Welp time to move.
Ok I will bite...why?
I like to deal with stoned people as much as drunk people. Which is not at all.
That, and I have a cousin that started off as a major stoner. He progressed to become a heroin junky after throwing away a promising future in nursing school. This happened within 2 years of trying pot. He literally hopped from one drug to the next over 2 years until he hit heroin. He's lucky to be alive now, and in recovery.
I really don't like drugs or drunks. But from my understanding, despite what has been told to kids for generations, pot isn't much of a "gateway drug" when it's made to not be taboo.
If the government keeps tabs on it and actually follows through, I'm cool with it though. Especially if it cuts down on the cartels. Anything to take money from those evil people is fine by me.