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Used PS2: Good bargain buy or invitation for FAILURE?


Queen of Denmark
It seems as though the PS2 is not the most reliable piece of hardware around -- I often hear of people being on their second or third one, and/or having to put up with performance issues with the one they have.

With this in mind, my question is this: would buying a used PS2 be a smart buy for someone looking to save some money? Or would a used PS2 ring up so many repair bills that the extra money spent on a new one would actually save money over time? (Note: obviously I realize that not all used PS2s are the same, but generally speaking.)

Also, I've heard that the new PSTwo improves performance -- is this true, and if so, how much?

Thanks in advance.


If it's going to be your main/only console, go ahead and cop a New one, the price difference really isn't that big. If you don't game that much or this is just a secondary, go ahead and get the used one. With either one you can get an extended warrenty that is only like $20 i think and lasts for 2 years.


Queen of Denmark
MrparisSM said:
If it's going to be your main/only console, go ahead and cop a New one, the price difference really isn't that big. If you don't game that much or this is just a secondary, go ahead and get the used one. With either one you can get an extended warrenty that is only like $20 i think and lasts for 2 years.
Well, I'd probably be playing it between 5 and 10 hours a week on average (not necessarily true for all weeks, but just as a general ballpark figure) -- would you say I'd be safe with a used one in this case?
I'd seriously just get a new one.

Old one
1) Could be 4 years old as a launch system
2) May not read purple CD's
3) Warranty (??? Don't know, maybe 30 days from the gamestore, more if you pay)

New one
1) Quiet, faster
2) Has the NA built in
3) Has the IR port for the remote and the updated DVD firmware
4) Has a year warranty from Sony
5) Small sexy design :D

For $30 in difference, I would't do it.


rollin' in the gutter
sonycowboy said:
I'd seriously just get a new one.

Old one
1) Could be 4 years old as a launch system
2) May not read purple CD's
3) Warranty (??? Don't know, maybe 30 days from the gamestore, more if you pay)

New one
1) Quiet, faster
2) Has the NA built in
3) Has the IR port for the remote and the updated DVD firmware
4) Has a year warranty from Sony
5) Small sexy design :D

For $30 in difference, I would't do it.

Plus it won't count on the NPD if it's used :(



Queen of Denmark
Thanks, sonycowboy. That's the kind of information I was looking for.

Deadlifter: I hadn't even thought of that! Knowing that, how could I not buy new -- it'd be like betraying the GAF! :D


All my life I've lived by a code, and the code is simple.

Honor the gods.
Love your woman.
Defend your country.
And never buy a used system.

Ok, I took the first part from the movie Troy :p


Buy a new one. The refurbished PS2s are crap and will die within a few months or last a year if you're lucky. I used to fix them for EB Games. All we did was tweak the lasers which burn out quickly. This is same for Xbox and Gamecube refurbs. So beware anyone who is thinking of getting one.


if you buy mine, it plays all the discs and it isn't about to break! also comes with a bunch of games!

it's fantastic!


In general, it would be wise to get a new one if you can afford it, but I bought a refurbished (new laser) v4 PS2 for $80 through a local shop, and it works flawlessly. Sometimes it pays off. Noisy though, the older models.

*crosses fingers*


Well I'm the luckiest dude ever, I got a used PS2 and it's been alive and kickin' for a year and a half.

Still, it's pure luck. Definitly go for new.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
It's sony, it's lasers, and movable parts. I'll still leery on inporting the PSP. Get a new one please. Save yourself the headache


Queen of Denmark
Sho Nuff said:
Get a PStwo, I have one and it's golden. It's cheap as hell too! Don't you people have jobs?
Sure...but I've also got college tuition, apartment rent, and bills to worry about too.

Thanks for the replies, the rest of you. It's clear a used one isn't the way to go.
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