Lol at grouping GOP and ISIS together. The thing is, even if the AHCA might "kill" thousands of people, GOP politicians still aren't "evil". People who prefer smaller goverment and less social welfare aren't evil. Wealthier people who advocate for policies that might relatively hurt poorer people more aren't evil. It's unfortunate that they have the beliefs that they have, but they have every right to have their own opinions of things and you know what? Around half of the Americans support most of their policies.
This isn't about opinions and it's disingenuous of you to pretend like it is nor is any percentage of public support indicative of whether or not something is moral. These politicians have two options, they know the outcome of each: 1) People lose their health insurance and die, there is no "might" in that statement, it WILL happen. 2) They allow people to continue to traverse an imperfect system which we can improve with their help. They choose option 1 and that is evil. Running around and blowing things up isn't the only source of evil.