I have noticed when I played on OLED the 1st time, I just didn't mind it, and I like Motion blur in my games so I guess it worked best for me (and you tooFor me, it was using an OLED TV. Due to OLED panels having essentially zero pixel blur, low framerate games often look extremely choppy. It requires games with well-implemented motion blur and such to counter this.
That said, I still choose quality 30fps in games that handle it well (Final Fantasy XVI, Control).
I think that 40fps in a 120hz container is the best option overall.

I just don't see any justification in lowering the overall graphical quality or decreasing the overall complexity of such game all in order to chase after 60 FPS, just imagine if GTA VI has a 60 FPS option on base PS5? You immediately begin to think that it may not be a very impressive game, something had to give in order to make its world adhere to that CPU being able to simulate all that 60 times a second, and as a result, it may not be as ambitious or as advanced as I or others would've liked it to be. But hey that's me.