I'm starting to find the word problematic, problematic.
My mind fails to process how "oriental" can be a problematic word.
I'm starting to find the word problematic, problematic.
Probably to ensure transsexual people aren't microaggressed against.
Oriental is the only word on that list worth avoiding.
Yeah, it's becoming a challenged term because it's gendered.
I would think 'fat' would come before 'obese' or 'overweight'...
Anyways, these words are lightweight. But I suppose teenagers trigger a lot easier than adults...
Political correctness gone awry.
Well, according to the language guide itself, which should be referenced even when using terms suggested by the guide, this should then evolve to "European-Resident of the U.S.".But *gasp*
European-American individuals
has the word American in it, and American is also a problematic word according to them.
Came in expecting to see something like negroes or retarded on that list. Who even says most of these words when talking to people? I've never called an Asian person "Oriental".
It was used like 40-50 years ago as a derogatory term for all Far East Asians.
Every day I survive these terrible pico-aggressions
Those were on there:Came in expecting to see something like negroes or retarded on that list. Who even says most of these words when talking to people? I've never called an Asian person "Oriental".
Preferred: Black or African American
Problematic: negro, negroid, colored person, dark
Preferred: person who is learning disabled, person who has a cognitive disability, person with a learning or cognitive disability, persons
with intellectual and developmental disability
Problematic: retarded, slow, brain-damaged, special education student
Every day I survive these terrible pico-aggressions
No wonder i couldn't understand, stuff is 50 years old.
Note: Fat, a historically derogatory term, is increasingly being reclaimed by people of size and their allies, yet for some, it is a term that comes from pain.
The word "problematic" has exploded in popularity over the past 2-3 years.
Glossary of Language
Preferred: Folks, People, You All, Yall
Problematic/Outdated: Guys (when referring to people overall)
Stupid clickbait article? Stupid clickbait article.
Look at that. Y'all need to get as progressive in the rest of the country as we here in the South have been for centuries.
Pardon me, but I think you meant "differently gifted."Retarded
I think it's disgusting that you would casually drop a charged word like "challenged." What if a specially abled person read that?Yeah, it's becoming a challenged term because it's gendered.
Preferred: people of size
Problematic/Outdated: obese*, overweight people
Obese is the medicalization of size, and overweight is arbitrary; for example, standards differ from one culture to another.
Note: Fat, a historically derogatory term, is increasingly being reclaimed by people of size and their allies, yet for some, it is a term that comes from pain.
What about "you people"?
Preferred: person-using welfare
Problematic/Outdated: welfare queen
Obese is the medicalization of size
Freshperson. There, I solved a major problem for you, America.
My college didn't like the use of "freshman" either. They wanted us to use the word "first years"
What about "you people"?
Damn straight.What do you mean "you people"?
It's a weasel word for calling something racist, sexist, transexist, etc. in a muted, "acceptable" way. It's great because to accuse something of being racist or sexist is something people might reasonably scrutinize, whereas "problematic" lies in a nebulous area where weak arguments can have more leeway.
I think the writers of this guide just had their heads so far up their asses they didn't realize that Poe's Law'd themselves. I mean:Alright this has to be satire.
Preferred: people of advanced age, old people*
Problematic/Outdated: older people, elders, seniors, senior citizen
*Old people has been reclaimed by some older activists who believe the standard wording of old people lacks the stigma of the term advanced age. Old people also halts the euphemizing of age. Euphemizing automatically positions age as a negative.
Preferred: person who lacks advantages that others have, low economic status related to a persons education, occupation and income
Problematic: poor person, person from the ghetto
Note: Some people choose to live a life that is not connected to the consumer world of material possessions. They do not identify as poor.
Preferred: person living at or below the poverty line, people experiencing poverty
Problematic/Outdated: poor person, poverty-stricken person
Preferred: person-experiencing homelessness
Problematic/Outdated: the homeless, which reduces the person to being defined by their housing rather than as a person first - one who does not have a home
I think when used appropriately "problematic" can be a way to describe a complicated issue that isn't just overtly offensive. Unfortunately it's become extremely misused and overused in the last few years as everyone on tumblr finds new ways that you and I are being "problematic".
I think when used appropriately "problematic" can be a way to describe a complicated issue that isn't just overtly offensive. Unfortunately it's become extremely misused and overused in the last few years as everyone on tumblr finds new ways that you and I are being "problematic".
Fuck me, "fat allies" just made my entire month.
Fuck me, "fat allies" just made my entire month.