Is there a live stream of fox news somewhere? I want to watch the salty tears.
Romney overtakes in Florida!
Yes starting in 20 minutes[IMG][/QUOTE]
Oh god yes haha
loooool, sooooo salty!
I laughed.Hope Chris Christie is having a nice evening.
I was wondering about that. Anyone have any updates on those states?
Or her
CNN: Romney family mood "very tense"
obama 72% on intrade for virginia.
take all the swing states
Obama wins the election. Meanwhile, the house fights him tooth and nail for another 4 years so they look better in the next go-around. Great! See you guys then.
Remember folks.
Miami-Dade/Broward are STILL voting. It's done.
Tagg beating up staffers confirmed.
I almost forgot about Lisa Ann. Holy boobs, Batman.
Florida separated by 0.2% now. Oh, Florida.