This doesn't suggest that at all.Looks more likely they will be spreading books 4&5 over seasons 5&6 as I hoped. Good. Give GRRM more time.
This doesn't suggest that at all.Looks more likely they will be spreading books 4&5 over seasons 5&6 as I hoped. Good. Give GRRM more time.
Looks more likely they will be spreading books 4&5 over seasons 5&6 as I hoped. Good. Give GRRM more time.
Well, first of all, it's not like Bran has a dozen chapters in any of the books. He can probably continue having 3-4 in the remaining books so it's not like GRRM has to come up with hundreds & hundreds of pages for Bran, not to even mention we don't know if he'll stay put. Secondly, how GRRM used Bran's new setting & "powers" was really fucking awesome in ADWD already, so I'm not worried about him coming up with more interesting stuff to happen to Bran. And that was just scratching the surface of potential that there is for all the intrique that surrounds the North, Bloodraven & what Bran will bring to the end game.George probably barely knows how to make chapters set inside a tree using ESP seem interesting, let along the Ds.
Looks more likely they will be spreading books 4&5 over seasons 5&6 as I hoped. Good. Give GRRM more time.
There's no bloat that would need to be added. Instead of rushing through the books that hasn't made for the best pacing in the TV show so far, they could give some instances more room to breathe as well as including more of the major storylines instead of cutting 90% of everything. The show so far isn't well paced. It has some well done scenes & stellar acting, but overall the pacing is just extremely bad. Sure, the books have their share of pacing problems, but taking time to properly build up to some dramatic moments, introduce characters and to not have to cut scenes short is preferable. The fast forward Best Of GRRM's ASOIAF nature that the show is currently like is much worse than any bloat that can be argued to be in the books.I thought we wanted them to make good television, not regurgitate GRRM's bloat.
I thought we wanted them to make good television, not regurgitate GRRM's bloat.
I wonder if they're not doing Bran's stuff because his visions reveal something major to the plot, and they want to save those reveals for the final season?
But if that were the case, they could easily swap those spoilery moments out for previous events? Maybe even a review of Lyanna and the events leading up to Robert's Rebellion?
I think it's very likely that whatever Bran's future content is has major end game implications for the series and therefore they probably can't get into that content until the other pieces of plot/characters are in place.
Hmmm... cutting out Bran and company from all of Season 5 would seem very strange. Just considering how it seemed like they sort of rushed Bran's story this past season to get to Bloodraven and then take a whole year off? I don't quite understand that.
Bollocks, honestly. They've been contracted to tell this story and bring it to a conclusion. You not liking the result has absolutely nothing to do with whether they have the right to do it or not.RatskyWatsky said:It isn't their story to tell though - it's their story to re-tell and that can't happen unless GRRM finishes the books.
So much this.That's the thing - D&D aren't capable of making good television on their own. They need the books or else the whole thing comes falling down (as illustrated by virtually every single change they've made over the years). The further they get from the books, the worse the show becomes.
And following the books has nothing to do with "regurgitating bloat", but that being said I'll take GRRM's bloat over D&D's laughable cliffnotes re-telling any day of the week.
That's the thing - D&D aren't capable of making good television on their own. They need the books or else the whole thing comes falling down (as illustrated by virtually every single change they've made over the years). The further they get from the books, the worse the show becomes.
And following the books has nothing to do with "regurgitating bloat", but that being said I'll take GRRM's bloat over D&D's laughable cliffnotes re-telling any day of the week.
This seems like the most likely answer. Delaying it for GRRM seems unthinkable, so there needs to be some plot or financial reason to put it off for a year.I think it's very likely that whatever Bran's future content is has major end game implications for the series and therefore they probably can't get into that content until the other pieces of plot/characters are in place.
I actually think the reality is that people will miss Hodor significantly more than they'll miss Bran, FWIW.
Bollocks, honestly. They've been contracted to tell this story and bring it to a conclusion. You not liking the result has absolutely nothing to do with whether they have the right to do it or not.
Like... You do realise that it's GRRM who's at fault for this situation, not the showrunners, yes? He didn't have to sell the TV rights with no end in sight for the series.
This doesn't mean Bran can't show up in other forms. It just wouldn't require the actor this year.
You'd think if they were gonna skip Bran this season, they would have put a bit more money/effort into the Bloodraven reveal. Like have a branch coming out of his eye or something.
If they knew that once Bran got to Bloodraven they would have to put his story on hold, why did they rush him there? They could have ended his arc in S4 with him meeting up with Coldhands and then had S5 be the remainder of his journey to the cave, with maybe an added scene or two. It would have been a light season for him, but I think that would have been preferable to no Bran whatsoever. Also, we would have gotten to see fucking Coldhands.
I dont think they cut out coldhands because they wanted to rush the story.
they didnt even rush it, they even added new stuff like captured summer. and people still complained it was the seasons most boring story where nothing happens.
Cersei's rape,
Not just him. The actual lines were very different. Cersei in the book is more worried about getting caught than anything, whereas in the show she simply doesn't consent to it, tries to push him away really hard and even cries.Not to vindicate D&D as I do think a lot of original material is misguided and/or of poor quality, but wasn't that scene screwed up by Alex Graves?
Not to vindicate D&D as I do think a lot of original material is misguided and/or of poor quality, but wasn't that scene screwed up by Alex Graves?
Not to vindicate D&D as I do think a lot of original material is misguided and/or of poor quality, but wasn't that scene screwed up by Alex Graves?
This article has a comparison.Does she cry in the show? Didn't she cry in the books?
if it was rape, then their would have been ramifications in later episodes.
I thought it was clearly edited to look like rape, which would fall in Benioff and Weiss' ballpark. Graves made it sound like he filmed something else, which could be true.
D&D changed the dialogue between Cersei and Jaime and made it effectively a rape scene (Cersei doesn't urges Jaime to penetrate her as opposted to the books, "I don't care" quote moved from Cersei to Jaime, added "no, no, no" and a long etc).
Noone could have filmed that script without looking like a rape, not even a talented director like Alex Graves. It was the most blatant screw up from D&D up to date. They tried to avoid blame and controversy by saying that it was intended to be a rape scene from the beggining, but it would seem to me that this wasn't their original intention.
Pretty sure they didn't shoot any season 4 Bran scenes in Iceland. They did their Iceland filming for season 4 in the summer, it's a lot of the riverlands scenes that you see (mostly Arya and The Hound).Seems a purely business decision. They've been forced to not only shoot in Northern Ireland but Iceland for Bran not to mention have to do the CGI for Summer.
And it doesn't help when fans always say he has the most boring story etc. It sucks because I actually thought they'd show us something new. A big problem with the show is, people forget. Will be two years before we see Bran again, and he'll be a fully grown man, almost 20 years old.
Probably because they didn't want to do a "character goes from point A to point B" plot forever. They already spent two full seasons of Bran and co simply traveling, which isn't exactly riveting at a macro level.If they knew that once Bran got to Bloodraven they would have to put his story on hold, why did they rush him there? They could have ended his arc in S4 with him meeting up with Coldhands and then had S5 be the remainder of his journey to the cave, with maybe an added scene or two. It would have been a light season for him, but I think that would have been preferable to no Bran whatsoever. Also, we would have gotten to see fucking Coldhands.
Bollocks, honestly. They've been contracted to tell this story and bring it to a conclusion. You not liking the result has absolutely nothing to do with whether they have the right to do it or not.
Like... You do realise that it's GRRM who's at fault for this situation, not the showrunners, yes? He didn't have to sell the TV rights with no end in sight for the series.
The problem is that I don't agree with your premise, there have been plenty of changes or new material written for the show that's been pretty good.
If you don't want to see what D&D do their own thing, it's probably time to stop watching the show.
It's gonna be at least another 6 to 8 years until the books are even finished, people thinking that a "hiatus" or "spreading out the remaining story over four seasons" is gonna change anything about that simple fact are just kidding themselves.
Fact is the series is going to end before the books do. You have two options.
1) Accept it and enjoy the show.
2) Don't and don't watch the show.
Seems simple enough to me.
It wouldn't take a genius to create material for Bran - hell, just have him learning to skinchange various animals, use them to save some humans from Others, see a flashback or two, etc. Boom, done.
I really wouldn't put Renly's missing peach among all those other atrocities, mate.Such as? Ros? The endless torture scenes featuring Theon? Yara and her pathetic attempted rescue? The bastardization of Jon Snow and everything up north? Jamie killing his cousin and then raping Cersei? Dany's constant "WHER AR MAH DRAGUNZ!?!?!?!" after her dragons are kidnapped by the warlocks? Arya's merry servant stint at Harrenhal? Renly's missing peach? Robb's awful deviation with Talisa? I mean, I could go on and on.
Some people apparently like bad TV.The thing is, why would anyone want to see D&D do their own thing?
I really wouldn't put Renly's missing peach among all those other atrocities, mate.![]()
I'd have put the Missandei/Grey Worm "romance" there instead, or Bran's abduction by the renegade Night Watchmen, or Pod's alleged sexual prowess or even that awful beetle speech. That was some awful, cringeworthy TV.
Also, funny choice of word for Jon, haha. (I agree though, they butchered his arc, especially in S2.)
Some people apparently like bad TV.(But if you call it bad TV, that means you're just a purist who whines about Margaery being too old or Roose Bolton's cloak not being pink or something.)
the sole purpose of ending the show within the arbitrary time frame they've allotted themselves.
Such as? [...] Arya's merry servant stint at Harrenhal?
We've already told all the good parts of this story so let's just rush through to the end!
when we know the outcome will be disastrous.
Essos did get more interesting with Tyrion and Arya being there though. It went from a 2/10 to a 5/10.From the non-reader thread:
"Essos will get a lot more interesting now that Tyrion, the Spider and Arya are on their way over. Really excited to see where those plotlines go. It's always felt so disconnected with it being 100% focused on Daenerys but that's about to change."
Oh, you sweet summer child... xD
Can someone explain Cersei's character to me? Like what her major malfunction is?
For instance, why did she never try to discipline Joffery and let him be a psycho?
She would want a strong, intelligent Lannister king to rule right? As opposed to the riots Joffery's brief rule ends up causing?
I guess Tywin's death pretty much seals the doom of the Lannisters if not the events of AFFC/ADWD
Well, sure, but for one thing, Braavos is pretty far from Meereen, and well, I've been waiting for Tyrion and Dany to meet for 14 years, and I'm starting to think that won't even happen in TWoW... or at all, really. xDEssos did get more interesting with Tyrion and Arya being there though. It went from a 2/10 to a 5/10.![]()
That one's easy: because she was in love with him. For the other questions, it's because, to quote Tywin, "she's not as smart as she thinks she is". xDAll that but you left out "Why did she repeatedly fuck her brother?"![]()
Essos did get more interesting with Tyrion and Arya being there though. It went from a 2/10 to a 5/10.![]()
Hey guys, I've been lurking the Book Threads throughout Season 4 and judging by my username you can guess what casting info I've been especially waiting on all season.
I really do not think that about 3.5 books can be covered in only 30 episodes. Maybe we will see some sort of episode split between two years just like Breaking Bad. It's pretty much a given at this point that some material from books 4&5 will slip into Season 6. Bowen Marsh being only in Season 5 up until episode 6 makes me feel that we might not see Jon's Assassination until the beginning of Season 6. Of course I could be very wrong with this.
But I have been wondering a lot lately is what the deal is with Aegon and JonCon? Obviously they won't be announced as themselves in official casting info but have we even heard rumors of actors fitting their descriptions? Apparently a location for Volantis has been chosen:
Fuzzy math is best math.I'll accept that math
Fuzzy math is best math.