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United boots bride & groom traveling to their wedding from half-empty plane

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Normally I'd say the couple's probably full of it, but recent actions by United sure makes you wonder if this is all true as well. They need to be putting out their A game here.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I can't see United making this mistake under the microscope of scrutiny they are currently under. I think the couple are full of it/being unruly.

I hate United, too, wouldn't fly them if I had to, but this smells like BS.
I thought it was found out that this couple saw a guy sleeping across 3 seat that were not their original seats, and they were asked several times to stop sneaking into seats in economy plus?

But they were claiming it was their seat and trying to ride the United train or something?
Clear and utter bullshit.

They want us to believe this bloke was brazen enough to be asleep across 3 seats before the plane even moved? And they decided the best course of action was to just move elsewhere?

Never mind the fact the hostess' would make him be upright so they could see his belt fastened for take off.

Not one bit of their story is believable, cheap fuckers!


Air Asia's "Hot Seats" (basically the same as premium economy) go empty if no one upgrades to them, and the common folk aren't allowed to sneak over there. My last flight, I paid like $12 extra to have one, and the flight attendants were constantly kicking people out who were sneaking back there to sit in them. Gotta pay to play. I was the only one in those two rows - it was awesome.

Never mind the fact that the guy wouldn't be allowed to be doing that prior to takeoff, as he needs to be seated and belted for takeoff. This story sounds hella fishy.

It's a difference between maybe a couple hundred and a couple thousand - vastly different meanings to "throwing money away."
Airlines make money on this shit. Their margins are thin if they're not full and selling them upgrades.

If you paying $12 fine, my experience plus service provide basically nothing for significantly more money. It's basically just paying to pretend like you're better than the people in economy. It's a few hundred dollars for a couple cm of room around you. The seats should be empty so airlines stop this foolishness.
If the plan was half empty, I'd probably let the guy sleep too, but why were they booted after they got back to their assigned seats?

Yeah, no, you can't sleep across 3 seats and not be strapped in on a plane. He was 100% going to be waken up at some point before take off. Their story sounds suspect as fuck, and it's actually kind of incredible that I'm saying that despite United's history of fuckery.
United :

"We're disappointed anytime a customer has an experience that doesn't measure up to their expectations, the airline said in a statement. "These passengers repeatedly attempted to sit in upgraded seating which they did not purchase and they would not follow crew instructions to return to their assigned seats. We've been in touch with them and have rebooked them on flights tomorrow."



The couple in this case sounds full of bs.

That said, I have definitely laid down across an empty row, after boarding was complete and with my seatbelt buckled, before takeoff and no one woke me up or made me sit up or anything, multiple times. In fact, I did it two weeks ago. That was Air Canada so maybe they're just too nice. :') (but I have done it in the past before too)
You really underestimate how passive aggressive or Non-confrontational 90% of the US is.



Yeah I'm sure some dude was already sleeping across 3 seats before take off lol. They saw open seats and tried to take them, end of story. Probably thought they could be beligerent because of what United got in trouble for the other day.


The couple in this case sounds full of bs.

That said, I have definitely laid down across an empty row, after boarding was complete and with my seatbelt buckled, before takeoff and no one woke me up or made me sit up or anything, multiple times. In fact, I did it two weeks ago. That was Air Canada so maybe they're just too nice. :') (but I have done it in the past before too)

I have never gotten away with it during take off unless you are waiting to the flight attendant is buckled in to her own seat. Any airline will make you sit properly in your seat for take off and landing if they see you. Other than that your good to go lay down and sleep all you want.


Aftershock LA
I'm not sure I buy this story at all.

But it's United, and they're fun to mock, so I kind of want this to be true. My first reaction is that it's a bullshit story from the couple. My second reaction is that I wouldn't be surprised if United quadruple downed on this shit.
The couple in this case sounds full of bs.

That said, I have definitely laid down across an empty row, after boarding was complete and with my seatbelt buckled, before takeoff and no one woke me up or made me sit up or anything, multiple times. In fact, I did it two weeks ago. That was Air Canada so maybe they're just too nice. :') (but I have done it in the past before too)

You must've done so after the final cabin check by attendants in which they'd be strapped in and awaiting takeoff. It doesn't sound like the guy in the same position since flight attendants still seemed to be going around (hence why they found the couple in the wrong seats)


Why are flight attendants even policing the economy plus seats tho. They're fucken empty, who cares if someone sits there.


Yep, that's my guess. Honestly, if this story is untrue, and United can prove it, I hope they sue these fuckers.

An Air Marshal does not work for the airline. If he was involved and asked them to leave it certainly wasn't because they innocently sat in premium seats and politely left when asked.

Why are flight attendants even policing the economy plus seats tho. They're fucken empty, who cares if someone sits there.

Stupid statement. They are doing their job, lest they be reprimanded or fired. Some IMAX, D-Box seats are empty at a theatre, ushers routinely check if people are sitting there who paid and who didn't. A lot of penthouse suites at hotels are free, who cares if someone just decides to go and sleep in them, no one else is etc.
lol this thread is proof of why no one would believe a paying passenger would get assaulted and dragged off a plane to make room for company employees without video evidence. So many assumptions in here. Way to automatically give United the benefit of the doubt literally a week after they pull some really stupid shit. Like you realize how dumb some of you would sound if you made the same assumptions about last week right?
lol this thread is proof of why no one would believe a paying passenger would get assaulted and dragged off a plane to make room for company employees without video evidence. So many assumptions in here. Way to automatically give United the benefit of the doubt literally a week after they pull some really stupid shit. Like you realize how dumb some of you would sound if you made the same assumptions about last week right?

Except most people did believe that...as well as believing the numerous things United has done in the past. You can't just ignore reality and common sense for the sake of your argument


lol this thread is proof of why no one would believe a paying passenger would get assaulted and dragged off a plane to make room for company employees without video evidence. So many assumptions in here. Way to automatically give United the benefit of the doubt literally a week after they pull some really stupid shit. Like you realize how dumb some of you would sound if you made the same assumptions about last week right?

Your post is also proof of why so many hoaxes are believed instanteously and later proved false. A US Marshal is not an employee for the airline. He wouldn't get involved because some lovely newlywed couple switched seats nor would he ask them to leave the plane unless there was some issue. Fuck United, but this story is very fishy. I almost believe they tried to take advantage of the empty plane, a passenger sleeping on 3 seats to get better seats themselves and then threw a fit when it didn't happen. A lot of people like to exploit things for their benefit.


Stupid statement. They are doing their job, lest they be reprimanded or fired. Some IMAX, D-Box seats are empty at a theatre, ushers routinely check if people are sitting there who paid and who didn't. A lot of penthouse suites at hotels are free, who cares if someone just decides to go and sleep in them, no one else is etc.

Worthless analogy. A penthouse *could* sell at any point during a day to someone walking in without a reservation. And cleaning and maintaince are presumably more expensive, so there's a cost of goods concern. But once everyone's checked in and boarded on a plane, a seat's a seat for the next X hours.

Why are flight attendants doing their job? That's a weird question.

Not really addressing the actual question. Why is it part of the job?


Normally I'd say the couple's probably full of it, but recent actions by United sure makes you wonder if this is all true as well. They need to be putting out their A game here.
That's what this couple is hoping the public thinks.
Story sounds kinda bullshitty. If you get on a plane and someone's laying across your seats you don't just sit wherever you feel like.

If the plane is half empty nobody usually gives a shit where you sit.

And the plus in economy plus is just a few extra inches of leg room, bfd.
Not really addressing the actual question. Why is it part of the job?

To ensure people sit in their proper seats? What kind of question is this? Say for instance people higher class seats get amenities that are paid for by their increased ticket cost? If someone is paying more and as a result gets free drinks, why should the airline offer the same to people who didn't and just sat there because it was empty? I'm not saying economy plus is like that, but on some flights economy plus does offer other extras aside from just more space
Worthless analogy. A penthouse *could* sell at any point during a day to someone walking in without a reservation. And cleaning and maintaince are presumably more expensive, so there's a cost of goods concern. But once everyone's checked in and boarded on a plane, a seat's a seat for the next X hours.
This is not how it works. You pay for a seat. Then you sit in it. If they are OK with you moving or offer an upgrade, great. If not, don't go out demanding it.

Also, there are more people on the plane. Who gets the better seat then? The one who runs fastest?


lol this thread is proof of why no one would believe a paying passenger would get assaulted and dragged off a plane to make room for company employees without video evidence. So many assumptions in here. Way to automatically give United the benefit of the doubt literally a week after they pull some really stupid shit. Like you realize how dumb some of you would sound if you made the same assumptions about last week right?
Multiple news agencies have reached out to the TSA and every one have been told no air marshall or law inforcement were involved in this despite what the couple claims so why should I give the couple the benefit of doubt here?


Not really addressing the actual question. Why is it part of the job?

Because the question is completely idiotic and devoid of any thought or reason. It is their job to manage the cabin, they cannot let people just sit wherever the fuck they want and hope it doesn't become a problem as more people board.
Worthless analogy. A penthouse *could* sell at any point during a day to someone walking in without a reservation. And cleaning and maintaince are presumably more expensive, so there's a cost of goods concern. But once everyone's checked in and boarded on a plane, a seat's a seat for the next X hours.

Not really addressing the actual question. Why is it part of the job?

So would you then look to refund the folk that have paid the extra for the extra legroom seats?


Also, there are more people on the plane. Who gets the better seat then? The one who runs fastest?

Who cares? That wasn't a conflict that happened.

Because the question is completely idiotic and devoid of any thought or reason. It is their job to manage the cabin, they cannot let people just sit wherever the fuck they want and hope it doesn't become a problem as more people board.

But... it didn't become a problem. Because those seats weren't sold.
Who cares? That wasn't a conflict that happened.
That is a conflict that will happen once it is accepted that you can just sit anywhere you want, and why we should not make it the default option.

In any case: you buy a seat, you sit there. Why would you even expect to be upgraded for free. It makes no sense.


For some reason I don't think this is the whole story.

Perhaps it is... Perhaps it isn't...

The problem is that much like the other issues we've seen with United Airlines as of late, the damage has been done and it still makes them look bad when stuff like this continues to plague them. This is basically becoming a PR Nightmare for them (if it hasn't already) when they are trying to fix their good name and more negative issues continue to pop up against them.


Should have gotten a stewardess attention and pointed out someone was sleeping across the seats and ask if they could be seated elsewhere for their trip on their honeymoon. Might have been accommodated if so. If not well hey I'm sure the stewardess could tell the sleeping guy to properly sleep in his seat.
Yeah, no, you can't sleep across 3 seats and not be strapped in on a plane. He was 100% going to be waken up at some point before take off. Their story sounds suspect as fuck, and it's actually kind of incredible that I'm saying that despite United's history of fuckery.

He can't but I'm saying, me as the passenger of the seats he's sleeping on, would let him be and just sit elsewhere, at least till I'm told I need to go back to where I'm assigned.


I have never gotten away with it during take off unless you are waiting to the flight attendant is buckled in to her own seat. Any airline will make you sit properly in your seat for take off and landing if they see you. Other than that your good to go lay down and sleep all you want.

You must've done so after the final cabin check by attendants in which they'd be strapped in and awaiting takeoff. It doesn't sound like the guy in the same position since flight attendants still seemed to be going around (hence why they found the couple in the wrong seats)

I'm not sure if they did final cabin check because I basically fell asleep as soon as it became apparent there wasn't going to be anyone else coming on the plane. But they definitely didn't make me wake up for landing either, I didn't wake up until we were back on the ground.
If the flight was half empty and the couple wanted an upgrade from economey to economey plus (a super marginal upgrade especially to Costa Rica), United should have been chomping at the bit to accommodate them considering all the bad press.

All these "the couple wanted a handout" posts are missing the Forrest for the trees here.

We're talking maybe a couple hundred bucks that could have been turned into positive press for a married couple


You, by saying they shouldn't police seats because they are empty anyway. Or did that only apply to this specific flight then?

Nah you got it twisted. Or I wasn't precise enough with "policing". I figured that implied "overly aggressive" but apparently not. Obviously there are reasons to assign seats. But once those reasons are moot (e.g. everyone is boarded smoothly, opportunities to up-sell have passed, etc), let shit slide.

People taking they eyes off the prize. The purpose of seat assigning and enforcing assignments is to prevent conflict during boarding. But here, sleepydude broke the rules and waking him up and forcing him into his seat is a conflict. Let these folks move, and that conflict's averted and everything just carries on. Instead, pick a fight with them over a thing that doesn't matter and create a conflict. Just dumb prioritization, chasing letter of the "law" instead of the spirit.
If the flight was half empty and the couple wanted an upgrade from economey to economey plus (a super marginal upgrade especially to Costa Rica), United should have been chomping at the bit to accommodate them considering all the bad press.

All these "the couple wanted a handout" posts are missing the Forrest for the trees here.

We're talking maybe a couple hundred bucks that could have been turned into positive press for a married couple

Why would you expect a flight attendant to have the authority to make this deal?
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