Disney reveals the next Star Wars film is from Game of Thrones creators


Just a friendly PSA but please do remember :
There can not be a new saga or trilogy as long as Chewie is alive or the Millenium Falcon exists.
The poster will be funny.

From the writers of post book Game of Thrones and X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Wait, it all makes sense now. These peope had a hand in sewing shut deadpool’s “the merc with a mouth” mouth. Holy shit they where subverting expectations 10 years ago already.
Disney’s gonna drain every last ounce of worth out of that husk formerly known as “Star Wars”, isn’t it? George Lucas might catch shit for the prequels, but the man was damned smart for selling the franchise to Disney and letting them tarnish and ruin it so much that his highly ridiculed prequels look like Citizen Kane by comparison.

It’s spite, and it must feel pretty good to get some retribution.

“You thought the prequels were shitty? Look what Disney is doing and get back to me on that while I wipe my ass with hundred-dollar bills.”

Nah, shame on Lucas for enabling this, he's ruined Star War's long term legacy with this.

Decades from now Star Wars will probably be mostly forgotten, it could have instead been something like Wizard of Oz, aged gracefully into a classic that decades into the future people will still revisit, but now Disney is sucking every ounce of magic out of it and the original trilogy will likely get lost in the shuffles of who knows how many dozens of sequels and reboots.

Artists should think about the long term legacy of their work, the Wizard of Oz turns 80 this year and is still a movie people remember and like, will the same be said of Stars Wars when it turns 80? Lucas pissed away his legacy.

To be fair, I think he realizes he made a terrible mistake and there's no way he could have known Disney would fuck it up so badly, but it was still not a smart move.


It looks like they are switching back to films again prior to Star Wars. I just realised they wrote Gemini Man. It's directed by Ang Lee and stars Will Smith so I'll be there for those 2.
Gemini Man will be in a weird situation whether it's good or bad. Who made it good or who made it bad? Ang Lee and Will Smith are both very talented so even if D&D write a shit film, Ang Lee could still turn it in to something great. If it's a shit film is it Ang Lee's fault or is it D&D's fault because their script was shit?

The trailer.

The Giant


So true.


Neo Member
Probably the worst possible time this could have been announced. The writing has been so bad in Thrones this season, I legitimately feel bad for Star Wars at this point.


Let's see what the writers can do with their own story though.
I don't think it's fair to compare this to the last 2 series of Game Of Thrones.
It must be do difficult to finish off another writers story.

Give them the chance to do their own story from start to finish and see how they get on.


Personally I don't give a shit anymore. Disney are just milking it and LucasFilm has no idea what their doing. At least Marvel Studios has Feige running around making sure everything fits together meanwhile

I don't think it's fair to compare this to the last 2 series of Game Of Thrones.
It's completely fair. Both are established universes with their own lore and sets of rules that the writers have to play within. The question isn't whether or not it'll be good, but whether or not it'll be believable. This is where TLJ failed horrendously despite being a decent standalone film and from what I hear from ASOIAF fans, it's where D&D have been failing for the last 2 years with GoT.
Nah, shame on Lucas for enabling this, he's ruined Star War's long term legacy with this.
Nah I feel sorry for Georgie boy. For all the hate he gets you have to remember he let the EU do whatever they want and it's still the best thing about Star Wars (insert joke about Star Wars only being good when Lucas has little to no involvement). There's no way he could have known Disney would have shat on the EU and the SW lore though in hindsight JJ should have been huge red flag. I remember when the ST was announced everyone was hyped as fuck about the books possibly being adapted and it really did seem like they were gonna make SW great again.

Anyway, it's still his baby and you could see in his works that Star Wars was always about the kids. Pretty sure there's an interview on YouTube somewhere just after American Graffiti of him talking about doing a Space Opera next and that little boys around the world were gonna love it.

Kinda wish he wasn't so salty about the prequels but at the same time I think the backlash was a bit too extreme.

I still maintain they weren't that bad and that RotS is unironically the best SW film.


Good job on completely turbo fucking Star Wars in every way, Disney.

Who in their right mind is not sick of Star Wars?

Luckily we have a “hiatus” coming up with three OT themed tv series so if you weren’t already sick of endlessly rehashing the same ideas Lucas had 40 years ago strap in for more!
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I don't know about Star Trek, but according to him, he was the reason why Casino Royale happened because he really wanted to do a James Bond film. And as much as James Bond ain't Tarantinos style, I think he would have been able to have pulled it off. Tarantino has a very specific style, but we have not seen him do stuff like a bond film or star trek. He might be able to stay "on brand" more than people give him credit for. His films are after all- almost universally a homage to films he himself loves, and he is committed to them.

Time and time again he has shown that he understands genre films. Everything he has tackled, he has done well. Perhaps with the exception of grindhouse, which felt more like he wasn't even trying because it was so pulpy and silly. Stupid for stupid sakes.

I am more interested in why he would want to do Star Trek. Star Treks character and dialogue is the opposite of what Tarantino does best, so I wonder what he sees in that is redeemable. Maybe I just think that because I find Star Treks character and dialogue to be more dry a than sand in Sahara.

Let him do a Voyager movie. I always wanted to see Seven of Nine's feet.


Let's see what the writers can do with their own story though.
I don't think it's fair to compare this to the last 2 series of Game Of Thrones.
It must be do difficult to finish off another writers story.

Give them the chance to do their own story from start to finish and see how they get on.
I imagine it is one thing to be difficult and the other to butcher it. I get you are trying to be reasonable and fair but as a fan of both franchises. I cannot help but feel disappointed by this move. The previous season was a little hard to watch too but most people were easily dismissive. Now the writing is so bad that the willfully blind are starting to see.


Gold Member
It will star a CGI Leia going back in time using the hyperspace realm and aborting Kylo Ren in Alabama...... and something about tariffs. I read for the part of the guy who flies the even bigger than the last death star, but they were looking for someone more woke.

Or they get rid of Kennedy and make something good.
You all know that David Benioff wrote that Wolverine Origins movie? The one with the fucked up Deadpool. It’s all starting to make sense...



Grace Randolph claims Disney has put Rian Johnson’s trilogy on indefinite ice but managed to keep it out of the press.



I mean it would make sense, just never talk about it or say oh yeah his trilogy is in development till people move on and forget. Especially by the time the last movie of the new trilogy comes out in what 2026?


Especially by the time the last movie of the new trilogy comes out in what 2026?

Right. If the Benioff/Weiss trilogy is separate from Rian's and doesn't finish up until 2026, when exactly is Rian's supposed to release?

It's like Disney basically told us it's not happening, they just won't come out and use the words.


I'm gonna play devil's advocate and say that despite me hating GoT season 8 and their terrible writing. I still am willing to give them the chance on star wars.

Why? Because let's be honest here, the star wars movies never were deep works of art in terms of storytelling as something like ASOIAF or the TV show is/was. And as seen in season 8 of GoT they go more for big hollywood action and twists than well written story. Maybe they can produce better scripts for the new star wars trilogy than what we got from disney so far and give us some fun star wars blockbusters. So I am just gonna wait and see how their first movie turns out.

If it's the old republic they are going for, then just pick from some of the best stories that have been told in the extended lore and adapt it into a new story. Cause when they adapted Martin's books they did a good job.
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