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USC Student: 'Police said I wasn't raped because he didn't orgasm'

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Here's a transcript of the recorded offered to the police:

So it's not a case of "he said, she said", but the police department actively protecting rapists.

I don't mean to be insensative, and for fuck's sake the school response is the worst kind, but from that transcript it does look like a he said/she said.

BEAN: I don’t –– I don’t remember it. I don’t remember anything about it.


I'm glad I go to a uni where they don't mask up crimes, and send emails to all students that a crime has occurred, be it rape, robbery, assault. It ultimately leads to a safer university.

This is fucked up.


One student involved in the USC complaint, who asked to remain anonymous, said a DPS detective told her the campus police determined that no rape occurred in her case because her alleged assailant did not orgasm, and that therefore they had decided not to refer the case to the Los Angeles Police Department.

"Because he stopped, it was not rape," she was told, according to the complaint. "Even though his penis penetrated your vagina, because he stopped, it was not a crime."

Highly doubt that's exactly what was said, but if it is...fuck.


What in the world is going on? That is awful

Had that been their daughter, they would be singing a different tune altogether


I knew a girl who also got sexually abused and who can't work or go out and have fun with other people up to this day because she is so frightened of everything out there in the world. At least the monster who did that to her got arrested for the rest of his life, but it seems that is not always the case as in this case here.
Terrible story.
Maybe I don't understand because I don't go to a school with its own campus police but for serious crimes, why bother going to campus police? I'd go straight to local police



If only we had a system for identifying the morons who perpetrate this kind of injustice and barring them from any position of public influence until they've been educated about how to respect basic human rights. Or maybe we need a method for filtering out unqualified people before they're even hired for a job that lets them screw up strangers' lives with their ignorance.


Dont forget that tucker reed is the one we discussed on here before that dated her 'rapist' for 2 years and only started this crusade after they broke up

Figured there was more to this than the topic and OP article. Not saying she wasn't, but without knowing the context or actually hearing the audio of the supposed confession, I'm not about to label him a rapist.

"It wasn't rape because he didn't orgasm" is incredibly dumb, however.


Why didn't the victims go to the LAPD if the campus police were being ineffective? Campus police being useless is pretty common and I would never solely rely on them.
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