Am I the only person who really enjoyed this?
The theatrical cut was a mess, but the directors cut is legitimately a great film, it's just too slow for modern audiences, much like it's source film. Loved they worked visual references to Cocteau's Beauty and the Beast into it, and I really like how they handled the father/son dynamic that was kind of a dead end in the original movie, even if you could see the twist coming a mile away.
Btw, just so everybody knows, Guillermo Del Toro had been trying to get a authentic remake of Frankenstein / Bride of Frankenstein made at Universal for almost 15 years based off of Bernie Wrightson's illustrations, and was attached to Creature from the Black Lagoon for over a decade, taking place in a period setting with a sunken mezo American temple as the main set piece. Of course because they're both Del Toro projects neither happened.