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Unreal Championship Xbox for $9.99... when does it stop sucking balls though?

hey dudes, just a quick update and comments from the frys sale. here are the games i saw on sale:

- devil may cry 2 (9.99)
- unreal championship (9.99)
- shenmue 2 ($14.99)
- ssx 3 (playstation 2, $12.99... i only saw the tag, couldn't find the game. it said something like ssx 3 and something after. don't know if it was a bonus dvd or something)
- sonic DX $9.99

games that were NOT $9.99

-skies of arcadia - gamecube... plenty of copies, but it was $19.99

anyways, back to unreal championship. i know i only paid $10, but man this game is a piece of shit online. it's so fucking laggy and the performance is piss poor. i don't even know WHY i die, who kills me, who i kill, or how i kill them. just seems like i'll be shooting randomly, and all of a sudden it says "You killed Joeyjojo". then i'll be running along and all of a sudden im dead, but i didn't see anyone. i joined a game with a "good" rating (best i saw, 4 stars) and it was still assy. i should have listened to you dudes when you told me not to buy it. being out $10 isn't a big deal, but now ive wasted an hour of my life playing this dog shit


i never had any problems with the lag but i just wasnt used to the speed of the game especially after being completely used to halo. with that said im looking forward to unreal championship 2. that game looks sick, i'll manage to get used to the speed.
i offered to play you, i was online! i couldn't use the computer after cause my gf's sister was on it etc. i played some dude and beat him by 2... he sent sammy home after socking me which would have cut it to 1 with 2 outs and a man on 2nd, but i tagged him out and the plate and surprisingly didn't drop it.

but back to unreal championship, man its terrible online. unreal championship 2 was cool as hell, i'm looking forward to it too. unreal championship 1 wouldn't be bad if it weren't for the lag.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
In answer to your thread title, never.

I played UC2 though and it is incredible in comparrison. Melee combat and fatalities need a tweak though.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
i should have listened to you dudes when you told me not to buy it.

Yes you should have, it would have saved us all the time of reading your "impressions" of this 2 year old game.
Yeah I'd reccomend waiting for Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict, or picking up Unreal Tournament 2004 on the PC. But $10 isn't a bad deal if your looking for some quick fun.


I actually liked this game, I found the game performed better after it was patched. Lag was a problem in the bigger games, but in general XBOX LIve has been pretty disappointing for games with greater than 10 people unless the host is playing on a T1 Connection.

On the XBOX Unreal was really the only game in town for a long time and to this day there really is nothing like it on the system. The speed and variety of weapons and modes are still unsurpassed.

There are lots of other games like RTCW, RS-3, Counterstrike, SOF and others but they all seem to offer a variation of the same theme, UNREAL is just out there with its SCI-fi setting, crazy weapons, instant respawns, and flat out running all the time. That said I loved counterstrike, RS-3 and RTCW, but I don't get the hate for Unreal.


0G M3mbeR
Unreal Championship is the biggest pile of trash ever. Such a weak shadow of UT2k3 it isn't even funny.
I enjoy Unreal Championship, but did notice that it was hard to get a good room online last time I went on..

it got better when I played with rooms of 6-10 people instead of 10+...

when you get a good room, the game is wonderful on xbox live..

UC2 does look leagues better, and I dont tend to play UC anymore; counterstrike has been golden online (no newbies anymore) as well as RTCW..
Unreal Championship is probably my favorite XBOX online first person shooter. I have no idea what people see in Wolfenstein... That game flat out sucked balls. Rainbow Six 3 and Counter Strike.... why bother I ask? WHY?! THERE IS NO REASON TO!
Yes you should have, it would have saved us all the time of reading your "impressions" of this 2 year old game.

either you are retarded, or can't read. why the fuck would you even click on the thread if you didn't want to read about "this 2 year old game"?

also, virtua fighter 4 AND virtua fighter 4 evolution were $9.99


FrenchMovieTheme said:
either you are retarded, or can't read.

Yeah I am the retard who can't read. How many people posted that you should not get the game? Maybe you are the illiterate retard here?


being watched
Unreal with the no-AA update is a good competent well made deathmatch blaster.

And that is it's problem.

Multiplayer gaming has gotten a lot more sophisticated in the last 3-4 years and I personally found the straight deathmatch simply didn't cut it anymore.

And Raise Havok speaks the truth. RTCW is utter shit.
Yeah I am the retard who can't read. How many people posted that you should not get the game? Maybe you are the illiterate retard here?

except my point wasn't "hey jackasses, why didn't you tell me this game sucked!" when they clearly did. my point was YOU were saying "it would have saved us all the time of reading your "impressions" of this 2 year old game." gee what the fuck did you expect the thread to consist of when the title says "UNREAL CHAMPIONSHIP... WHEN DOES IT STOP SUCKING"? now get out of here dude, if you post in this thread again it will confirm to me that you are retarded

p.s. i didn't like return to castle wolfenstein either. andy dufrense plays that fucking game non-stop dudes


I would expect a guy who has been told by countless people not to pick up a 2 year old game that is being blown out at the low price to have the decency to not make another topic complaining about it.

What is new here? People told you would not like it, they told you to not buy it but what do you do? You buy it any way then questions when does it stop sucking?

Grow up already.


keep your strippers out of my American football
I bought that game the day of release and I didn't like it at all. The patch helped things a bit, but it still was pretty bad. Supposedly UC2 will fix the problems but we will see. I also didn't like RCTW, single player or multi-player.
I would expect a guy who has been told by countless people not to pick up a 2 year old game that is being blown out at the low price to have the decency to not make another topic complaining about it.

What is new here? People told you would not like it, they told you to not buy it but what do you do? You buy it any way then questions when does it stop sucking?

Grow up already.

here's the thing: people have said don't buy madden, people have said buy breakdown, people say a lot of things on this board and they're not always true. so, i figured for $10 it was worth the risk.

why are you still posting in this thread anyways? stfu and gtfo


I'll go only if you promise to update the forum on everyone of your purchasing decisions. I hope you pick up Bruce Lee or Blinx, I wait with baited breath to read what you think about those gems.
Before you listen to the haters, you owe it to yourself to check out Bombing run via XBL or with pals. $10 for UC?! What's with the complaints? yeah, we ALL know that UT2K3 for the PC was the better game (and it should be since Digital Extremes/Epic were press to make the XBL launch date and they commited significant reosurce to the PC development). it went form being an XBox exclusive to pandering to the increased PC gamers crying that consoles are stealing all the PC developers. But I digress....

UC is a decent game, even better when you get the update via XBL. But UC2 looks kick ass and a game guilt from scratch on the XBox hardware. I pumped to get my hand on this when it's released later this year.
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