blue blood and final dying words being about love.
Was really vibing on the movie hard up until
Rihanna's death scene. It went south real quick once the movie turned into one really long exposition dump about evil Clive Owen, Na'vi albinos, and how Valarian loves Loraline.
It almost sunk the movie for me. I fucking loved the first half though, especially the desert heist.
I just saw it a few hours ago. This is pretty much me. Also maybe it's me but the movie also becomes visually generic/claustrophobic in the last third which is sad because I loved the first 2/3.
Agreed on the sidequest vibes. It didn't help that for most of that scene Valerina was wearing his cosplay of Mass Effect 3's Shepherd armor.
It's weird though, I liked those scenes, I'd probably have liked the film less if it dropped them - but they were just totally unnecessary and in the end the film felt way too long.
Besson should have cut that part out and put that in as extra scenes for the blu-ray. It really served no purpose other than to show that Valerian will do anything for her. Also, if she's suppose to be a bad ass, why is she
Got back from seeing it. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great.
-Story was decent, minus the 20 minute video game side-quest that just brings the narrative to a grinding halt.
-The two leads were very bland, I didn't care for them much
-Movie is gorgeous, and one of the few I would say is worth springing for 3D on.
Pretty much my opinion as well. Just watch it for the special effects and world building. The story was predictable. And they definitely needed more charisma for Valerian. A Chris Pratt type. Or even Bruce Willis.
I thought it might turn out that he's shooting stasis bullets or something? But it just seemed like regular bullets/lasers. Even more dangerous is that he's in a crowded city and risked shooting buildings and other ships, not to mention the commander.
Yeah, where the hell did the aliens get that advanced ship anyways? Is Valerian the only cop on the whole base? No one else went looking for the general? Why not just send in a bunch of robot soldiers?
Watched it yesterday with my wife and the best way I can describe it is "special". It's not like other Sci-Fi-movies. It's a colorful trip to strange and alien worlds with a fantastic vision behind it. The pacing can get a bit messy and unfocused. It's somethimes like stringing together crazy set-pieces and situations. Yes, it feels like a video-game. But it's always a joy to watch while trying to catch all the little details. The visuals and world building are really something else in this movie.
It's crazy, over the top, trippy and full of creativity. I really, really liked it. I even liked the main characters and their cheesy love story. The overall story-arc was also better than expected. It's nothing groundbreaking or deep, but it was interesting enough with a clear message.
And wow at that whole marked-scene with the inter-dimensional stuff. Crazy stuff. Amazing.
Sad to see an not even half filled cinema at it's first friday evening. This movie might bomb hard and make other studios cautious about making AAA-sci-fi-space-operas. I myself was very conflicted about watching it at the cinema because I am still salty about Jupiter Ascending. But this movie is totally worth a cinema-visit and it's really made for the big screen.
I'm so conflicted. On one hand, what an amazing trip...the set pieces and worlds were amazing, especially the opening sequence in the market. Brilliant moments littered the film.
But holy shit, I don't think I've seen worse acting in a wide theater release film in the last five to ten years. Both leads...good lord. And Rihanna, while her dance sequence was excellent...ugh.
A visual feast that left me wanting a big art book for. Leads were dry. The girl had more to give than than duder though. He was awful. The dialogue between them is straight to video levels of awful too. It's no Fifth Element but man, the creativity on hand...
Gorgeous lookin movie and I love space operas, but I thought this was alright. 2.5/5 stars. It was rough watching Dane Dehaan try to do Chris Pratt doing Star-Lord for 2 hours. Weird too how
Rihanna gets introduced and killed off in the span of 10 minutes.
A visual feast that left me wanting a big art book for. Leads were dry. The girl had more to give than than duder though. He was awful. The dialogue between them is straight to video levels of awful too. It's no Fifth Element but man, the creativity on hand...
I'll see it at some point but the consistent issue with the leads is putting me off. It really sounds like they didn't nail it and that's a put off as their relationship is clearly intended to be the core of the film.
Rihanna's death scene. It went south real quick once the movie turned into one really long exposition dump about evil Clive Owen, Na'vi albinos, and how Valarian loves Loraline.
It almost sunk the movie for me. I fucking loved the first half though, especially the desert heist.
This was mine and so many of my friend's take away. It's a shame this world won't get a second chance because I love so many of the ideas, costumes, settings and even characters.
He looks like a relative of Jim Breuer, too, and I couldn't get past that, either. Terrible choice. Cara was great, though. I enjoyed the movie overall, but the entire sequence with Ethan Hawke and Rihanna could've been cut to no ill effect.
Saw it. Liked it in spite of its two major flaws, which are Dane DeHaan and
the inexplicably pointless and sudden death of Rhianna's character, which comes out of nowhere to the degree it feels like a scene was left out.
The attempt to build to a romantic relationship between Valerian and Laureline just doesn't work, largely because DeHaan plays Valerian as such a blank slate much of the time that you don't see why she'd ever even care beyond their professional relationship. I mean this is the character that was part of the template for Han fucking Solo and he's barely a presence in his own film.
It certainly didn't disappoint where I wanted it to shine, which is in the weird aliens and space opera content, and the story was fine overall, but a lead actor with even an ounce of charisma would have gone a long way.
It certainly didn't disappoint where I wanted it to shine, which is in the weird aliens and space opera content, and the story was fine overall, but a lead actor with even an ounce of charisma would have gone a long way.
Dehaan made Hayden Christiansen look like Robin Williams. Cara was decent but if Valerian was suppose to be the template for Han Solo, I didn't see it at all.
Started out completely stoked during the first act, despite the terrible leads. That heist was seriously one of the coolest and most inventive things I've seen in a movie. Loved it.
Then it all turns into a long boring slog. Really disappointing. Rihanna's dance scene was rad and Ethan Hawke was great, but that whole scene was pointless. Wish they'd integrated those ideas into the actual storyline somehow. Would have been a great movie with better leads and a tighter moving script. Sad!
This movie felt like a lot of manga to cinema transitions, hinging on two or three large set pieces then clumbsily bouncing from one to the other as quickly as possible, forgoing any sense of timinng or grace.
That being said, I still enjoyed it. But yeah, this is the most wooden acting I've seen in years.
Dehaan made Hayden Christiansen look like Robin Williams. Cara was decent but if Valerian was suppose to be the template for Han Solo, I didn't see it at all.
I was looking to see if soon but the closest theater only has 2 3d showings already...guess they had no faith so they gave it no slots even on opening...ouch
Been anticipating this movie for the longest. This was my movie to see of the year. Finally got to see it and managed to doze off around the underground crashed ship bit.
Still thoroughly enjoyed it despite its many flaws. Flaws it had plenty of.
Dehaan made Hayden Christiansen look like Robin Williams. Cara was decent but if Valerian was suppose to be the template for Han Solo, I didn't see it at all.
Been anticipating this movie for the longest. This was my movie to see of the year. Finally got to see it and managed to doze off around the underground crashed ship bit.
Still thoroughly enjoyed it despite its many flaws. Flaws it had plenty of.
I've seen others. It's worse though....this has been my most anticipated movie since the very first trailer dropped...what a year ago? Not my fault though since the theater I go to has recliner seats and are comfy as hell : )
I usually don't either. I think the last time I fell asleep was during the Dark Knight. That was because I hadn't slept for a whole day.
Han Solo's "bumbling rogue who doesn't admit it" personality traits are almost certainly inspired by Valerian. Han is not as much of an idiot (although this aspect of Valerian was toned down a lot in the '70s), but Valerian is one of his ancestors as much as Old West gunslingers are.
Just came back. Very enjoyable summer blockbuster flick. Not as much flair as Fifth Element certainly but it did its job. Idk how you could have any issues with the Rihanna dance scene. It felt like it lasted 2 minutes and it was really cute and well done. I was baffled because I expected a lot longer based on some comments lol
Very creative and nice images throughout. Sad if it bombs but at least my German cinema showing was packed. We seem to support our neighbours
I saw an alien that kind looked similar to the opera singer lady. Not sure if it's the same species, but there was a similarity. Also early in the film, Laureline says "nice hat" to one of the squad members in the desert. But again, don't know if that's a reference or not.
I saw it earlier today but couldn't really enjoy it as the 3D was giving me a headache. 3D movies always have but my friend wanted to see it in 3D so I obliged.
Just came back from the movie. Luc Besson has completely missed on the Valérian character and the love story between Laureline and him is painful to watch... Cara Delevingne was surprisingly good.
This movie will bomb hard (in the US at least) and it's a pity because I would have loved to see a sequel based on the "Métro Châtelet direction Cassiopée" story arc which is a fantastic piece of SF.
Also, it was fun to hear Alain Chabat speak in English.
Saw this yesterday. Really enjoyed it. Visuals were spectacular, I enjoyed the humor and most of the characters, and thought it did a good job of bunny hopping to different set pieces while still hanging on the same thread. Care definitely surprised me as Lauraline, she can act. Dehaan was definitely the weakest link, I think he was just miscast for this role. Doesnt fit his acting style. There were only a few moments where it was getting bad enough to take me out though. Highly reccomend it.
Just came back from the movie. Luc Besson has completely missed on the Valérian character and the love story between Laureline and him is painful to watch... Cara Delevingne was surprisingly good.
This movie will bomb hard (in the US at least) and it's a pity because I would have loved to see a sequel based on the "Métro Châtelet direction Cassiopée" story arc which is a fantastic piece of SF.
First 3rd to first half were amazing. Great visuals, fantastic set up for the universe and the City of a Thousand Planets - if they had gone with the recap of the next 1000 years to the City for the Trailer, I'm really sure the interest would have been a lot higher...
Right at the point when the general story should begin clicking together, they go on a very, very, very weird side adventure with a hard left turn in tone. The humor didn't get me at all here. The fighting was just not justified either.
Sure, they kidnapped her, but did he really have to kill the Emperor and everyone in the room?
All in all, it was decent but nothing special in the story department - very predictable with some logic pieces missing in the puzzle
Valerian tells his girlfriend to alarm the General about what's going on - she doesn't want to and enters the portal,
then he's getting into the portal too? What the heck? Why not clear the situation before they want to blow the whole thing up?
Sometimes I just felt like I was lost in translation with how people behaved in the movie.
Then we have the two main characters. The movie would most likely be able to sustain one of them. But both? They behave like irritating spoiled brats most of the time when the movie wants them to behave cool. Added to that they look and behave more like siblings and not like lovers. And on top of that they got no chemistry.
Then we get to the point where she plays the damsel in distress a little bit too often. Not all the time, but more often than not she's getting sidelined without any good reason at all. And she has the same power suit that Valerian has, but she just does nothing with it. Could have saved her from some hairy situations, but nope.. It's just visuals for her.
And there's lots of awkward patronizing going on. Feels out of place somehow.
A different lead and a stronger written female co-lead would have worked wonders in this.
In the end, I really liked the weird approach to SciFi and the visuals and the general setting. I want more stories about this place - just not about Valerian and his friend.
A pity that we will never see them play out on the big screen though.
Right at the point when the general story should begin clicking together, they go on a very, very, very weird side adventure with a hard left turn in tone. The humor didn't get me at all here. The fighting was just not justified either.
Sure, they kidnapped her, but did he really have to kill the Emperor and everyone in the room?
I like how the whole point of the Rihanna sidequests was
to get a disguise and discreetly rescue Laureline to avoid an international incident.
But then they just slaughter the king and queen and all the subjects in open combat.
The first half or the film was really enjoyable, the second half became super hamfisted, wierdly preachy and just kind of fell apart. I'm not sure what happened there, but it went downhill after Rihanna shows up. We were making jokes that whole second half to prevent ourselves from just covering our eyes in embarrassment.
I like how the whole point of the Rihanna sidequests was
to get a disguise and discreetly rescue Laureline to avoid an international incident.
But then they just slaughter the king and queen and all the subjects in open combat.
Exactly! It was just contradicting itself just to show another action piece. Or to create some trailer shots, I'm not entirely sure on that.
That the scene makes a point of showing that Rihanna can't be harmed in combat, has time to makes quips and everything and then they go - Oh well, seems they got her deadly wounded anyhow, now it's just the two of you again... was another questionable written scene at best. I just wasn't an earned death scene.
Saw it in "4D" last night. I enjoyed it despite thinking DeHaan is really only suited for playing a bad guy.
The lack of chemistry as noted is very palpable, though the female lead is much better than DeHaan in pretty much every way.
Visually, its a feast and that's what really saves it. The story is pretty rote and predictable. I almost wish this was a TV series just so I could spend more time in this world and learning about the alien races, which the crappy mobile game is actually pretty good for.
Overall, I don't regret seeing it...its the popcorn movie I was looking for, I just can't stand DeHaan.
Saw it in "4D" last night. I enjoyed it despite thinking DeHaan is really only suited for playing a bad guy.
The lack of chemistry as noted is very palpable, though the female lead is much better than DeHaan in pretty much every way.
Visually, its a feast and that's what really saves it. The story is pretty rote and predictable. I almost wish this was a TV series just so I could spend more time in this world and learning about the alien races, which the crappy mobile game is actually pretty good for.
Overall, I don't regret seeing it...its the popcorn movie I was looking for, I just can't stand DeHaan.
Just saw this today. It was okay. Nothing really special.
the montage at the very beginning was mesmerizing and really made me excited to look up that scene on youtube when the film comes out on blu-ray. The first set-piece, the marketplace heist, was the best set-piece in the film. Every other action scene that came after that diminished in quality imo.
End scene spoilers:
Valerian's hesitation to give the pearls their creature back was the dumbest thing in the entire film. It didn't even make any sense. Also, I feel like they could have just not done the whole Laureline getting captured side mission. I was desperately waiting for those scenes to end.
The heist... man that was some (2016 game spoilers)
Titanfall 2
shit. Incredible setpiece. Shame that the rest of the movie doesn't live up to it.
I actually thought Cara was decent, but as soon as Dane described himself as a "bad boy" I was out on him. The two have no chemistry and DeHaan doesn't have the charisma to pull off what the role calls for. If someone more suited to the character was in his place, the slower parts of the movie would be much better.
Movie looked real nice and I liked the alien designs, so there's that. Props for having the cojones to spend $200 million on an unknown in America SF IP.