Guileless said:
Nicaraguans and Cubans aren't crashing planes into buildings; people from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Egypt did it. Egpyt receives billions in foreign aid, and Kuwait (and to a lesser extent Saudi Arabia's) very existence was ensured by the American military. The hijackers were mostly well-off, well-traveled people.
At what point should some prior US Secretary of State, if he had enjoyed the insight and foreknowledge that y'all are demonstrating in this thread, pushed away from his desk and said, "well, if we continue to do this we should expect suicide bombers to crash planes into buildings."
You know, I could flip this around. At what point should the Japanese minister of defense have pushed away from his desk and said "well if we drop these bombs on Pearl Harbour, we should expect two of our cities to get anhiliated by something called atomic bombs in three years"?
Or let's take another example. At what point should the freckle faced kid with the bare arms and short shorts pulled away from the tree and said to himself "well if I keep rattling this hive around with my stick, bees are gonna come out and sting my ass"?
The point is that the US has done nothing but rattle hives with their sticks for 50 years. And when you do that, you're gonna get stung. How and where you get stung is of no consequence, but it's going to happen.
The pilots may well have used missle launchers to take out some planes, similiar to one that might've taken down flight TWA #800 several years ago (yeah I know, it was really an engine malfunction that blew an entire airline up...ignore the witnesses). But they didn't have those means. So they used their cunning and came up with attack that cost little money, that couldn't really be stopped, and couldn't really be anticipiated (though they actually were at least a couple years prior to 9/11). But really, it doesn't matter how they were going to strike back...only a complete fool could've believed that retaliation wasn't inevitable. Alas, the US has been run by nothing but fools for 50 years.
bishoptl said:
Hollywood, if the terrorists could attack the people they hold most responsible, they would. But they can't hit the top government officials (attack on the Pentagon aside), so they go after the available targets - like Margaret Hassan, who previously to this bullshit junket was living in Iraq for 30 years, providing care and support to poor Iraqis. Regular folks like you and I working at the WTC. People going to work on at a train terminal in Spain. It's the regular people like us who pay the price, both in terror attacks and as cannon fodder on the front lines, not just now but down the road...and the instigators stay safe in their ivory towers. You want to throw away your life for Halliburton et al., that's your business.
The seeds are being planted.
This is what cracks me've got twats like Cheany, Rumsfield and Bush encouraging people to be vigiliant in the face of terror threats, go out in public and shop even when the terror alert media is bleeding red, or telling Iraqi citizens to go out there and vote, and to not worry about people blowing themselves the fuck up all over the map. And they spit out this shit while having more security flanking them then they'll have at the SuperBowl. Hell, wasn't Cheany locked away in Camp David for like two years following 9/11? And yet these scrots are telling people to go out and risk getting blown to bits? Fucking brainless, spineless, full of shit cunts.
Ahhhh...I needed that rant.
Now, given the fact that we allowed food, medicine, and other necessary provisions to freely flow into Iraq (as far as I understand; if this is mistaken to any significant degree, then I would obviously have to reconsider this argument), and only barred trade and other business from being done (i.e., limiting the influx of money), and also given the fact that during the sanctions regime Saddam funnelled billions of illegal dollars to fund various projects, including building new palaces for himself, instead of helping his people who were suffering--- given these facts, where does moral culpability for the deaths of civilians under sanctions lie?
Heh, Haliburton was allowed to do business in Iraq throughout the 90's...
Dick Cheney was CEO of that firm BTW, though he claims he had no knowledge of their business in Iraq during the trade embargo. Yeah, sure...and I'm Jaime Foxx. Meanwhile one company that wasn't even US located but did business in Iraq with Halliburton, saw it's main guy get thrown into jail for five years.
And people wonder why the US is hated...
Tommie Hu$tle said:
But, hitting Canada would be like Bin Laden crashing a plane in any ghetto in the US. No one would care.
:lol So true...not unlike all the high school shootouts that take place in ghettos getting no print, while the shootout in middle-class Columbine is held up as the tragedy of the decade.
Glad Xenon's let out that he's a Canada hater BTW, which precludes him from knowing that we dump on our government so much it's become a recreational sport. :lol The difference between our nations Yankee boy, is that we don't paint ourselves out to be the bastions of freedom for the world. That's your gig...and when you look like a bunch of fucking hypocrites when doing so, you're bound to take it up the poo chute sooner or later.
And outside of calling the WTC victims "little Eichmanns", Churchill didn't say much that isn't factual.