There's more than enough rage to go around. I'm not absolving anyone of anything.
You don't see how coming in a thread about people losing their health insurance, and someone saying "haha, at least it's people who live in [your state] isn't just a little bit shitty? This isn't a game. People are going to die. Lives are going to be upended. I've spent the last twenty four hours mostly talking with people who know shit how I'm going to arrange my life once I can no longer get the care I need.
And if you think it's remotely acceptable to say that it amuses you that the people affected live in states like mine, I don't know what to tell you.
You're fucked whether or not he says "Oh no" or "Whelp that's what they voted for lol".
Jesus H Christ.
This is seguing from funny to just profane.
Once again, all that talk, and they will literally kill the agency at the spearhead of combating Opioid abuse. Better build some more prisons I guess.
Yea it's almost as if republicans really don't give a fuck about poor white people.
Bruh, I'm not sure why you would be 'cackling'. This is NOT GOOD at all. I mean I guess 'cackling' is a good defense mechanism to avoid weeping.
I'm cackling because like always, racism ALWAYS ends up fucking over white people eventually.
I'm cackling because the political party who made a pillar of the southern strategy revolve around framing drugs, users, addicts as something happening to "black people" to get America to be for the war on drugs and the resulting apathy towards drug users is the same party who doesn't give a fuck if it happens to white folks either.
It's almost as if the shit black folks have been trying to warn poor white folks about for ages is actually happening. It's almost like...Repubs don't give a damn about white poor folks.
Only difference is now there is no safety net (democrats) that protect them from voting against their own interest and fucking themselves over. Instead of the slow erosion that happens due to republican fuckery while demos are in charge but laying the blame on democrats is no longer a thing. People are going to see that it is republicans who hate their "freedom", and all other abused phrases. Maybe this will make them realize that despite all the gas republicans pump them up with, that these poor white folks are no better in any capacity than black folks, and that these laws are fucked and that republicans do not give a fuck about them.
If only there was another political group who had been advocating to helping these poor folks for at least 15 years...
If only.