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Upcoming Vita games (OVER 150 games with screens inside!) L@@K

Fady K

I had no idea Broken Sword 5-2 wasn't available in the US yet.

If we're listing games already released in Europe but not in the US yet, you might as well add the Ratchet and Clank Collection.

I added it earlier by the way; apparently it comes out this Tuesday ^^

I wish PSN had a wishlist for an easy way to keep track of these games...

I agree. That's one thing I love about google's play store - it has that feature.

Glad I saw this thread. It's my first time hearing of Cosmic Star Heroine and I had no idea it was a Kickstarter. Hoping it makes it this year because it looks awesome.

Glad you saw it as well. Plenty of lovely games to look forward to.

I clicked this thread expecting all retail games.

Left disappointed. 99% of the picks I simply wasnt interested in. Every platform has several hundred games if you include smaller digital releases.

To be fair to the Vita, the majority of the downloadable/digital releases, I wouldn't consider small at all. Some of them are among the most promising games coming out in the next couple of years.

You're welcome. And thanks for putting this list together. I usually know what games there are on the platforms I own, but a lot of those so-called indies really went under my radar.

You're most welcome as well yaffi. Believe it or not the same went for me, I did not know about at least a dozen or so of these games. I only found out after some research earlier!

This is the best thread. I am going to play so freaking many of these games!!

Really glad you liked it, much to play indeed ^^

I know right? I'm still a bit upset with Sony ignoring the Vita for Powers but I'm such a better mode now thanks to all nice looking third party games.

I love Sony but that Powers segment really did not belong there IMO. I would have really, really preferred that amount of time allotted for the Vita, minimum.

Just want to repeat it again: Amazing, AMAZING thread!

Good job, buddy ^_^

You are most welcome Bundy :)!! Really happy with all the support from different gamers in helping provide even more games to the OP. Check it out now, you'll notice plenty of new additions. We're likely over 170 games at this stage!

Nice list, but you've got Sen no Kiseki 2 listed twice. Double the pain. No way is that getting localized any time soon, and I'd hazard a guess it'll be the same situation for some others on that list.

Good catch! Thanks. While chances are low, on the bright side we're getting SC of Trails of the Sky. Slow, but hopefully we'll get there!

Thanks for putting this list together with all the screens. There was even a handful of games that I didn't know about. I'm slacking.

You are most welcome Ninjamic :)

Wow, very impressive homework, OP. There's a lot of good looking stuff on this list. My Vita won't be in danger of collecting dust anytime soon.

Thank you very much for the compliments matmanx!


Unconfirmed Member
This is great, but I have two suggestions:

You might want to put this in alphabetical order and you might want to separate Japan-only games in a section so people won't be confused.

Otherwise, good start on the list OP!

Fady K

This is great, but I have two suggestions:

You might want to put this in alphabetical order and you might want to separate Japan-only games in a section so people won't be confused.

Otherwise, good start on the list OP!

Great idea Curler. I'll work on something tomorrow. Stay tuned, and thank you for your kind feedback.
Erm, I will explain again.

Followed by a bunch of sexist games, games which won't be really good and games which most likely will never come to the west and with the conclusion that over 150 games are coming to Vita, sounds exactly like Sony PR.

Hell it was. This E3

Just pointing out the obvious. All I was adding is that I wouldn't add games like Akiba's Trip to a "Please look forward to"-list. Opinions and all that

Sexist games? Lol

I'm having trouble telling whether "likely" or "probable" is better but I feel like Ayesha is "almost definitely"; whereas Demon Gaze is only "questionable" because I don't think the first did all that well in the west & NISA haven't exactly been snapping up Experience Inc.'s other games.
I remember seeing somewhere that demon Gaze did pretty well in the west


Depends on the game. Hatsune Miku can be fully enjoyed with almost no knowledge, you'll miss out on the story in Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus, but the gameplay is still easily managed, and good luck trying to get anywhere in an Eiyuu Densetsu.

And no, they don't offer subtitles because they're not selling these games to an English speaking market. That would mean putting resources into an extremely niche feature that literally 99% of potential buyers wouldn't use.

That sucks, I am hoping a concept like Crunchyroll comes along soon and "simulcasts" new Japanese games, by getting subtitles on them on release day.
You guys and your pessimism. I know Legend of Heroes series had craploads of text but it's said that Sen no Kiseki doesn't have that much of text (i need a confirmation for this though). Besides, it's not that hard, we've got three Legend of Heroes games for PSP between 2005 and 2007. I know, some people say their translation were broken but I had no problem playing them. Better than no localization at all.

It's not going to happen until we get the others game of the series, Xseed has been working FOR YEARS to get us the Trials SC... if it SELLS AMAZINGLY WELL(I hope you plan on buying it if you are for some reason talking about Sen) then next is 3rd, then Zero, then Ao, and then Sen.

There's also the horrible fact that Sen is only on Vita and PS3... so let's hope there's a PC version that can be localized in 10-15 years.

Also the translation of the other PSP games were fucking shit.

It's not about being pessimistic, but I really doubt they will just skip the other games.


You guys and your pessimism. I know Legend of Heroes series had craploads of text but it's said that Sen no Kiseki doesn't have that much of text (i need a confirmation for this though). Besides, it's not that hard, we've got three Legend of Heroes games for PSP between 2005 and 2007. I know, some people say their translation were broken but I had no problem playing them. Better than no localization at all.

I wouldn't say that we are pessimistic... just trying to be realistic. By the time Trails in the Sky 2 comes out in the West it will have taken 3 years to localize it. If XSEED should decide to localize another Kiseki game it would make sense to do Trails in the Sky 3 first before even thinking about the other games in the series and I doubt they would be done with it in 1 year. Even if Ao/Zero and Sen no Kiseki are shorter than the Trails in the Sky games I highly doubt that they are as short as the mentioned PSP titles... they won't be able to localize 3 games within 3 years, especially because they have a lot of other games in their portfolio as well.
That's been discussed to death in the Midora KS thread. The assets aren't ripped from Minish Cap, but they are absolutely "i looked at this and tried to make it look even better" and the dev even has comparison shots on his page to show what they're going for. It's not trying to hide anything about being directly inspired by Minish Cap and the entire Zeldalike genre.



Hyper Light Drifter!

That game looks so amazing - I still can't get over how smooth some of the animations are. I'm a little disappointed that the developers were quoted in a video interview during E3 that newly acquired items wouldn't 'gate off' areas of the world... as there was definitely a Metroid vibe I was getting from the trailer.

Still, cannot wait to have that on my Vita.
I agree that a "Currently JP only" notice should be placed next to games that aren't bound for release in any Western territory yet, just to prevent confusion.

Anyway, excellent list. By the end of the year there'll be like 10 or so games I want to get, and a bunch I'd like to import besides.


Oof. Impressively comprehensive but really dull list. If Tearaway wasn't stuck on the thing I'd probably flip my Vita. I suppose I'd be really into Spelunky on the go if I was still playing it daily but a) I'm not and b) I have the best ver on PC.


Just found a Wifi Hatsune Miku Vita in Mandarake. My first vita. The OLED is blowing me awaaaay. Also why does Muramasa look so good!?

I really hope this system finds some kind of niche in the next year or so, but I guess it's already doomed? It's so classy, and looking at this list in addition to its current library, it has a decent spread of fun games...


Aftershock LA
There are a LOT of games on that list that interest me. Many of them I knew were on the way, but there were also quite a few that I had no idea were coming to the Vita.

I already own over 170 games for my Vita, and I'm still trying to get through them, but this is pretty great. The next game on my list is Rogue Legacy. I played the Vita version at E3 this year, and it was awesome, so I'm stoked for the 29th. I'm more excited about Rogue Legacy than I am The Last of Us PS4, and I already own Rogue Legacy on Steam. That game is going to completely devour my time when I finally get it.

I played Hyper Light Drifter as well, and it looked and played beautifully on the Vita. That's another one that I'm really looking forward to as well.


It's not going to happen until we get the others game of the series, Xseed has been working FOR YEARS to get us the Trials SC... if it SELLS AMAZINGLY WELL(I hope you plan on buying it if you are for some reason talking about Sen) then next is 3rd, then Zero, then Ao, and then Sen.

There's also the horrible fact that Sen is only on Vita and PS3... so let's hope there's a PC version that can be localized in 10-15 years.

Also the translation of the other PSP games were fucking shit.

It's not about being pessimistic, but I really doubt they will just skip the other games.

Of course I'm getting SC but we all know it's not going to sell well since it's a PSP game in 2014. I'm pretty sure they'll consider skipping Zero/Ao games because Sen no Kiseki has better chance to sell well, it's coming for both PS3 and Vita and it's in full 3D. Dated graphics have been a turnoff for people who aren't familiar with the series. Zero and Ao weren't as good as Trails in the Sky or Sen no Kiseki anyway, and there is just a little connection storywise. They won't lose anything by not localizing them. Maybe Evolution versions after Sen gets a little attention. I don't think XSEED have strict policies about releasing games in order, in the end it's all about sales.

I wouldn't get my hopes up about Trails in the Sky Third Chapter, though.
Of course I'm getting SC but we all know it's not going to sell well since it's a PSP game in 2014. I'm pretty sure they'll consider skipping Zero/Ao games because Sen no Kiseki has better chance to sell well, it's coming for both PS3 and Vita and it's in full 3D. Dated graphics have been a turnoff for people who aren't familiar with the series. Zero and Ao weren't as good as Trails in the Sky or Sen no Kiseki anyway, and there is just a little connection storywise. They won't lose anything by not localizing them. Maybe Evolution versions after Sen gets a little attention. I don't think XSEED have strict policies about releasing games in order, in the end it's all about sales.

I wouldn't get my hopes up about Trails in the Sky Third Chapter, though.

The PC version is the one that matters, the PSP is just there to please the fanbase and PSP/Vita consumers.

I fully expect 3rd Chapter if SC sells well.


It is also my most played console right now, I really love the console! There's a buch of games in the OP I didn't know about. Guns Up seems awesome!


Unconfirmed Member
I counted the games I'd buy in the list, and it ended up being around 30-40, including PSP games and potential localizations. Yikes... I won't complain though.

And I'm personally not really that mad about some games being digital only in the west or Europe only. If people doesn't buy it in one region, then they would have an even lesser incentive to release it, and all that.
I'm disappointed, but I'll buy them as long as they arrive in Europe somehow. There has been some success stories with digital games later getting their sequels in physical form so I'll keep my positivity.
But to each his own.

And I noticed the Neptunia Rebirth shot is from mk2, the second PS3 game. It won't look much different though.


Of course I'm getting SC but we all know it's not going to sell well since it's a PSP game in 2014. I'm pretty sure they'll consider skipping Zero/Ao games because Sen no Kiseki has better chance to sell well, it's coming for both PS3 and Vita and it's in full 3D. Dated graphics have been a turnoff for people who aren't familiar with the series. Zero and Ao weren't as good as Trails in the Sky or Sen no Kiseki anyway, and there is just a little connection storywise. They won't lose anything by not localizing them. Maybe Evolution versions after Sen gets a little attention. I don't think XSEED have strict policies about releasing games in order, in the end it's all about sales.

I wouldn't get my hopes up about Trails in the Sky Third Chapter, though.

Have you played them? I was under the impression they were all pretty comparable in terms of quality.

Anyway we were talking about Sen no Kiseki 2 here. So presumably whoever brings that over in this hypothetical scenario would also want to bring the first Sen no Kiseki game over beforehand. Even if the sales for SC are great and they decide to allocate more resources to localization of the series and skip to Sen it'd still be a few years before release of Sen 2.


Which of the SRPG's are worth paying attention to?

Definitely Natural Doctrine (sorry for linking to my own content)

From what I've seen, it looks really a pretty brutal (as in difficult) strategy game that punishes you if you fail to look five moves in the future. Movement is heavily restricted based on where your army is on the map, so you have to make sure you don't turtle too much while not being reckless. It also has a neat linking system that lets you juggle turn order.

Looks really good.
This is an amazing thread. I need to get at least 10 titles.

People who say go into a system only for exclusives, that means they never play multiplats? #betterOnVita


Of course I'm getting SC but we all know it's not going to sell well since it's a PSP game in 2014. I'm pretty sure they'll consider skipping Zero/Ao games because Sen no Kiseki has better chance to sell well, it's coming for both PS3 and Vita and it's in full 3D. Dated graphics have been a turnoff for people who aren't familiar with the series. Zero and Ao weren't as good as Trails in the Sky or Sen no Kiseki anyway, and there is just a little connection storywise. They won't lose anything by not localizing them. Maybe Evolution versions after Sen gets a little attention. I don't think XSEED have strict policies about releasing games in order, in the end it's all about sales.

I wouldn't get my hopes up about Trails in the Sky Third Chapter, though.

Umm... Did you actually played LoH VII Duology? Or Sen? I'm curious to see what your basing your claim on. For one thing full 3D engine doesn't mean it's a better looking game ie Sen ;p


danganronpa 2's limited edition has been preordered, so definitely that.

also looking forward to the firefly diary (and i am seemingly one of the very few). here's hoping to a physical version in the west.

there are a lot of games that will be on consoles that i'd just rather get for those platforms instead, like hyper light drifter and mighty no. 9.

beyond those games, i certainly have my eye on oreshika 2. i haven't kept up with phantasy star nova, but if it's good, i would probably pick up a localized version.

i really love the amount of japanese games on this platform. reminds me of the ps2 way more than the ps3.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
So, Sony, fuck you for not releasing cards bigger than 64 GB.

See all those wonderful games? How would you expect me to get them all if you'd expect me to delete/copy like a 100 times over the course of times.

No fucking way.

Oh, if you do release 128 or even 256, please do so at a good price. Although I don't know why I'd say that considering I am 100% sure you'd be most dumb to release them at a price of a Ferrari.


Cosmic Star Heroine
Freedom Wars
Hyper Light Drifter
Invizimals: The Alliance
Oddworld: New N Tasty
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines
Rainbow Skies
Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse Episode 2
Shantae: Half Genie Hero
Skullgirls Encore
Soul Saga Episode 1
Velocity 2X
Futuridium EP Deluxe
Minecraft Vita
Akiba's Trip Undead & Undressed
Metrico (AMAZING)
Murasaki Baby
Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair
The Walking Dead: Season Two (When complete)
The Wolf Among Us (When complete)

Titan Souls
Mighty No. 9
Phantasy Star Nova
Wonder Flick
Hotline miami 2 wrong number
Assault Android Cactus

Grim Fandango remastered
Kick & Fennik
Orc Attack
Rain World
ocketbirds 2 Evolution
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
Oddworld: Munch's Odyssey HD
Judas Code
Lost Dimension
Shin Hayarigami

*bolded are 100%

I will probably get half of the games on here but still, holy shit.

Also consider that kickstarter games are reach vita funding goals all the time.
Umm... Did you actually played LoH VII Duology? Or Sen? I'm curious to see what your basing your claim on. For one thing full 3D engine doesn't mean it's a better looking game ie Sen ;p

I personally love how the LoH VIII Duology look, they are really charming and the battle animations are great. Sen just looks really cheap even if it's in 3D.


Arent you missing Ratchet n clank NA release? Also there is a few games japan only you should put those in a section appart(is a suggestion anyways) the list is great becouse i didnt knew some of the games , there are a few missing thou but the list is good enough.
Just found a Wifi Hatsune Miku Vita in Mandarake. My first vita. The OLED is blowing me awaaaay. Also why does Muramasa look so good!?

I really hope this system finds some kind of niche in the next year or so, but I guess it's already doomed? It's so classy, and looking at this list in addition to its current library, it has a decent spread of fun games...

Do not fret its already found its niche in Japan. It will continue to get Japanese titles till its end.


they're all some obscure japanese games which name I can't even try to remember... and the rest will be available on consoles as superior versions.

Vita is dead to me. I own one and I couldn't even sell it if I wanted to since it's as useful as a brick in my country.
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