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USC Student: 'Police said I wasn't raped because he didn't orgasm'

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Based on that logic, if he pulled out and finished off by hand on a towel it is also not rape because he did not orgasm on or in her. Ridiculous.

I guess also if a condom was used that it's all good because his penis isn't actually touching the inside of her vagina?
Dont forget that tucker reed is the one we discussed on here before that dated her 'rapist' for 2 years and only started this crusade after they broke up
Got an email from someone on the board/staff/thing last week about this, saying they were investigating it and they don't tolerate any such sexual crimes or harassment to any student.


Dont forget that tucker reed is the one we discussed on here before that dated her 'rapist' for 2 years and only started this crusade after they broke up
Some people stay with their abusers for a while. Doesn't mean it's not rape.


At the cost of not sullying their reputation, they're allowing a guy to go scot-free while the girl faces the endless trauma of being raped.

Their definition of rape is just so stupid. The moment she says "No" and he still forces his way, it's rape. There is no "he didn't orgasm" or "he pulled away and stopped" in it. He still forced his way in.


All institutions are out to protect their name first and foremost. These cases are the reason why companies don't want their employees to be romantically involved.


It would be interesting to know all the facts in the "didn't orgasm" case. Did he stop because she asked him to stop or for another reason?

When do you guys think sex becomes rape? In otherwords, what if the girl you are with is in to it but midway through changes her mind and asks you to stop. Obviously at that moment you should stop but does everything that transpiered before she said stop suddenly count as rape too?
It would be interesting to know all the facts in the "didn't orgasm" case. Did he stop because she asked him to stop or for another reason?

When do you guys think sex becomes rape? In otherwords, what if the girl you are with is in to it but midway through changes her mind and asks you to stop. Obviously at that moment you should stop but does everything that transpiered before she said stop suddenly count as rape too?

It would be a much more difficult case to argue, put it that way, but it's still rape.
This is simply astonishing. Not a very competent authority working this case imo.

In most jurisdictions around the world it is a legitimate defence to a rape complaint if you can demonstrate you had reasonable grounds to believe that consent was present. It has to be this way otherwise every sexual encounter everywhere would require signing forms in triplicate to establish explicit consent from both parties to intercourse in order to indemnify everyone involved.

Of course, in almost every jurisdiction, consent can be withdrawn at any time. Continue after that point and it becomes rape.

It may well be in the case where the woman claims to have been told that because he stopped it wasn't rape, that the cops were satisfied based on any investigation that the guy could demonstrate reasonable grounds for consent and that he stopped as soon as it was clear that consent was not present. In which case it wouldn't be rape.


Fucking disgusting. Those "officers" should ashamed of themselves. They don't have an ounce of empathy for those girls.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I feel universities have been neglecting this stuff for years, right?

Right, and the longer it goes unreported, the bigger a deal and worse the reputation hits they get. They should get out in front of it and start changing their devil may care attitude and actually start caring about the allegations.

Basically Universities should be caring about the allegations better than they are. The fact that things like this happen is the sad part.
Unfortunately a friend of mine was raped as a USC sophomore and almost had her life ruined. Staff and faculty refused to support her, and the guys friends harassed her to the point where she had to unenroll and basically start her life over elsewhere. It was miserable.

It is a systematic problem. I'm no teetotaler but if underage drinking was addressed, the Greek Fraternities and Sororities were shut down, athletics didn't dominate the social landscape of larger schools, and the general immaturity of the average college freshman was mitigated with mandatory community service, then the vocal alumni et al. busy-bodies would just create an uproar to ensure their empty-headed spawn would have a chance to "experience college" under the patriarchal banner of "if you didn't get pregnant then nothing happened and if it doesn't kill you then it makes you stronger (and the 'its only wrong if you get caught business-culture')."

I don't want to turn this into a Greek thread, but this is not a Greek problem. It's not an athlete problem. It's not a collegiate problem. It's not an alcohol problem. It's a "some people are rapists and need to have justice applied to them" problem, which exists far outside of college campuses.


I don't want to turn this into a Greek thread, but this is not a Greek problem. It's not an athlete problem. It's not a collegiate problem. It's not an alcohol problem. It's a "some people are rapists and need to have justice applied to them" problem, which exists far outside of college campuses.
Exactly. Trying to lump it in with other mass generalizations weakens the position and makes it easier to dismiss.

I think we overestimate the number of people on GAF that actually went to college/university. Seems like these America Pie stereotypes overwhelm the reality for some posters.


Unfortunately a friend of mine was raped as a USC sophomore and almost had her life ruined. Staff and faculty refused to support her, and the guys friends harassed her to the point where she had to unenroll and basically start her life over elsewhere. It was miserable.

I don't want to turn this into a Greek thread, but this is not a Greek problem. It's not an athlete problem. It's not a collegiate problem. It's not an alcohol problem. It's a "some people are rapists and need to have justice applied to them" problem, which exists far outside of college campuses.

Exactly. And that's awful about your friend, I had no idea. Most of my friends who went to USC had an amazing experience, but I'm not sure if any of them ever had to deal with their administration in this way.

What an awful, horrifying story. I'm glad it got out. Maybe now she can get some justice.
Unfortunately a friend of mine was raped as a USC sophomore and almost had her life ruined. Staff and faculty refused to support her, and the guys friends harassed her to the point where she had to unenroll and basically start her life over elsewhere. It was miserable.

I don't want to turn this into a Greek thread, but this is not a Greek problem. It's not an athlete problem. It's not a collegiate problem. It's not an alcohol problem. It's a "some people are rapists and need to have justice applied to them" problem, which exists far outside of college campuses.

I would say that as a systemic problem there is a cultural aspect to this behavior. Not that any one of these organizations should be dissolved, or would be, but there are enclaves that exist on campuses that enable this behavior. It is not clear-cut and I can't point fingers without broad strokes, so I am wrong in that respect. At the same time, these are academic institutions that do need to foster a socially engaged community that hopefully is seeking to educate about, and address, these situations. There are some great Greek organizations. There are Greek organizations that do not foster respectful behavior. I don't know how to address this, having 13 people come forward is just alarming. Its like people in the US should just be put in straightjackets and chastity belts if they want to go out in public or the person is a minor.
You know, I always hear this "the schools cover it up so their image isn't tarnished" line whenever something like this happens.

Wouldn't the school's integrity look 1000x better if they actually went after students and faculty who raped or abused other students? I mean holy shit, I know a lot of parents live in La La Land where they don't like to imagine anything like this happening, but I would feel a lot more comfortable sending my kid to a college where I know acts like these, if they do happen, will be handled properly instead of being swept under the rug so Johnny can still play on the football team.

And fuck the sympathizers who say "Oh they're just boys, they don't know what they're doing" In college, and even in high school you are grown fucking men, and if "Hey kiddo, respect women and don't put your dick in without asking" wasn't lesson #1 of not being a fucking asshole someone fucked up.
How do you figure, if everything before the "stop" was consensual?

Its very difficult under some circumstances to actually say stop. What if you are VERY drunk or on drugs? What if you are scared because the person is being physically aggressive with you?

I'm not sure what the law says, I assume that for it to be considered rape the girl must either have made it clear the answer is no, or have been unable to say no. Such as being passed out or physically & verbally restrained?
You know, I always hear this "the schools cover it up so their image isn't tarnished" line whenever something like this happens.

Wouldn't the school's integrity look 1000x better if they actually went after students and faculty who raped or abused other students? I mean holy shit, I know a lot of parents live in La La Land where they don't like to imagine anything like this happening, but I would feel a lot more comfortable sending my kid to a college where I know acts like these, if they do happen, will be handled properly instead of being swept under the rug so Johnny can still play on the football team.

And fuck the sympathizers who say "Oh they're just boys, they don't know what they're doing" In college, and even in high school you are grown fucking men, and if "Hey kiddo, respect women and don't put your dick in without asking" wasn't lesson #1 of not being a fucking asshole someone fucked up.

Let's be honest. Who would send his/her daughter to a school with documented cases of rape?


Let's be honest. Who would send his/her daughter to a school with documented cases of rape?
People who realize that rape can happen anywhere? I'd be surprised if there was a single college institution in this nation where a rape has not occurred. I would rather know that the school took these crimes seriously instead of pretending they didn't happen.
Let's be honest. Who would send his/her daughter to a school with documented cases of rape?
Can you name one school without any instance of rape, documented or undocumented?

Look, it's not something I'd count on when sending someone to school, but if it's going to happen, it needs to be dealt with. You could say the same for murder or theft or any other crime. There's a reason there are laws addressing these things. They happen.


I mean, frankly, it's better for the University to deal with it swiftly and harshly internally rather than it reaching national media like this case.

Rape is seriously under reported on college campuses as compared to the regular populace, that much is true. Reading through those statistics in one of my Sociology survey courses were incredibly depressing. Granted, the cases studied were in the 80s and 90s, so hopefully we are better, but it is a true problem.

I mean, we still have a situation in most universities where drinking policies make it more hazardous to underaged students. Certain schools do a great job of making health services available and eliminating risk of MIP prosecutions - for the sake of public safety. They'd rather have students calling professional to save their peers lives rather than trying to quietly take care of their friends.

There was a sad incident my Senior year of a sophomore kid dying in one of the dorms from alcohol poisoning because his friends were afraid to call the RA. Tragic and completely preventable.
Here's a transcript of the recorded offered to the police:
BEAN: Am I really an all right person? Because I –– I … I don’t know. I’m just… . What’re you doing?
REED: I –– I need [the recording] for my own fucking psychological… . I need to listen to it later. I need to… .
BEAN: Tucker … I don’t want you … to go to the police about it, obviously. But at the same time, I know you have a complete right to do it. And … I’m sorry. I’m sorry I did that to you. I’m sorry I didn’t know what I was doing. And I’m sorry that I’ve hurt you in ways that nobody ever should hurt another person. I can’t even look at you. I am sorry that … every time I hear your name from now on, I’ll think of the bad times more than good. But then I’ll think of the good times eventually. I’ll get better eventually. But … I’m –– I’m –– I’m really sorry. I never –– I never meant to hurt you. I really didn’t. (breath) And I keep on thinking –– I keep on, like, thinking, like maybe if I had done something different, you know? And it all just comes down to… I wanted sex, and … I was drunk. You know, I was selfish.
REED: I told you it would ruin everything.
BEAN: (laughs) I don’t remember that. I –– I couldn’t hear that. (pause) I don’t –– I don’t even remember that.
REED: Well, you remembered enough to tell me why you did it. … That’s the thing, Andy. You remembered enough to tell me why you did it, when I brought it up a year later.
BEAN: What, the roses, and all that stuff?
REED: This whole, like –– really, it was so disturbing.
BEAN: Tucker, that was me … that was me doing to you the same thing that you did to me two days ago. Or, on Thursday. With just saying everything to put me down. I was doing that because … I felt like shit. Because if I actually looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t stand what was there. And I can’t. (sigh) So if you’re –– if you’re talking about when I was drunk on the anniversary of it, it’s because I didn’t want to deal with it.
REED: It was so hurtful.
BEAN: I know. (breath) I’m sorry!
REED: And that’s what happened. That’s –– that’s really, like, the end, in my mind, like, everything that happened is just a blur of, like, unhappiness and us fighting all the time.
BEAN: We weren’t fighting all the time.
REED: That’s all I remember.
BEAN: (scoffing noise) Do ––
REED: I just –– I just remember me going, “How –– how can I be this, like, unhappy and still be here?" And feeling like ––
BEAN: We’re just very different people ––
REED: –– I just forgive, like, so much, you know? Like –– (sigh) any other girl ––
BEAN: Yeah. …
REED: I didn’t –– I did not –– I went –– I had you come in with me, and we were naked, and I was gonna give you a blow job and I thought you were going to eat me out. That’s what I thought was gonna happen. And then all of a sudden you were on top of me, and you had your dick in your hands, and you were putting it in me, and it hurt so much, and I was saying, “Don’t do it." (several sobs) I was saying, “Don’t! No, no!" (sob, sniffles) And you were on me and I was pinned like this. (rustling, gasp) And then I heard (gasp) those two girls come back, and I –– I –– I was so drunk, and (gasp) I thought, “No, don’t, don’t scream, don’t kick him off you –– "
BEAN: We were –– we were both so drunk and ––
REED: "It will make –– it will make noise and they’ll know that you’re a slut and they’ll think that you meant to have sex" and I didn’t, I didn’t! And I thought that it would just be better if it was just over, but you have so much fucking stamina, it went on forever. (three gasps)
BEAN: We –– we were both really drunk, okay? (she wails) We were both really drunk, and it was a stupid mistake. It was something that was really fucking dumb.
REED: You didn’t listen to me, you didn’t care enough to listen to me, I was just a hole.
BEAN: I was drunk! I didn’t mean to, you’re not a whore, okay?
REED: Hole for you to stick ––
BEAN: … oh.
REED: –– your dick in. (gasps) I wasn’t a person, I wasn’t talking. Ugh.
BEAN: I’m sorry.
REED: That –– the memory of it –– the memory of it makes me want –– (wail)
BEAN: I don’t –– I don’t remember it. I don’t remember anything about it.
REED: It doesn’t change the fact that it’s a crime. (sniffs) Really, like if you went in to court and you said that, they’d be like, “Doesn’t matter. It happened."
BEAN: (sighs twice) I’m so sorry for hurting you.
REED: Okay. (sniffs)
BEAN: And I know … it’s just words. I just –– I fucking hate words. (sighs)
REED: I just wanted you to know ––
BEAN: I know I hurt you.
So it's not a case of "he said, she said", but the police department actively protecting rapists.


Here's a transcript of the recorded offered to the police:

So it's not a case of "he said, she said", but the police department actively protecting rapists.
California is one of the twelve states that require two-party consent for wiretapping of conversations - in person or over the phone. So unless both parties were aware - e.g. It was a sex tape or he consented in someway- it would be impermissible.

Special protections exist when it comes to public officials. Which is why it's legal to video record cops, although states vary in their laws.


People who realize that rape can happen anywhere? I'd be surprised if there was a single college institution in this nation where a rape has not occurred. I would rather know that the school took these crimes seriously instead of pretending they didn't happen.

Yeah, but the reality is that the first University that breaks from the habit of downplaying the numbers and/or attempts to encourage reporting of the crime, will appear to have numbers significantly higher than other institutions around it.

If University A has 100 reported rapes a year v. University B having 10, no parent is going to dig further, or care when University A says, "well, it's because we take every report seriously and honestly report our numbers." They're simply going to assume that University A is 10 times more dangerous.
Not surprising at all. Know of a couple times when the students went to the Uni only for the Uni to put both people together for counseling. Gross fucks.



The transcript seems to show that he was aware the conversation was being recorded:

BEAN: Am I really an all right person? Because I –– I … I don’t know. I’m just… . What’re you doing?
REED: I –– I need [the recording] for my own fucking psychological… . I need to listen to it later. I need to… .


Bull on a Donut
This is why you go to the city's police instead of the university's. Universities will bend over backwards to cover up any negative publicity they possibly can even if it means protecting rapists.

This. As much as university police like to claim they are exactly like a real police force, they really aren't--my few experiences with them have been awful and that's saying a lot as my experiences with actual police have been less than stellar as well.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Fucking shameful, all involved should be fired and charged with covering up a crime.


Is there any logic behind limiting reports to 180 days after the event? That seems likely to be why the recorded admission of rape was ignored--it took place years after the incident.

Campus police clearly should have put the student in contact with real police, at that point. But I can't even figure out why you'd have a 180 day limit on crime reporting without some official mechanism in place for getting the complaint transferred to somebody that can and will handle it.


Logically sound. If you penetrate someone with a bullet and (s)he doesn't die, it isn't murder. Dicks, bullets... same thing.

Really, what the hell... so crazy shit like that happens in 2013. :/
Logically sound. If you penetrate someone with a bullet and (s)he doesn't die, it isn't murder. Dicks, bullets... same thing.

Really, what the hell... so crazy shit like that happens in 2013. :/

It's not so crazy at all. This is why I recommend people read more about rape and feminism outside of these horrible stories. The shock wears off when you realize just how far behind we are in doing the right thing. Not to mention the scores of untested rape kits.


What is the basis for this accusation beyond the student just saying it? "Not rape because of no orgasm?" Sounds like nonsense.
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