doing it that becomes an issue. My original build was very poor.
Yeah, it certainly has the first build problem where you do a little bit of everything and get screwed. If you focus, it's pretty ok, no matter what you focus on (except a talky character).
Yeah, it certainly has the first build problem where you do a little bit of everything and get screwed. If you focus, it's pretty ok, no matter what you focus on (except a talky character).

No, I focused. On stealth. With knives as my main weapon. My damage just never grew enough to keep up with enemies later on. I could deal with people 1 on 1 but stealth only lasts for one attack and there's pretty much no way to recover stealth in battle.


and there's pretty much no way to recover stealth in battle.

If you stun the enemy and break los you can exit combat. As for knives, you really need perks like Expertise and Expose Weakness to do any real damage against late game enemies.


The coretech warehouse battle is very challenging, I just made it through it today with my psi-build but had to diverge considerably from my usual tactics for that battle. In fact I'd set the game aside for a good while because of that fight (and lack of any kind of in-game map functionality). In the end I had to resort to trapping the whole area with caltrops and employing stun grenades in combination with my psi abilities to keep the enemies under control, still had to drop back after the third wave showed up and by some miracle the allied NPCs managed to take out the remaining enemies without dying. Another potential gotcha is going to Core City before Rail Crossing, then you'd be severely under-leveled for that fight and probably not know it.

I'm very excited for the expansion and will buy it day 1 to support the dev(s) and the game, but I guess there's still no chance for a minimap being implemented?
Yeah, I'm interested in the expansion but the lack of an in-game map has hampered my enjoyment in some respects so I'll probably end up waiting a while before picking it up.


No, I focused. On stealth. With knives as my main weapon. My damage just never grew enough to keep up with enemies later on. I could deal with people 1 on 1 but stealth only lasts for one attack and there's pretty much no way to recover stealth in battle.
If you stun the enemy and break los you can exit combat. As for knives, you really need perks like Expertise and Expose Weakness to do any real damage against late game enemies.
Yup, stealth is pretty much the hard mode, but with the right feats and a buttload of different grenades, you can do it. I tried to do a stealth sniper on my first playthrough and it didn't work super well either, I managed to avoid the warehouse mission though.

Also protip: shock knives are OP.


Dev diary on new weapon types in the expansion.

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