In the case of THC no, I was more listing examples for alcohol and tobacco.
If you're talking about the U.S, absolutely not. It is a tool used to systematically oppress poor (black) people and add cheap labour to private prisons.
Right on. Just wanted to clarify. I figured you were more referring to alcohol/tobacco.
What's interesting to me (and further shows how a legalize/regulate model is the way to go) is that tobacco use has dropped significantly over the past several decades through education and tight regulations on where people can smoke.
With regards to cannabis legalization, I think it's reasonable to maintain location restrictions that are at least as strict as cigarette use, as long as laws allow for specific places to smoke, not unlike the cannabis coffee shops found in the Netherlands.
The fact that Denver considered outlawing cannabis consumption on one's front porch was a bit ridiculous. I'm glad to see they backed off of that.