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Upcoming Vita games (OVER 150 games with screens inside!) L@@K


Anyone know which ones are platform exclusive retail titles? Not interested in indies on the Vita because i'd rather get them on PC.

Those are the only ones i'm interested in purchasing. I know i'm getting the Neptunia port, Disgaea 4 port, Akiba's trip (may switch to PS3 though), and Danganronpa 2.
So, Sony, fuck you for not releasing cards bigger than 64 GB.

See all those wonderful games? How would you expect me to get them all if you'd expect me to delete/copy like a 100 times over the course of times.

No fucking way.

Oh, if you do release 128 or even 256, please do so at a good price. Although I don't know why I'd say that considering I am 100% sure you'd be most dumb to release them at a price of a Ferrari.

I wouldn't mind a 128 or 256 myself, but I should be able to fit everything digital-only that I want from this list on my remaining 4GB on my 64GB card, since I buy physical retail games whenever an English language version is available.
Give me Murasaki Baby. The rest I'll pick up on PS4 or wait for them to go on sale.

Aztez especially seems like a game that requires a proper controller in case you decide to throw it out of frustration.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I am so glad I finally ordered the 64GB card. :)

You wouldn't be glad soon :(

I wouldn't mind a 128 or 256 myself, but I should be able to fit everything digital-only that I want from this list on my remaining 4GB on my 64GB card, since I buy physical retail games whenever an English language version is available.

See, I didn't do this, since it's just incredibly convenient to flick through like Dragon's Crown, Danganronpa, FFXHD, etc etc etc with just flick flick flick. Especially since I use this:


Anyways, anyone with a common sense should know already that Vita's MC solution is fucked up, which is just terrible considering the digital situation in Vita is great. I have 64, 32, and 8, but switching MCs would mess up my bubble placements (which is annoying since I am OCD about that) and it's just highly inconvenient.

Fady K

Very much enjoying this thread, great work OP. Subbed.

Thank you very much tusken! On a separate note, your avatar is one of my favorite horror films ever.

Ken no Machi no Ihoujin -Kuro no Kyuuden- and Stranger of the Sword City are the same game, OP.

Whoops! Thanks for the notification Shizuka. Fixed it up.

This thread is officially my favourite thread

So glad you're enjoying it KLonso :]

I agree that a "Currently JP only" notice should be placed next to games that aren't bound for release in any Western territory yet, just to prevent confusion.

Anyway, excellent list. By the end of the year there'll be like 10 or so games I want to get, and a bunch I'd like to import besides.

Hey there AtomskEater. I'll work on that today and add the genre as well ;) Glad you liked the list!

It is also my most played console right now, I really love the console! There's a buch of games in the OP I didn't know about. Guns Up seems awesome!

Awesome! Guns Up will be free by the way.

And I noticed the Neptunia Rebirth shot is from mk2, the second PS3 game. It won't look much different though.

Good catch Kaybe. Thanks for letting me know. I've replaced the image.

Great list! Count me in for a Vita end of this year/beginning of next year.

Awesome, thank you daydreaming ^^

This is an amazing thread. I need to get at least 10 titles.

People who say go into a system only for exclusives, that means they never play multiplats? #betterOnVita

Glad you're loving it ^^

danganronpa 2's limited edition has been preordered, so definitely that.

also looking forward to the firefly diary (and i am seemingly one of the very few). here's hoping to a physical version in the west.

there are a lot of games that will be on consoles that i'd just rather get for those platforms instead, like hyper light drifter and mighty no. 9.

beyond those games, i certainly have my eye on oreshika 2. i haven't kept up with phantasy star nova, but if it's good, i would probably pick up a localized version.

i really love the amount of japanese games on this platform. reminds me of the ps2 way more than the ps3.

Agreed Anihawk. Also, count me in as another gamer looking forward to the Firefly Diary. Looks really cool.

This one finally made it to Vita too: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sekaiproject/fault-milestone-one-directors-cut although I think it would be on PSM.
Thank you for this thread, really. I realised I missed or forgot many of them that are now on my list of future purchases.

Thanks for sharing this Jacqli, great to see that it succeeded and is coming out in English! Added to the list. Glad you're enjoying this thread!

Arent you missing Ratchet n clank NA release? Also there is a few games japan only you should put those in a section appart(is a suggestion anyways) the list is great becouse i didnt knew some of the games , there are a few missing thou but the list is good enough.

I added that but for some reason I must have forgotten to save my edit! Thanks for the reminder. If you have any Japanese games in mind that are missing let me know and I'll add them up :)

thanks for the list, a lot of indies, indeed,
but quite some titles I'll buy.

You are most welcome genbatzu!

they're all some obscure japanese games which name I can't even try to remember... and the rest will be available on consoles as superior versions.

Vita is dead to me. I own one and I couldn't even sell it if I wanted to since it's as useful as a brick in my country.

Check back on the thread soon. I'll be updating what games are Japan-only for now.


Man, there are so many upcoming Vita games on my to buy list, it's pretty much the only console I'll be playing the rest of the year.
Dude. Some of those games look like in-browser web games from 2005. Not knocking, just pointing it out.

There's a lot of interesting looking stuff on that list. I wonder how many will make it to NA


Not a great list to me. Lot's of indies which don't really interest me. Indie developers just don't make the kind of games I'm looking for.

Many of the Japanese games for the Vita just don't do anything for me. They don't look like they are for me.

I don't regret buying a Vita because I got to play Gravity Rush, but it's been a pretty disappointing system all things considered.

I'm interested in:

Freedom Wars-Well really only because it's a big budget game with visuals. I don't like the Hunting genre mostly because they are pretty crummy single player games and I can never get into the mechanics. I'm at least open to trying this one if only because there's nothing else.

Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines-I'm interested because it's not a jrpg all about otaku pandering crap. Though it seems like it's less interested in story and characters so that's a bit off putting. I'll try it out though.

Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus-I'm a hypocrite for wanting to play it, but it's supposed to be an ok action game and this system lacks 3d action games.

Tales of Hearts R-Don't actually like the Tales series, but I keep playing them for whatever reason.

Phantasy Star Nova-Would be nice if this came out here, but I doubt it will.

Cosmic Star Heroine-The Vita seems like the better platfourm to play this on.

Yeah not a lot, but at least there's something.


Erm, I will explain again.

Followed by a bunch of sexist games, games which won't be really good and games which most likely will never come to the west and with the conclusion that over 150 games are coming to Vita, sounds exactly like Sony PR.

Hell it was. This E3

Just pointing out the obvious. All I was adding is that I wouldn't add games like Akiba's Trip to a "Please look forward to"-list. Opinions and all that

What's the difference between the OP listing the 'quality, number and variety' of games to look forward to and you saying 'games which won't be really good'? It's all guesswork, and pretty much a given that none of us know exactly how these games will turn out, the only difference being that the OP put hours into a good thread to give us a good basis for a discussion and then you spent two minutes saying it wasn't worth it.

Personally there's a good dozen games on that list I'm looking forward to more than everything EA, Activision and Ubisoft combined are releasing for the rest of the year, Hyper Light Drifter alone is my most wanted at the moment. I'm sure not every game listed will be great, but then it's only a small fraction of games on any system that appeal to anyone's personal taste.


no games my ass.

Badly need to upgrade to 64gb,

Had 4gb originally, that was killing me.

Upgraded to 32gb thinking I will never need that much..boy was i wrong.

Same thing will happen with 64gb.


Yooooo is Risk of Rain seriously coming to Vita? My friend and I have put at least 100 hours into it. That game fucking rules.
Probably hopping on the Vita train this Black Friday. I've got a solid 7-8 games I wanna get, and some remakes of games I never had.

Debated waiting for the Vita/PS TV, but is Gravity Rush worth getting the real handheld?


they're all some obscure japanese games which name I can't even try to remember... and the rest will be available on consoles as superior versions.

Vita is dead to me. I own one and I couldn't even sell it if I wanted to since it's as useful as a brick in my country.

sure you do love the device eh? i mean what was exactly your expectation of Vita´s library?
you should inform how "obscure" are in japan those games haha seriously.

There was a guy in the PSN thread that posted a list of 200 titles for this year i wonder where is it , it would be awesome to put every single title with a screenshot in this topic. woud be great.
There's at least two dozen games of interest to me in that list. Opening up the Vita to indies was a genius move, perfect handheld fodder.
Holy shit, I had no idea Risk of Rain and Don't Starve were coming to the Vita. Both are perfect for mobile play. Those plus Binding of Isaac Rebirth and I'll be in Vita heaven.
Oddworld (just because of Crossbuy)
Danganronpa 2
Murasaki Baby
Grim Fandango
Helldivers (only if cross buy, if not I'll buy it on PS4)
Akiba's Trip 2

Natural Doctrine would be another buy for me, but I already have the Japanese version.

Freedom Wars and Oreshika would be interesting, but since SCEE it's going only digital I'm telling them "you can keep it" by not buying.
I Already own more than 120 Vita games....
Just made a list of games, based on this thread, I also want.

Fuck the Vita... wow :| Another 47 games. :D

Duke Nukem 3D
Cosmic Star Heroine
Curse N Chaos
Energy Hook
Freedom Wars
Heroes of Loot
The Firefly Diary
Hyper Light Drifter
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
Ninja Senki DX
Oddworld: New N Tasty
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines
Race the Sun
Rainbow Skies
Risk of Rain
Broken Sword 5
Samurai Gunn
Shantae: Half Genie Hero
Swords & Some Magic
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Futuridium EP Deluxe
Gravity Crash Ultra
Rogue Legacy
Akiba's Trip Undead & Undressed
The swapper
Walking Dead 2
Tales of Hearts R
La Mulana
Rollers of the Realm
Axiom Verge
Criminal Girls: Invite Only
Heart Forth, Alicia
Red Goddess Inner World
Titan Souls
Demon Gaze 2
Hotline miami 2 wrong number
Grim Fandango remastered
Rocketbirds 2 Evolution
Oddworld: Munch's Odyssey HD
Probably worth splitting the list to identify which are Vita exclusive. For me personally, anything non-exclusive I would go for on PS4 or PC.


The PC version is the one that matters, the PSP is just there to please the fanbase and PSP/Vita consumers.

I fully expect 3rd Chapter if SC sells well.

Probably. It's actually awesome that the games have found it's fan base on Steam as well
Well I hope they have so it isn't just people like me double dipping
. Really sad how some fans have taken it to fight it out with Xseed/Ghostlight and stupidly enough threaten with "no buy" if it releases on Steam -.-

foul language:
Seriously if you are one of those people. Just Fuck you. Seriously, go behind a barn, find a pole and go fuck yourself.

I counted the games I'd buy in the list, and it ended up being around 30-40, including PSP games and potential localizations. Yikes... I won't complain though.

And I'm personally not really that mad about some games being digital only in the west or Europe only. If people doesn't buy it in one region, then they would have an even lesser incentive to release it, and all that.
I'm disappointed, but I'll buy them as long as they arrive in Europe somehow. There has been some success stories with digital games later getting their sequels in physical form so I'll keep my positivity.
But to each his own.

And I noticed the Neptunia Rebirth shot is from mk2, the second PS3 game. It won't look much different though.

I think people are a tad miffed about the difference between SCEE and SCEA, not realizing that it's actually two different entities in their own right of Sovereignty. Oh and the fact that it feels like SCEA/SCEE is just sending out their Big games to die :(

they're all some obscure japanese games which name I can't even try to remember... and the rest will be available on consoles as superior versions.

Vita is dead to me. I own one and I couldn't even sell it if I wanted to since it's as useful as a brick in my country.
pfft? Consoles? Superior version? Fuck that. Don't be a ignorant peasant. We all know that PC will have the superior version broh. Always. So don't be a dirty pleb and stink up the place with your peasant talk.
/s just to clarify

Buuuuut! if you meant that you prefer to play it on console if you have the choice then by all means. A good game is a good game.


the holder of the trombone
So, Sony, fuck you for not releasing cards bigger than 64 GB.

See all those wonderful games? How would you expect me to get them all if you'd expect me to delete/copy like a 100 times over the course of times.

No fucking way.

Oh, if you do release 128 or even 256, please do so at a good price. Although I don't know why I'd say that considering I am 100% sure you'd be most dumb to release them at a price of a Ferrari.

What would you do with like the 20 games that you're not playing on the card?


to OP-This is a list taken from Blacklagoon´s blog a guy from GiantBomb he actually have a very good and complete list so. there are a few
that arent on your list and would be awesome to put all this games with a little screenshot for each one on this thread. Let me remind you that this list is mostly NA releases based but still impressive.

Invizimals: The Alliance - The Invizimals return for the Vita (2014)
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment - Fulfilling all your fake MMO needs (Bamco, August)
Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited - Enhanced port of the PS3 SRPG (NISA, August)
Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed - Explore Akibahara and strip vampires (XSEED, August)
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 - Remake of the first Neptunia game (Idea Factory, August)
The Wolf Among Us - Telltale's latest adventure game

Supermagical - Bust-a-Move with RPG stuff in it
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee - HD remaster of the Xbox game
Cloudberry Kingdom - Hard as nails plaformer
Fieldrunners 2 - The tower defense favorite returns to PlayStation platforms
Forgotten Memories - Survival horror set in an abandoned psych hospital
James Pond 2: Robocod - Remake by System 3
Hohokum - 2D sandbox snake thing (August)
Metrico - Vita exclusive from indie studio Digital Dreams (August)
Foul Play - Beat 'em up
Jet Car Stunts - Stunts focused racing game
Treasures of Montezuma: Arena - More free to play block matching
Flyhunter Origins - Platformer by former Pixar staff (Summer)
Son of Scoregasm - Indie dual-stick shooter
The Swapper - Indie puzzle game. Scoops approved. (August)

Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair - More highschool murder hijinks (NISA, Fall)
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd - Another rhythm game staring the popular vocaloid (Sega)
Natural Doctrine - SRPG from Kadokawa (NISA, Fall)
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines - Dungeon crawler set in ancient Japan (Sony)
Freedom Wars - Multiplayer action game from Japan Studio (Sony)
Tales of Hearts R - Tales comes to the Vita (Bamco, Winter)
Arcana Heart 3: Love Max - Updated version of the all female 2D fighting game (Aksys, Fall)
Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus - Dynasty Warriors + boobs + destructible clothes. (XSEED, Fall)
Samurai Warriors 4 - More Tecmo Koei hack and slash
LEGO Batman 3 - Batman in S-P-A-C-E!
LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids - More LEGO
Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes - 2.0 version is getting a Vita release
Criminal Girls: Invite Only - Whip a set of female delinquents into capable RPG warriors. Literally. (NISA)
Tokyo Twilight Ghosthunters - Visual novel/RPG-thing (Aksys)

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee New N' Tasty - HD remake of the PS1 game
Chromophore: Two Brothers - Action adventure game with a Game Boy aesthetic
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - I don't care what anyone says, it's a Zelda clone not a roguelike :p
Frozen Synapse: Tactics - Console remake of the indie turn-based strategy title
Hungry Giraffe - Native Vita version of the Minis title
Counterspy - Stylish cold war side-scroller inspired by Flashback
C-Wars - Retro RTS thing
A.N.N.E. - Retro metroidvania thing
DYING: Sinner Escape - Horror/puzzle game from the creators of Saw
The Next Death Ray Manta - New version of the indie dual stick shooter
Soul Saga - JRPG-inspired Kickstarter funded game
Liege - Kickstarter funded turn-based, tactical RPG.
Rainbow Skies - Successor to the SRPG Rainbow Moon
Duke Nukem 3D - Port of the classic FPS
VVVVVV - Port of the indie platformer
Hotline Miami 2 - Sequel to the psychedelic murder spree simulator
Heroes of Loot - Randomly generated Gauntlet thing
The Chaos Engine - Port of the Amiga classic
Velocity 2X - Sequel to the fast paced shoot 'em up
Murasaki Baby - Creepy platforming adventure
Big Fest - Raise your own band?
Volume - Stealth game from Tomas Was Alone creator
Nuclear Throne - Procedurally generated action game from Vlambeer
Helldivers - Co-op scifi twin stick shooter from the Magicka devs
Starbound - Scifi 2D sandbox with optional plot
Legend of Raven - 2D fighting game from former King of Fighters devs
Minecraft - You may have heard of it
Assault Android Cactus - Indie twin-stick arena shooter
Joe Danger - Joe goes portable
Joe Danger 2: The Movie - Joe continues being portable

Samurai Gunn - 2D deathmatch thing
Kick & Fennick - Charming platforming adventure about a boy, a robot, and giant gun
Switch Galaxy Ultra - Expanded version of the mobile scifi racer
Gravity Crash Ultra - Just Add Water's 2D shooter returns
Avoid Droid - Mobile 2D action game. Avoid the droid.
Frutorious - Mobile slingshot platformer
Final Horizon - RTS/tower defense hybrid
Flame Over - Fast paced fire fighting game with random levels
Table Top Racing - Minature kart racer
Lemmings Touch - New game in the Lemmings franchise
Road Not Taken - Procedurally generated puzzle game
Shantae: 1/2 Genie Hero - New game in Wayforward's series of platformers
Pavilion - Surreal "4th person" adventure
Hyper Light Drifter - 2D action RPG
Super Exploding Zoo - Action puzzle game from Honeyslug
Mighty No. 9 - Completly not Mega Man game from Keiji Inafune
Cosmic Star Heroine - Scifi retro RPG from Zeboyd
Kodoku - Japanese inspired horror game
Energy Hook - Game inspired by Spider-Man 2's swinging mechanic
Teslagrad - Steampunk platformer
AfterZoom - Upgraded version of the DSi AR game
Bodycheck - Medival Speedball. Vita exclusive. (Q3)
Risk of Rain - Indie shooter
Titan Invasion - Puppy Games' two Titan games ported and bundled together
Futuridium EP Deluxe - Fast paced retro 3D shooter thing
The Swapper - Indie puzzle game
Forma.8 - Scifi metroidvania (Q3)
Galak-Z - Get your Robotech on in this anime-inspired procedural space shooter
Tiny Troopers: Joint Ops - Dual joystick reworking of the mobile franchise
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution - More 2D sidescrolling action
Race The Sun - Indie endless racer
Aztez - Brutal 2D character action
Dragon Fin Soup - Grims's Fairytale roguelike
Hand of Fate - NOT the classic Westwood adventure game :(
Mercenary Kings - Megaman-ish 2d grindfest
Ninja Senki DX - Hardcore retro platformer
Curses 'n Chaos - NES-style 2D brawler
The Legend of Doodle - Pencil art puzzle platformer
Krinkle Crusher
Rain World - Adult Swim game
The Hero Trap - Top down gauntlet dungeon crawler thing (September)
Axiom Verge - Metroidvania thing
Drifter - Open world space trading game
Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate - Even more enhanced version of the musou crossover game (TK, Fall)
Red Goddess: Inner World - Fantasy metroidvania (March 2015)
Senran Kagura: Bon Appétit! - The top heavy ninja cooking rhythm game (XSEED)
EarthNight - Runner with dragons
One Way Trip - Surreal adventure
Heart Forth, Alicia - Indie metroidvania
Gunship X - Top down airstrike simulator
Reaper - Free to play 2d action RPG
Don't Starve - Survivial sim
Rollers of the Realm - Fantasy pinball RPG
Woah Dave! - Old school 2d action game
MechRunner - Scifi runner
Y2K - Indie RPG
Tetris Ultimate - Pretty sure you can figure this one out yourself
My Singing Monsters - Singing monster collectathon
Guns Up! - Free to play WWII-ish RTS
Fat Princess: Piece of Cake - Match three with the princess
Tales from the Borderlands - Telltale does Gearbox
Not a Hero - Indie side-scrolling shooter
Grim Fandango - Updated version of the classic adventure game
Broforce - 80s action movie inspired 2d action
Titan Souls - 2D game inspired by Shadow of the Colossus
The Fierfly Diary - Puzzle game from Nippon Ichi
Skullgirls: Encore - 2d fighting game

Didnt Finish it yet but OP ´s List is pretty awesome im bolding the games that are already on the Ops and its pretty much all of them , i didnt finish checking yet.


What would you do with like the 20 games that you're not playing on the card?

I can only speak for myself but it's like a safety blanket. You wan't to be carrying your games at all times. If you get the feel for playing a game you should just be able to boot it up. You know like having a physical copy but better in some way.

That is awesome. Now the waiting game for a European release awaits :)

Fady K

Hey guys, OP has been UPDATED:

*The Japanese-only games so far are now on a separate section.
*There is a coming soon section with trailers, dates, genre and dev info
*More titles to be added thanks to the great posters here and their recommendations

Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, I guess vita is dead :T.

Is monster hunter coming to West? Oh man :D

Hey there vicnorris; Capcom did not confirm a western release. For that series, your best bet so far is the 3DS.

Nice thread but without any availability info, this is worthless.

Thread has been updated a bit. Games that are coming soon have been detailed up top.

I have no idea what those games are I feel lost

Feel free to ask about any of them anytime ;D

Probably worth splitting the list to identify which are Vita exclusive. For me personally, anything non-exclusive I would go for on PS4 or PC.

I may do that at some point, thanks Shadow Ranger.

to OP-This is a list taken from Blacklagoon´s blog a guy from GiantBomb he actually have a very good and complete list so. there are a few
that arent on your list and would be awesome to put all this games with a little screenshot for each one on this thread. Let me remind you that this list is mostly NA releases based but still impressive.

Invizimals: The Alliance - The Invizimals return for the Vita (2014)
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment - Fulfilling all your fake MMO needs (Bamco, August)
Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited - Enhanced port of the PS3 SRPG (NISA, August)
Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed - Explore Akibahara and strip vampires (XSEED, August)
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 - Remake of the first Neptunia game (Idea Factory, August)
The Wolf Among Us - Telltale's latest adventure game

Supermagical - Bust-a-Move with RPG stuff in it
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee - HD remaster of the Xbox game
Cloudberry Kingdom - Hard as nails plaformer
Fieldrunners 2 - The tower defense favorite returns to PlayStation platforms
Forgotten Memories - Survival horror set in an abandoned psych hospital
James Pond 2: Robocod - Remake by System 3
Hohokum - 2D sandbox snake thing (August)
Metrico - Vita exclusive from indie studio Digital Dreams (August)
Foul Play - Beat 'em up
Jet Car Stunts - Stunts focused racing game
Treasures of Montezuma: Arena - More free to play block matching
Flyhunter Origins - Platformer by former Pixar staff (Summer)
Son of Scoregasm - Indie dual-stick shooter
The Swapper - Indie puzzle game. Scoops approved. (August)

Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair - More highschool murder hijinks (NISA, Fall)
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd - Another rhythm game staring the popular vocaloid (Sega)
Natural Doctrine - SRPG from Kadokawa (NISA, Fall)
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines - Dungeon crawler set in ancient Japan (Sony)
Freedom Wars - Multiplayer action game from Japan Studio (Sony)
Tales of Hearts R - Tales comes to the Vita (Bamco, Winter)
Arcana Heart 3: Love Max - Updated version of the all female 2D fighting game (Aksys, Fall)
Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus - Dynasty Warriors + boobs + destructible clothes. (XSEED, Fall)
Samurai Warriors 4 - More Tecmo Koei hack and slash
LEGO Batman 3 - Batman in S-P-A-C-E!
LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids - More LEGO
Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes - 2.0 version is getting a Vita release
Criminal Girls: Invite Only - Whip a set of female delinquents into capable RPG warriors. Literally. (NISA)
Tokyo Twilight Ghosthunters - Visual novel/RPG-thing (Aksys)

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee New N' Tasty - HD remake of the PS1 game
Chromophore: Two Brothers - Action adventure game with a Game Boy aesthetic
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - I don't care what anyone says, it's a Zelda clone not a roguelike :p
Frozen Synapse: Tactics - Console remake of the indie turn-based strategy title
Hungry Giraffe - Native Vita version of the Minis title
Counterspy - Stylish cold war side-scroller inspired by Flashback
C-Wars - Retro RTS thing
A.N.N.E. - Retro metroidvania thing
DYING: Sinner Escape - Horror/puzzle game from the creators of Saw
The Next Death Ray Manta - New version of the indie dual stick shooter
Soul Saga - JRPG-inspired Kickstarter funded game
Liege - Kickstarter funded turn-based, tactical RPG.
Rainbow Skies - Successor to the SRPG Rainbow Moon
Duke Nukem 3D - Port of the classic FPS
VVVVVV - Port of the indie platformer
Hotline Miami 2 - Sequel to the psychedelic murder spree simulator
Heroes of Loot - Randomly generated Gauntlet thing
The Chaos Engine - Port of the Amiga classic
Velocity 2X - Sequel to the fast paced shoot 'em up
Murasaki Baby - Creepy platforming adventure
Big Fest - Raise your own band?
Volume - Stealth game from Tomas Was Alone creator
Nuclear Throne - Procedurally generated action game from Vlambeer
Helldivers - Co-op scifi twin stick shooter from the Magicka devs
Starbound - Scifi 2D sandbox with optional plot
Legend of Raven - 2D fighting game from former King of Fighters devs
Minecraft - You may have heard of it
Assault Android Cactus - Indie twin-stick arena shooter
Joe Danger - Joe goes portable
Joe Danger 2: The Movie - Joe continues being portable

Samurai Gunn - 2D deathmatch thing
Kick & Fennick - Charming platforming adventure about a boy, a robot, and giant gun
Switch Galaxy Ultra - Expanded version of the mobile scifi racer
Gravity Crash Ultra - Just Add Water's 2D shooter returns
Avoid Droid - Mobile 2D action game. Avoid the droid.
Frutorious - Mobile slingshot platformer
Final Horizon - RTS/tower defense hybrid
Flame Over - Fast paced fire fighting game with random levels
Table Top Racing - Minature kart racer
Lemmings Touch - New game in the Lemmings franchise
Road Not Taken - Procedurally generated puzzle game
Shantae: 1/2 Genie Hero - New game in Wayforward's series of platformers
Pavilion - Surreal "4th person" adventure
Hyper Light Drifter - 2D action RPG
Super Exploding Zoo - Action puzzle game from Honeyslug
Mighty No. 9 - Completly not Mega Man game from Keiji Inafune
Cosmic Star Heroine - Scifi retro RPG from Zeboyd
Kodoku - Japanese inspired horror game
Energy Hook - Game inspired by Spider-Man 2's swinging mechanic
Teslagrad - Steampunk platformer
AfterZoom - Upgraded version of the DSi AR game
Bodycheck - Medival Speedball. Vita exclusive. (Q3)
Risk of Rain - Indie shooter
Titan Invasion - Puppy Games' two Titan games ported and bundled together
Futuridium EP Deluxe - Fast paced retro 3D shooter thing
The Swapper - Indie puzzle game
Forma.8 - Scifi metroidvania (Q3)
Galak-Z - Get your Robotech on in this anime-inspired procedural space shooter
Tiny Troopers: Joint Ops - Dual joystick reworking of the mobile franchise
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution - More 2D sidescrolling action
Race The Sun - Indie endless racer
Aztez - Brutal 2D character action
Dragon Fin Soup - Grims's Fairytale roguelike
Hand of Fate - NOT the classic Westwood adventure game :(
Mercenary Kings - Megaman-ish 2d grindfest
Ninja Senki DX - Hardcore retro platformer
Curses 'n Chaos - NES-style 2D brawler
The Legend of Doodle - Pencil art puzzle platformer
Krinkle Crusher
Rain World - Adult Swim game
The Hero Trap - Top down gauntlet dungeon crawler thing (September)
Axiom Verge - Metroidvania thing
Drifter - Open world space trading game
Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate - Even more enhanced version of the musou crossover game (TK, Fall)
Red Goddess: Inner World - Fantasy metroidvania (March 2015)
Senran Kagura: Bon Appétit! - The top heavy ninja cooking rhythm game (XSEED)
EarthNight - Runner with dragons
One Way Trip - Surreal adventure
Heart Forth, Alicia - Indie metroidvania
Gunship X - Top down airstrike simulator
Reaper - Free to play 2d action RPG
Don't Starve - Survivial sim
Rollers of the Realm - Fantasy pinball RPG
Woah Dave! - Old school 2d action game
MechRunner - Scifi runner
Y2K - Indie RPG
Tetris Ultimate - Pretty sure you can figure this one out yourself
My Singing Monsters - Singing monster collectathon
Guns Up! - Free to play WWII-ish RTS
Fat Princess: Piece of Cake - Match three with the princess
Tales from the Borderlands - Telltale does Gearbox
Not a Hero - Indie side-scrolling shooter
Grim Fandango - Updated version of the classic adventure game
Broforce - 80s action movie inspired 2d action
Titan Souls - 2D game inspired by Shadow of the Colossus
The Fierfly Diary - Puzzle game from Nippon Ichi
Skullgirls: Encore - 2d fighting game

Didnt Finish it yet but OP ´s List is pretty awesome im bolding the games that are already on the Ops and its pretty much all of them , i didnt finish checking yet.

Thanks a lot for this list incpdo! I'll skim through it and add any missing content :)


After this list of games is done, I could literally never see another Vita game come out and have games for year for it that I want to play; that doesn't even include a backlog that is about as big. It is a real shame Sony can't convey this game diversity and selection better, the system really is solid.


OP you have hatsune miku project diva f 2nd listed as japan only but it's confirmed for a fall US release


I've been more than happy with the Vita even though the PS4 is the main console for me at the moment. Really can't wait for the PlayStation TV release though!!
Giving that list in the OP a proper look over, and the games I'm interested in are:

Cosmic Star Heroine (KS backer)
Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition
Hyper Light Drifter (KS backer)
Joe Danger 1 & 2
Oddworld: New N Tasty
Broken Sword 5 Episode 2
Shantae: HGH (KS backer)
The Binding of Isaac Rebirth
Velocity 2X
Gravity Crash Ultra
The Swapper
Murasaki Baby
La Mulana
Rogue Legacy
Axiom Verge
Heart Forth, Alicia (KS backer)
Not A Hero
Project Phoenix
Titan Souls
Hotline Miami 2
Assault Android Cactus
Grim Fandango
Nuclear Throne
Midora (didn't realise this was coming to Vita, so great!)
Rocketbirds 2

Very interested in:
Curse N Chaos
Flame Over
Freedom Wars
Frozen Synapse Tactics
Guns Up
The Firefly Diary
Citizens of Earth
Invizimals: The Alliance (I think my daughter would like this)
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines
Race The Sun
Rainbow Skies
Risk of Rain
Table Top Racing
Jet Car Stunts
Switch Galaxy Ultra
Disgaea 4
The Hero Trap
Mighty No. 9
Dragon Fin Soup
Don't Starve
Dying: Sinner Escape
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee


Very impressive list. But most are downloads and I'm still not over-paying Sony's fee for such little memory.

Good thing I don't mind deleting and re-downloading, but still. Those cards should be fucking dirt cheap by now.

Fady K

For those who missed it, here's the new coming soon section.


Ratchet & Clank Trilogy (Genre - Action platformer / Developed by Insomniac Games, ported over by Mass Media who also ported over the Jak & Daxter trilogy to the Vita / Trailer / Release Date - Out now in EU/ Tuesday July 22 NA)

The Walking Dead: Season Two - Episode Four (Genre - Adventure / Developed by Telltale Games, developer of Tales of Monkey Island, The Wolf Among Us and the last few Sam & Max games) / Trailer / Release Date - Tuesday July 22 NA)

Lego Ninjago Nindroids (Genre - LEGO Action platformer / Developed by Hellbent Games, maker of previous Lego Ninjago games / Trailer / Release Dates - July 29 US, July 30 AU, August 1st EU)

Rogue Legacy (Genre - Roguelike platformer / Developed by Cellar Door Games / Trailer / Release Date - July 29 US)

After this list of games is done, I could literally never see another Vita game come out and have games for year for it that I want to play; that doesn't even include a backlog that is about as big. It is a real shame Sony can't convey this game diversity and selection better, the system really is solid.

Agreed; the system has a much better diversity than many may feel. Sony should really show it off far more.

OP you have hatsune miku project diva f 2nd listed as japan only but it's confirmed for a fall US release

Thanks for the info TP, I'll change it now :)


Great list OP.
However, could you please put in bold when a title is an exclusive (and not playstation exclusive, vita exclusive only). That would help a lot, had some doubts for some titles and it'd be easier to see.
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