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'Urban' RPG's


No I'm not talking about the 'music-genre'.
Is it just me or are there barely any RPG's that take palce in a more urban enviroment? I'm not a big fan of walking through forests and caves, I'm a city guy, I want to walk through the city streets with a lot of people everywhere, traffic on the streets, all sorts of things happening, all sorts of sounds etc. Fuck fighting mythical creatures, I want to shoplift in the local grocerystore or stop some dude who just snatched a ladies purse or something. Why aren't more developers coming out with urban RPG's?

Jim Bowie

There's one coming out. It's called Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. I know you haven't heard of it, is a little under the radar.


Jim Bowie said:
There's one coming out. It's called Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. I know you haven't heard of it, is a little under the radar.
GTA is in my opinion more an action game then an rpg, but that's my opinion. I'm gonna pick up GTA:SA anyway.




I re-read your post and I think I answered bad...Both games have mytical creatures...It would be nice to play some kind of "Final Fight" RPG...
A few others that haven't been mentioned:

[ parasite EVE ]
Persona, and a lot of other MegaTen games (to varying extents)
Shadow Hearts series, at least a little

edit: these all have kind of fantasy / sci-fi elements to them. but they ARE set in urban environments.


ourumov said:
I would pay 100€ for each Shenmue if I couldn't find them anywhere...Must-haves of this gen.
It would basically mean that I'd pay more for Shenmue than for my DC. First I'll try my luck in finding back-ups and only if that fails I'll head to my local 'we've got all those games you can't find anywhere for almost every system ever' gameshop.


ourumov said:
I just reminded another one...

Ring of Red (PS2) from Konami

That's nothing like the games he mentions. It's a SRPG set in alternate WW2 universe. It's still an awesome game though.


That's nothing like the games he mentions. It's a SRPG set in alternate WW2 universe. It's still an awesome game though.
I thought it was the 60s...Anyways the awesome ambience is something he could like....


Ring of Red, man, I thought I was the only one who still played that game. Love the Diesel-powered AFW's... And yes, the game is set in 1964 in an alternative Japan, a Japan that did not go into the Potsdam-treaty and was somehow divided into two different parts. The US/Allies Part, and the Sovjet/Communist part. However, nowadays (in 1964) the cry for reunification of the country gets stronger and stronger.

Sooooo, that's the story behind this great Strategy-RPG. But, most fights center around some cities and small villages, IN forested, sandy, rocky areas. It's not like the 'Urban' RPG's Warhead is looking for I think.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Vashu said:
Ring of Red, man, I thought I was the only one who still played that game. Love the Diesel-powered AFW's... And yes, the game is set in 1964 in an alternative Japan, a Japan that did not go into the Potsdam-treaty and was somehow divided into two different parts. The US/Allies Part, and the Sovjet/Communist part. However, nowadays (in 1964) the cry for reunification of the country gets stronger and stronger.

Sooooo, that's the story behind this great Strategy-RPG. But, most fights center around some cities and small villages, IN forested, sandy, rocky areas. It's not like the 'Urban' RPG's Warhead is looking for I think.

Nope I still play it... but man each battle takes SO long...


It is probably the only genre where an epic type story can happen without the whole 'saving the world' bit, so I too approve this message.


yeah. shin megami tensei nocturne, which just came out in the US, takes place entirely in tokyo. well, post-apocalyptic tokyo...

personally i'm a big fan of contemporary settings for RPGs.


The Shadowrun games qualify as pretty urban. Haven't been any rumors about Microsoft doing another one of those lately, somebody needs to start some.

Hey, Nutt, does SMT3 have anything like the happy convenience store music from Persona 2? That shit was tight.



Scrow said:
i thread about 'urban' RPG's and no mention of Earthbound yet?

BING BING! We have a winner! Earthbound is so underrated, it's sad that Mother 1 + 2 hasnt come here yet, which it better...ya hear that Nintendo?

way more

What was that one where you went to Chernobyl? It had pre-rendered backrounds and this funky combat system.

And another called Abomination but I understand it was poorly done.


Gold Member
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption (out now, Activision just re-released it) and Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (November) are both in a modern setting (although Redemption has portions in the middle-ages).
Jim Bowie said:
There's one coming out. It's called Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. I know you haven't heard of it, is a little under the radar.

Just a tip: "RPG" games without leveling are called "Adventure" games.


ferricide said:
no, but the shopkeeper in SMT3 is a creepy gay sub-human.


He sounds kinda like the porno collector in Shadow Hearts, though.



is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I read an interview with Method Man in EGM a few years ago and he said he wants to make an RPG about the hip hop industry... (he's a very big FF7 fan). I could see it now... people posting on message boards asking how to revive Biggie :p


djtiesto said:
I read an interview with Method Man in EGM a few years ago and he said he wants to make an RPG about the hip hop industry... (he's a very big FF7 fan). I could see it now... people posting on message boards asking how to revive Biggie :p

I'm personally waiting for an RPG with African themes, myself. Nuts to this fantasy medieval/modern steampunk crud we've been getting for the past decade or so


belgurdo said:
I'm personally waiting for an RPG with African themes, myself. Nuts to this fantasy medieval/modern steampunk crud we've been getting for the past decade or so

I take it you are not excited about Fall Out 3?


Tag of Excellence
Shadowrun, Anachronox, Earthbound 0 + 1, Fallout 1 +2, Deus Ex!

Off the top of my head. Sorry there are tons of other worthwhile games as well.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Fuck you all for not mentioning Illusion City :(. Go be real hardcore and play it on a MSX emulator or whatever. It's one of the greatest, mature/serious/gloomy/stylish 'urban' RPG's ever made. And of course it visually looks like crap nowadays, but the music is still teh awesome. For a sample,check this, some more to be found here.


Well, if we're talking about old 'urban' RPGs...

You can steal, lie, cheat, kill innocents and baddies alike...and still be a 'good guy'...in cities...burnt out post-apocalyptic ones.


Chili Con Carnage!
ourumov said:
I would pay 100€ for each Shenmue if I couldn't find them anywhere...Must-haves of this gen.

Im tempted to try and extort that €200 from you but i think its fairer to point out the games go for like £10 a piece on ebay.

Ahh i see it was a hypothetical...alwell, useful for the original poster anyway, SHENMUE IS CHEAP.
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