I think this is the only way I can let myself back on the obrad, I had a bit to drink, but I'm nice, not totally wasted. I can still type, j¨st need to concentrate. Sorry I lied to everyone. I can t wait for metal gear solid 4. I think it takes place under earth. This is like the only way I can open up to people. Am at my old house, don't have any internet where I live. Still visit the place when I can. You know who I can't stand?> Man I'm tired. Glad there isn't work tomorrow. Today. So what's up everyone? Is it normal to get headaches while youre' drinking? Doesn't that happen afterwards? I had a good time. Never been to a pub before.. It sucks because I think the only way I can really open up now is when I drink. I'd never drank out in public before, but I was with frie ndsso I knew it was safe. I'm typing this up because I want to remember how I am. I gotta go now. Later people. I know I'm typoing, and it's not that I'm wasted, I'm just tired to go back an correct it. Oh, I'm a happy drunk, not a sad one!