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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 7 - Sundays on HBO


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Also in case anyone doubts, Melisandre directly says Jon Snow is the Prince that was Promised in Season 6.


It will probably be Jon's return that Shireen's death brings. The Freys & Manderlys get sent out at the end of ADWD (or beginning of Winds). So it's likely that the Manderlys will kill the Freys, thus giving Stannis an advantage in men. Plus if Stannis burns
that could help with any advantage they need.

Theon is the rightful ruler of the Iron Islands. He's every bit as valuable as, say, Sansa, so killing him would be so stupid as to be nearly unfathomable.

Rhaegar got divorced. Lots of people do that.

Like who? I can't think of anyone offhand.


Rhaegar got divorced. Lots of people do that.

Okay. If a married man with two children decides to seduce a 16 year old, have an affair, divorce his wife, elope with the 16 year old, marries her in secret, and immediately impregnates her while ensuring that she does not contact her family, I would say he's a fucking garbage human being too.
Okay. If a married man with two children decides to seduce a 16 year old, have an affair, divorce his wife, elope with the 16 year old, marries her in secret, and immediately impregnates her while ensuring that she does not contact her family, I would say he's a fucking garbage human being too.

it was different back then

back then you had to joust to win a persons heart

now a days you just need 50 instagram followers

I'm sure Rhaegar would have those 50 instagram followers tho


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
And she said it was Stannis in Season 5. In Season 7 it's now a mistranslation. Worst prophecy ever.
Well to be fair it was Missendai who said it was mistranslation, and I think it's used to give Dany away as a red herring (for some reason). Maybe for the show only watchers.
Theon is the rightful ruler of the Iron Islands. He's every bit as valuable as, say, Sansa, so killing him would be so stupid as to be nearly unfathomable.

Like who? I can't think of anyone offhand.
Theon is not the rightful ruler, he has no cock and can give no heirs. He also has Asha, who can give heirs. Theon doesn't need anymore redemption than he already has. I would love to see him survive, but his usefulness to the plot is not much.


Ya'll don't think Rhaegar being a piece of shit kinda fits with Martin's universe? Everyone is flawed. Rhaegar as this supposedly tragic, prodigous paragon is actually unfitting. No one in this universe is as good as him.

Theon is the rightful ruler of the Iron Islands. He's every bit as valuable as, say, Sansa, so killing him would be so stupid as to be nearly unfathomable.
As far as Stannis knows, Theon slew the Stark boys. Theon also supported two traitors, Robb and Balon. Stannis is a justice junkie. You do the math. TWOW:
He is, in fact, considering executing Theon.

He's also got Asha in chains. There's your rightful ruler to the Iron Islands.


I am Korean.
So the quarrel was real, it really was that stupid. Jesus.

Characters withholding vital info just to artificially create conflict where there shouldn't be any is the #1 lazy writing tactic that pisses me off.

"Littlefinger was hiding it in his room."

Conflict averted. Wouldn't even need Bran to redirect Sansa and Arya straight at LF's throat.

The fact his plan hinged on Arya keeping her source secret just demonstrates how god awful his plan really was.


Ya'll don't think Rhaegar being a piece of shit kinda fits with Martin's universe? Everyone is flawed. Rhaegar as this supposedly tragic, prodigous paragon is actually unfitting. No one in this universe is as good as him.

I don't think anyone is saying it doesn't fit. Just that it's weird to go "oh, he got divorced and married Lyanna, so it's actually okay!"

It's not okay!


But on the other hand

He was also objectively 100% right

Where would we be without our Lord and Saviour Aejon Starkgaryaunt


I don't think anyone is saying it doesn't fit. Just that it's weird to go "oh, he got divorced and married Lyanna, so it's actually okay!"

It's not okay!
Exactly my point, just because Jon is now a legitimate Targaryan, doesn't make Rhaegar suddenly a good guy.

I blame Bran for saying that "he loved her", even though we have been shown that he didn't love her, but was obsessed with TPWP prophecy, and Lyanna was just a pawn in his chase for it.


The show is really pushing the idea that marriage = love for some reason. That's not how feudal marriages (or marriages in the previous seasons) worked.


Exactly my point, just because Jon is now a legitimate Targaryan, doesn't make Rhaegar suddenly a good guy.

I blame Bran for saying that "he loved her", even though we have been shown that he didn't love her, but was obsessed with TPWP prophecy, and Lyanna was just a pawn in his chase for it.

If they were really just in love, there would be no annulment or secret marriage. The fact that it was all so meticulously planned shows Ragger Taggy was after something else. The legitimacy of Jon is a disgusting attempt to engineer a savior, and everyone suffered more for it. Gross.

Bran is an IDIOT.
Rhaegar indirectly started a Civil War because he thought Lyanna was hot.

Rhaegar was kind of a shitty person.

indirectly? He knew the importance of his marriage to Elia and the alliance with Dorne
He probably knew that Lyanna was betrothed to Robert
He knew that he was next in the line of succession and running off with a 16-year-old would probably fuck that up

Stannis"s opinions on Rheagar are spot on.


indirectly? He knew the importance of his marriage to Elia and the alliance with Dorne
He probably knew that Lyanna was betrothed to Robert
He knew that he was next in the line of succession and running off with a 16-year-old would probably fuck that up

Stannis"s opinions on Rheagar are spot on.
And IIRC it is strongly implied that he intended to remove his father from the Throne to take over as King.
I don't think anyone is saying it doesn't fit. Just that it's weird to go "oh, he got divorced and married Lyanna, so it's actually okay!"

It's not okay!
Are people saying it's ok, or that it makes Jon legitimate by the laws of bastardy? Seems to be the latter, really.


Rheagar always sounded like a crazy person to me. He's interesting with what little we know of him and possibly would have been a good king but certainly fucking crazy.


Rhaegar would have probably made a better king than Aerys, but that's not a hard thing to do. Dude was definitely overly obsessed with prophecies and destinies and whatnot. Would have still probably been remember fondly by the Westerosi, like Baelor (who what we can surmise was a pretty bad king).


Stannis burning Shireen is directly from GRRM and has been confirmed in 2 isntances

it's on the dvd commentary
"Although it has yet to feature in A Song Of Ice And Fire, George R.R. Martin has confirmed that it was always his intention for Stannis and Melisandre to sacrifice Shireen to the God of Light."

and this is the inside the episode of that episode
"It's obviously the hardest choice in his life. And what it comes down to, is just ambition versus familial love, and for Stannis that choice is sadly ambition.
When George first told us about this, we just thought it was so horrible and so good because it all comes together. The very first time we saw Stannis and Melisandre they were sacrificing people and it's really all come to this"

as I said before, it needs to be Stannis who does it, everything else behind his back would be utter nonsense and bad writing. it needs to be his choice, the choice between duty and family needs to be his downfall. that's interesting writing. not someone else doing it behind his back without his interference.
burning shireen needs to be about Stannis, not someone betraying him. I don't understand why so many have a problem understanding that. it needs to be a consequence.
Yeah, it perfectly fits in the downfall of stannis as a character.

A righteous man who is all about the justice, and at the same time he is slave to his duty. Melisandre tells him he's destined by the lord of light, and he gets it in his head that his justice is divine. So when the time comes to choose between familial duty or divine duty, he chooses the divine and it breaks him.

That is something that GRRM would write for his character, it's far too calculated for DD.
I can buy a lot of things that GRRM told D&D, but I can't buy that Stannis would burn his own daughter.
It might not happen as it did on the show, but trust me it's coming, George set it up a long time ago:

"I never asked for this crown. Gold is cold and heavy on the head, but so long as I am the king, I have a duty … If I must sacrifice one child to the flames to save a million from the dark … Sacrifice … is never easy, Davos. Or it is no true sacrifice."
Well to be fair it was Missendai who said it was mistranslation, and I think it's used to give Dany away as a red herring (for some reason). Maybe for the show only watchers.

Theon is not the rightful ruler, he has no cock and can give no heirs. He also has Asha, who can give heirs. Theon doesn't need anymore redemption than he already has. I would love to see him survive, but his usefulness to the plot is not much.
Theon's living and has plenty of potential usefulness.
Sansa and Arya haven't seen each other in years, they didn't like each other in the first place, and now Arya is some weird assassin while Sansa is hanging out with Littlefinger.

Not so crazy they distrusted and were hostile to each other.
Arya wasn't a master schemer, but she was at least street wise.
Not too late to cast Kevin Spacey as Howland Reed. Or maybe Jeremy Irons.
*Pretends to be shocked by Jon's identity reveal then slowly turns and looks at camera* Of course I knew Jon's true parentage all along.


Theon is going to get the chance to make amends for Robb and take his Ironborn south in support of a Stark brother.

Probably he's not going to have much choice because ice Jon won't be no dumb trusting soft touch Robb and Theon will have to do what he's told under threat of Jon taking Asha's head.

Or it'll go the other way and it will be Theon's head Jon holds over Asha, but Torgon the Latecomer heavily suggests it is Theon that will be doing the ruling.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Stannis burning Shireen is directly from GRRM and has been confirmed in 2 isntances

it's on the dvd commentary
"Although it has yet to feature in A Song Of Ice And Fire, George R.R. Martin has confirmed that it was always his intention for Stannis and Melisandre to sacrifice Shireen to the God of Light."

and this is the inside the episode of that episode
"It's obviously the hardest choice in his life. And what it comes down to, is just ambition versus familial love, and for Stannis that choice is sadly ambition.
When George first told us about this, we just thought it was so horrible and so good because it all comes together. The very first time we saw Stannis and Melisandre they were sacrificing people and it's really all come to this"

as I said before, it needs to be Stannis who does it, everything else behind his back would be utter nonsense and bad writing. it needs to be his choice, the choice between duty and family needs to be his downfall. that's interesting writing. not someone else doing it behind his back without his interference.
burning shireen needs to be about Stannis, not someone betraying him. I don't understand why so many have a problem understanding that. it needs to be a consequence.
I think people are finding the logistics of it hard to understand and when it would occur. The show actually does a decent job of making it seem like he has to do it. The books have Shireen so far away from Stannis, with a dead Jon Snow who needs to be resurrected. Maybe Ghost is scarficed to save Jon?
It might not happen as it did on the show, but trust me it's coming, George set it up a long time ago:

"I never asked for this crown. Gold is cold and heavy on the head, but so long as I am the king, I have a duty … If I must sacrifice one child to the flames to save a million from the dark … Sacrifice … is never easy, Davos. Or it is no true sacrifice."

Theon's living and has plenty of potential usefulness.
What could Theon possibly add to the end-game of the book story? Show Theon is just going after Euron.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Yes so she's a skilled murderer, there's a name for that - assassin. She only gets joy from killing the people she hate though, not killing in general. Psychopaths lack empathy, her entire arc of rejecting a dispassionate sense of murder as duty, but instead choosing to kill targets of her choosing and not killing those she feels do not deserve death, shows the opposite of being a psychopath.

there is a word for assassins who enjoy their jobs. and assassins are supposed to get paid. for her it's more like a hobby.


I don't think anyone is saying it doesn't fit. Just that it's weird to go "oh, he got divorced and married Lyanna, so it's actually okay!"

It's not okay!

How do you that his ex wife didn't beat him and nagged at him when he got home from work? Used the kids against him even!

All he wanted was to take his pants, drink some kilk of the puppy and watch the Kings Landing vs Dorne game ffs.
Good discussions going on in here.

"It's obviously the hardest choice in his life. And what it comes down to, is just ambition versus familial love, and for Stannis that choice is sadly ambition."


it needs to be his choice, the choice between duty and family needs to be his downfall

The difference between ambition vs. duty means everything to me here. It felt like D&D didn't earn Stannis burning Shireen. It didn't ring true to where he was as a character at that moment.

I think Stannis may burn shireen, but I'd imagine the circumstances are going to be much more dire, and it's not going to be for ambition.

"I never asked for this crown. Gold is cold and heavy on the head, but so long as I am the king, I have a duty … If I must sacrifice one child to the flames to save a million from the dark … Sacrifice … is never easy, Davos. Or it is no true sacrifice."

I really think that Stannis is going to win the battle of ice, and then later either be faced with the white walkers or Danny and her dragons. I'm leaning towards the white walkers ("save millions from the dark"), and in that dire situation choose to burn Shireen to try and save the realm.

I could see Stannis back at the wall with a dead Jon Snow, and white walkers at the gate, and him sacrifincg shireen which ends up resurecting Jon Snow. I admit that's a lot of conjecture and wishful thinking on my part though, but I feel like it makes more sense given where the characters are at in the book

Edit: Or maybe stannis loses the battle, escapes to the wall, and that's when he burns Shireen. I guess I could see that as well
Rhaegar didn't just fuck Lyanna because she was hot. Elia being frail and sickly, and Lyanna being wild and strong, definitely played a bigger role. They were both hot.


Theon is about to light Euron up.

Rhaegar was a cunt.

Lyanna was a young fool.

The rebellion was started by the North, was it not? Buring the warden of the North and his first born alive would start a rebellion. That was not a lie.

I would like to again state my desire for a lot more Samwell next season. Underappreciated actor and character, he has actual charisma which cannot be said about the two current leads of the show. Managed to get a human moment out of Bran.
Rhaegar was a cunt.

Lyanna was a young fool.

The rebellion was started by the North, was it not?
Buring the warden of the North and his first born alive would start a rebellion. That was not a lie.

The Vale, actually. After killing Brandon & Rickard Stark Aerys demanded that Robert Baratheon & Ned Stark also be killed and for their bodies to be sent down to King's Landing, which Jon Arryn said fuck that to and called his banners.

That whole sequence in the finale seemed like a poor effort at whitewashing the Targaryens by laying the blame at the rebel's feet rather than the Targaryens.


If they were really just in love, there would be no annulment or secret marriage. The fact that it was all so meticulously planned shows Ragger Taggy was after something else. The legitimacy of Jon is a disgusting attempt to engineer a savior, and everyone suffered more for it. Gross.

Bran is an IDIOT.

Wait so Jon is the Kwisatz Haderach?

Martin is a fucking hack ;)


The Vale, actually. After killing Brandon & Rickard Stark Aerys demanded that Robert Baratheon & Ned Stark also be killed and for their bodies to be sent down to King's Landing, which Jon Arryn said fuck that to and called his banners.

That whole sequence in the finale seemed like a poor effort at whitewashing the Targaryens by laying the blame at the rebel's feet rather than the Targaryens.

Should also be mentioned that Jon Arryn's nephew, the heir to the Vale at that time, was also among those executed by the Mad King. So Jon, when he raised his banners in defiance, couldn't care less about 'the lie'.


I've always loved how Selmy and Jamie have mirrored storylines. Jamie goes from killing the king to discovering honor, Selmy goes from pure knight to overthrowing and imprisoning an innocent king. Really fascinating stuff. And I have no clue where either character is going (though both are in immediate peril).
I've always loved how Selmy and Jamie have mirrored storylines. Jamie goes from killing the king to discovering honor, Selmy goes from pure knight to overthrowing and imprisoning an innocent king. Really fascinating stuff. And I have no clue where either character is going (though both are in immediate peril).

Who is the innocent King that Selmy has imprisoned?
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