I feel that if you pay for insurance, you should simply be covered and that's that. You shouldn't have to worry about anything at that point, otherwise what IS the point of insurance?
It is unfortunate that someone was killed like this, and I am surprised we don't see this kinda thing happen more often.
I do feel that things need to change, because a lot of how things work in the USA shouldn't be the way the are. You should not have to worry about healthcare if you pay, you shouldn't have to worry about the wrong folks being in positions of power simply because they have money and bought their way through. A lot of things are wrong, yet people are fine with simply talking about them and going back to watching tiktok.
It is unfortunate that someone was killed like this, and I am surprised we don't see this kinda thing happen more often.
I do feel that things need to change, because a lot of how things work in the USA shouldn't be the way the are. You should not have to worry about healthcare if you pay, you shouldn't have to worry about the wrong folks being in positions of power simply because they have money and bought their way through. A lot of things are wrong, yet people are fine with simply talking about them and going back to watching tiktok.