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Undertale |OT| Indie RPG with determination and spider bake sales

Oh wow, I've only played through the prologue, but when
I killed that boss, then reloaded my save, and the game acknowledged that I'd done that.
I can see why this is getting praise.
Okay, spoilers heavy here for the beginning of the G
run, and ooooh boy is this game good at making you feel really, really bad.

This is pretty much creepypasta - the game. I had killed Toriel the first time through, and when I did it a second time for the Genocide run, she died in one hit for over 20000 points of damage, and said "You really hate me, don't you?" and the sprite even changed.

On top of that, the whole tone of this run has changed since the start. Makes me really glad I'm doing a parallel Pacifist run to wash away my guilt.


Toby updated the Steam page to include some quotes from reviewers:

Just finished the true ending last night. It's depressing to think that my time with Undertale is finished but I just don't think I have the heart to do a genocide run...

Undertale is an amazing and beautiful game which has left a lasting impression on me. It's one of the most unique and interesting games I have played. It has cemented its position as one of my all time favorites and will easily be my GOTY 2015.

Thank you Toby Fox (and helpers) for this wonderful game that I will never forget!


I don't think I can really say anything that hasn't already been said, but I just had to use my first post to say how much I love this game. 2015 was a really great year for gaming for me, and I definitely did not expect anything to dethrone Splatoon or Bloodborne, but Undertale came out of nowhere (happened to hear about it on another forum) and now it's one of my favorite games ever. I love how Toby always rewards your own ingenuity and engagement with the story and events. Crazy combinations work, characters comment on things, and the game really scales to your own level of involvement with it. The music is also incredible and I can't stop listening to it. Nor can I really stop thinking about Undertale in general. One of my favorite moments was (endgame spoilers)
reaching "Home" and hearing the monsters talk about Asriel and the fallen child. Right when one of the monsters said that the child died the track "Undertale" really took off and it gave me chills.

Usually when I finish a game I really love I go into a funk because I feel like I won't play a game that great for quite a while. This game totally bypassed that point and I'm just super happy and grateful to have been able to play it. This game is so fully realized, and it has so much soul. And there's basically no filler. I really agree especially with everything Cowie's said in this thread. Toby's attention to detail is truly astonishing, and I really look forward to any additions he makes to Undertale or its universe and any games he makes in the future.

Do people think that
Gaster will be implemented in some sort of patch? He and Sans are really the biggest rabbit-holey things about this game and I want to know more.
Do people think that
Gaster will be implemented in some sort of patch? He and Sans are really the biggest rabbit-holey things about this game and I want to know more.

I'm under the impression that a hell of a lot of stuff on that topic is in the game as-is. I just learned about this today, for instance!... though maybe I'm late on that one, lol. Still, the fact that Toby is trying to prevent people from posting dumped assets from the game says to me that there's a lot there and it's just a matter of figuring out how to access it. I think any future patches will likely just be bug fixes, and the hint in the developer's room is just to mess with people, lol.


Just began this game during my lunch break, basically did the "tutorial" section and reached "home" and im already too attached to Toriel, way much more than i anticipated i would.

Im forseeing this game to completely devastate me .-.


So considering this is made by Radiation, are there any Homestuck references in this?

huh..!! oh! that's why the name rung a bell! This guy makes a lot of the homestuck songs, doesn't he? i think i have a bunch of his HS music on my cellphone.

JC Sera

So considering this is made by Radiation, are there any Homestuck references in this?
There is homestuck-esque characters (such as a flexing muscle horse and senator lemonsnout in a lab coat) & jokes
not really any direct references that I remember

theres is 2-3 tracks from homestuck that play
just finished it with the 'true' ending

holy shit this game was straight up awesome. A+ music and easily a candidate for goty. I haven't been so surprised and delighted by a game since fucking frog fractions


just finished it with the 'true' ending

holy shit this game was straight up awesome. A+ music and easily a candidate for goty. I haven't been so surprised and delighted by a game since fucking frog fractions
Finished my first loop,
I killed Toriel at the start because I didn't realize I just had to keep mashing spare, but played the rest pacifist. Gonna do this second loop pacifist again. Also, the things changing on NG+ are extremely interesting.

Good chance at snagging my GOTY, (which is crazy in a year with MGSV and Bloodborne.) Picked up the OST too.


Austin's review took a stance I hadn't considered or expected, but I think his words ring true. I beat the game about a week ago and I still think about it more than I play other games, but I haven't touched it since beating it. If I do, I kind of just want to see everything I saw again so I can remember it more clearly. It sort of reminds me of my time with "Always Sometimes Monsters" -- I played the game, I made my choices, and I got my story. I looked at the Steam community and saw lots of discussion about different endings and how to trigger different events, and none of it appealed to me. I made my choices and I got my ending. And while that wasn't necessarily expressly spelled out in ASM, Undertale addresses this(and you) directly. Hopping into full-game spoiler territory,
Undertale calls you out when you go back to see what would happen if you were evil, if you made the 'bad guy' choices. I would argue that the game assumes you will play pacifist or mostly pacifist your first time through, and actively punishes you for 'seeing what would happen.' Even after completing the true pacifist ending, when you start the game back up Flowey guilt trips you about this very premise. Would you take away their happiness just to satisfy your own curiosity? Powerful stuff. Interestingly, in that scene he calls you by the fallen child's name (the one you provided,) rather than 'Frisk', which is who the monsters have decided you are on account of you've been so nice. I'm still rolling that around in my head to ascertain meaning. Is the implication that you played as the fallen child originally (perhaps in another game) and slaughtered everyone as that is how games typically go? Is 'falling into the mountain' the act of engaging with a game world, and 'Frisk' is the new identity you assumed to interact peacefully with Undertale? I have still not sorted these thoughts out, but it's been a lot of fun.

tl;dr: play Undertale


Rolling Girl
Well I completed my Genocide run. I sure had a BAD time, so I'll proceed to not launch steam and reformat the laptop tomorrow and continue on a new pacifist run looking for things I missed on my main PC.
Well I completed my Genocide run. I sure had a BAD time, so I'll proceed to not launch steam and reformat the laptop tomorrow and continue on a new pacifist run looking for things I missed on my main PC.
Pretty sure you need to deal with
Steam Cloud, unless you blocked that.


Pretty sure you need to deal with
Steam Cloud, unless you blocked that.

I'm not sure if Steam Cloud applies to the game. Or maybe I just didn't have it set up right? I tried switching computers and my saves didn't carry over.
I opted to have a Good Time instead of a Bad Time.

Had a ton of fun, even if a few bosses were pretty big roadblocks for me at times. It'd be cool to see some bigger games take notes from Undertale when it comes to its morality system, because man is it fascinating just how far it takes its changes based on your play style.


This game was so good. Thanks GAF for recommending it. It definitely left a lasting impression. Like some others in this thread, I don't think I can bring myself to do a genocide run. Don't even think I can bring myself to watch it. Partially also because of
what Flowery said.
That in itself is so crazy though that something like that can get to me though and I think it speaks volumes on how you can get attached to the characters in this game.

I don't think I've played a game that gives closure like this does. Flowery's quote when you boot up the game after the ending is crushing, but I had to try hard mode. Then I realized it only goes to the end of the demo area, haha. It's giving me an excuse to play it again though. I have to return the world to it's surface state before I can call it quits. :p

I can't stop thinking about this game!
You'd really have to be stone cold to do a
run following another run. One of my friends who bought the game was going to do every route possible to 100% the game, but once he got the
true pacifist
ending he went "nah, man, I can't do that." That's the connection you can get to these characters. Which is all the more remarkable that the relationships are forged over 6-8 hours.


Just beat the game.

I take it by Flowey telling me to not kill anyone, etc. to get the "happy ending" that I missed out on some of the stuff you guys are talking about. Definitely don't remember seeing anything about a Doctor.


Bought thanks to Austin's review and I'm in one of the later areas maybe?
and really enjoying my time with it. Want to finish at least once (and maybe more) before solidifying my thoughts but I can see this blowing up as word of mouth grows.


Okie, i got a question regarding something that is killing me on the inside, would love an answer unless it's a story spoiler.

Im still in Snowdin after the battle with
, so this is regarding the cellphone because i swear i try this every few screens to the same result...

Will Toriel never answer me back for the rest of the game? I need to know she is fine even after i left ;______________;

No, i didn't attack her even once, i can't concieve who would even concider hurting her


Okie, i got a question regarding something that is killing me on the inside, would love an answer unless it's a story spoiler.

Im still in Snowdin after the battle with
, so this is regarding the cellphone because i swear i try this every few screens to the same result...

Will Toriel never answer me back for the rest of the game? I need to know she is fine even after i left ;______________;

No, i didn't attack her even once, i can't concieve who would even concider hurting her

Spoilers for both pacifist endings.
Toriel is referenced during the normal ending if you spare her life, but makes an actual appearance during the True Pacifist route when you go to battle Asgard near the end.


Oh, so it is a story spoiler, dang (naturally i didn't look at the spoilers), i guess i'll have to bear with it and keep going.

(tho i totally will keep trying to call her all the way thru >.<)


So I just beat the game. Whoa. Haven't felt whatever it is I'm feeling in many, many moons. I implore everyone on the fence about trying this game to just go and give it a whirl.

I do have a question/theory involving endgame spoilers.
The other colored hearts represent the souls of the other humans. Whenever your heart changes color in battle, you move and behave differently. Does this imply that the other humans performed similarly in battle--such as the yellow-hearted human being a shooter or the blue-hearted human jumping?


Two questions, first:
What was your ending? And did you kill any monsters in your playthrough?
I haven't looked up -anything- on this game, so I'm not sure how to classify it.
I got the ending with Flowey killing Asgore and going crazy until I beat him, then I gave him mercy. I did kill monsters in my play through, which is why I want to go through again as a pacifist.


I haven't looked up -anything- on this game, so I'm not sure how to classify it.
I got the ending with Flowey killing Asgore and going crazy until I beat him, then I gave him mercy. I did kill monsters in my play through, which is why I want to go through again as a pacifist.

Okay, in that case,
just use reset.


Rolling Girl
Spoilers for both pacifist endings.
Toriel is referenced during the normal ending if you spare her life, but makes an actual appearance during the True Pacifist route when you go to battle Asgard near the end.

It is vaguely hinted that the Annoying Dog/Toby stole her phone after you left the ruins.


Rolling Girl
Also realized something!

Spoils for True Pacifist run:
The statue in the waterfall area for the piano puzzle is of Asriel. The music it plays when you give it the umbrella is the song that plays during the story telling of the original fallen child and Asriel and is of monster with horns like the boss monster species.
Oh wow, I just saw this thread and remembered that I backed this on KS. I hadn't realized it had released, but I'm glad impressions are positive. I'll probably give it a go in a little bit.
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