Not one PC game with mod tools/support has a good amount of great creations from the fans. That's why they're great, because you don't see them often. I say we just chill back, play a few of the starting maps, and wait when RPS/NeoGAF and the rest of the internet picks up on a creation that is worthy of being called "great".
Come on, PC Master Race, we should know this already.
Sidenote: I can't wait for a Portal 1 fan remake with the clean/dirty style of Portal 2 graphics... First one was amazing when it was out, but when I tried to go back after playing the second one, I just couldn't stomach the textures... and it was only 4 years since it came out!
Damn, Valve... why you gotta be so GDLK and make every new game more prettier. QQ
Yeef said:
Yeah, but a lot of the Valve maps in TF2 are shit, too. Hydro, Dustbowl, 2fort, etc.)