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University of Miami is offering full ride scholarships for all Florida DREAMers

Private schools can do what they want when it comes to what scholarships they offer.

Not like it's coming out of our taxes

This seems a fine move. Will being an actively enrolled student help DACA participants stay in country?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Private schools can do what they want when it comes to what scholarships they offer.

Not like it's coming out of our taxes

This seems a fine move. Will being an actively enrolled student help DACA participants stay in country?

State Attorney's are doing their best right now to fight the end of DACA. There seems to be a lot of support for them in Florida based on an interview with the miami school superintendent.


they have grants and social services to fall back on

lol I didn't get any grants.

Edit: well tbh, I'd prefer if it was free for everyone, but it's not like every citizen gets a free full ride to state universities or even financial aid (loans aren't free).

Velcro Fly

I think it is great and all but at the same time there are plenty of good, honest, hard working people getting squeezed. It isn't DREAMers fault or Miami's fault. It just stinks. So I'm not going to sit here and bad mouth people who may be upset. It is a shitty situation that many people are put in and I wish someone would do more for more people.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
I think it is great and all but at the same time there are plenty of good, honest, hard working people getting squeezed. It isn't DREAMers fault or Miami's fault. It just stinks. So I'm not going to sit here and bad mouth people who may be upset. It is a shitty situation that many people are put in and I wish someone would do more for more people.

Pretty much this.


They should extend this to kids in Miami's impoverishment neighbourhoods, whether they are "dreamers" or just poor.

I'm a Haitian American in Florida, and this would help a lot of poor Haiti teenagers ant kids in Miami. This would also benefit those from Latin America, or anyone regardless of race or nationality who are poor in Florida.
I think it is great and all but at the same time there are plenty of good, honest, hard working people getting squeezed. It isn't DREAMers fault or Miami's fault. It just stinks. So I'm not going to sit here and bad mouth people who may be upset. It is a shitty situation that many people are put in and I wish someone would do more for more people.
Who is getting squeezed? This isn't tax payer money. And good chance those students that might complain about this aren't getting into a school like Miami anyway.


I'm not sure why lay people feel they need to dictate to a private university how it should delegate its money.

If the university thinks this is a way to better society then this is not only totally their prerogative, but it's also laudable.
I just want to know who this is taking from? I mean other private schools give full funding for certain students too.

But I don't get pissed because I had to take out loans at the school I went to.

Private school. Not tax/state funds. Someone needs to explain this to me.


Ahh, the Gaffect. Some of you either live in a super strong bubble, don't understand how the human mind works or are just way too idealistic/optimistic. This is gonna have a huge backlash from different types of people. Also, the requirement that they must stay on campus makes it that much easier for ICE to round them up.
Amen, this is gonna backfire.

Backfire "bigly".

Come here illegally and then get free school while the citizens of this country have to pay? How will this not backfire to the masses.

I personally don't one want dreamer out of my country, not one, but this is going to have Fox News all over it.


I'm not sure why lay people feel they need to dictate to a private university how it should delegate its money.

If the university thinks this is a way to better society then this is not only totally their prerogative, but it's also laudable.

Being a private company doesn't mean people can't be upset with your deicisions. It's kind of like having free speech. I mean people are allowed to be upset... even if they're wrong or just salty.
Can't imagine how people paying their student loans off feel.

I feel fine because I was born in this country and have taken advantage of every possible privilege extended to me for absolutely no reason other than the color of my skin and my genitals. Whatever we as a nation can do to afford others a similar easing of their financial struggles to make a better life for themselves, their families, and this country is 100% fine by me.
getting angry at people getting free education seems like a bad waste of energy that could be better used towards pushing for free education for everyone
I just want to know who this is taking from? I mean other private schools give full funding for certain students too.

But I don't get pissed because I had to take out loans at the school I went to.

Private school. Not tax/state funds. Someone needs to explain this to me.

I'm almost amazed anyone would poo poo this..almost..


Backfire "bigly".

Come here illegally and then get free school while the citizens of this country have to pay? How will this not backfire to the masses.

I personally don't one want dreamer out of my country, not one, but this is going to have Fox News all over it.

Maybe its time we stop trying to downplay or not benefit people because it won't play well on Fox. It hasn't worked for the United States since the Third Way, its time for change.

Velcro Fly

Who is getting squeezed? This isn't tax payer money. And good chance those students that might complain about this aren't getting into a school like Miami anyway.

You misunderstand me.

I'm saying this is a good thing.

I'm also saying that the way the current system is set up in America sucks for a lot of people. If college were affordable for everyone, something like this would be less of a big deal and there wouldn't be this huge fear of backlash. Student debt is crushing and never goes away, so I personally won't badmouth people who are at first salty or upset about this. The current situation for many in America is not the fault of DREAMers or the University of Miami and them doing this for the DREAMers has basically no effect on people struggling with their own debt.

I just wish things were better here than they are, so that maybe something like this isn't a huge deal.


Being a private company doesn't mean people can't be upset with your deicisions. It's kind of like having free speech. I mean people are allowed to be upset... even if they're wrong or just salty.

I'm not saying you can't complain, and I'm certainly not about to force anyone to stop. I'm just saying it's dumb.

Honestly I'm not even sure how you managed to turn what I said into a free speech thing.
As a graduate, why would I be mad at this? It doesn't change my situation at all. And saying someone else should have a better opportunity because I didn't get the same is peak level stupidity on every level.


I have $10,000 in student loans, and I'm a first generation American (immigrant parents). I had scholarships and aid but it didn't cover everything. Also my parents didn't pay a dime.

I 100% support for this. I bet that anyone who doesn't support it didn't pay their own way through school, or didn't go to school.


Ahh, the Gaffect. Some of you either live in a super strong bubble, don't understand how the human mind works or are just way too idealistic/optimistic. This is gonna have a huge backlash from different types of people. Also, the requirement that they must stay on campus makes it that much easier for ICE to round them up.

Or we understand context and understand that these are people who were dealt a shitty hand in life and know better than to become resentful of an opportunity granted to them to ease some of their struggles

I'm well aware some people are petty and can't look beyond themselves.

Not sure why a private school should do anything. Maybe the state could stop destroying aid opportunities and university funding so those kids can go to the many good state schools in FL.



I think it is great and all but at the same time there are plenty of good, honest, hard working people getting squeezed. It isn't DREAMers fault or Miami's fault. It just stinks. So I'm not going to sit here and bad mouth people who may be upset. It is a shitty situation that many people are put in and I wish someone would do more for more people.

I'll have damn near 100k of debt I'll probably be paying on for the rest of my life (or most of it) by the time I'll finish my Master's next year and I don't give a shit if they are getting to go for free. We all should (or for a fraction of the cost).

If they aren't directing their anger in the right area they need to get a clue or step off, period. I ain't got time to coddle ignorance anymore.


Ahh, the Gaffect. Some of you either live in a super strong bubble, don't understand how the human mind works or are just way too idealistic/optimistic. This is gonna have a huge backlash from different types of people. Also, the requirement that they must stay on campus makes it that much easier for ICE to round them up.

Who cares? It's one school

No one here is oblivious to anything. Hell people already think DREAMERS get a free ride anyway. So what has changed then? Nothing.
Ahh, the Gaffect. Some of you either live in a super strong bubble, don't understand how the human mind works or are just way too idealistic/optimistic. This is gonna have a huge backlash from different types of people. Also, the requirement that they must stay on campus makes it that much easier for ICE to round them up.
Yeah a backlash from people that would have never applied to Miami or wouldn't be getting in. Who cares what joe redneck thinks.

You misunderstand me.

I'm saying this is a good thing.

I'm also saying that the way the current system is set up in America sucks for a lot of people. If college were affordable for everyone, something like this would be less of a big deal and there wouldn't be this huge fear of backlash. Student debt is crushing and never goes away, so I personally won't badmouth people who are at first salty or upset about this. The current situation for many in America is not the fault of DREAMers or the University of Miami and them doing this for the DREAMers has basically no effect on people struggling with their own debt.

I just wish things were better here than they are, so that maybe something like this isn't a huge deal.
I see. But citizens have a crap ton more opportunities to keep college costs down. They in general just do like me and go to the big state school for the experience and rack up bills.

DREAMers in general are also paying a crap ton into the system and getting little to nothing out of it. This is a small win for them that will likely affect dozens of students a year.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Who gives a shit how this plays to a certain element of America? Fox News would spin Obama creating the cure for cancer and giving it away for free as terrible for America. Stop trying to pander to people who at best don't give a shit in that first place or at worst are just ugly bigoted pieces of shit. The Dems have tried that play over and over and it always bites them in the ass.


DREAMers need all the help they can get. In my experience, they are good people and productive members of society. We NEED more of them and given the circumstances of today, things like this are good. They will pay this country back in the long run far more so than what we have invested into them.

God willing, DACA will be law and I will be proud as hell to call them Americans and yell, "Welcome Home!".

Velcro Fly

Yeah a backlash from people that would have never applied to Miami or wouldn't be getting in. Who cares what joe redneck thinks.

I see. But citizens have a crap ton more opportunities to keep college costs down. They in general just do like me and go to the big state school for the experience and rack up bills.

DREAMers in general are also paying a crap ton into the system and getting little to nothing out of it. This is a small win for them that will likely affect dozens of students a year.

Oh I agree. I'm not trying to take anything away from them.

I apologize if it sounded like I was mad or upset at all about this.


there is joy in sucking dick
As a graduate, why would I be mad at this? It doesn't change my situation at all. And saying someone else should have a better opportunity because I didn't get the same is peak level stupidity on every level.

It's similar to the minimum wage argument ad nauseam. How dare a burger flipper make as much as me because I chose the wrong major.
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