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Valve statement on why you can't play HL2 yet (if you got it early)


From halflife2.net

In an attempt to cease the insane flooding of fanboys to all the major Half-Life 2 sites and causing several web servers to burst into flames, Doug Lombardi has issued a press release.

If you have purchased a copy of Half-Life 2, we are sorry you are still waiting to play. This is not Valve's choice. Vivendi is insisting that the game has not yet been released, and has threatened that Valve would be in violation of its contract if we activate the Half-Life 2 Steam authentication servers at this time.

Thanks for your patience and we will update you when we have more news to share.

There you go folks you’re all waiting until the 16th. It’s not too long to wait now is it? Now don’t go out and start rallying outside Vivendi’s offices with pitch forks. The game was never meant to be available until the release date so go blame the retailers for breaking the agreement.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
EB has 11/15/04 listed as the release date, but most EBs already have the game in stock and will sell them tomorrow. Will the game be unlocked tomorrow?

Regardless, I won't even play it until Wednesday due to a large test... :(


I was at my local Best Buy yesterday and they already had the huge display set up with actual copies being sold.

And I checked, didn't see this in the huge HL2 thread.


What a cluster fuck... Valve and VU need to put their personal problems aside and do what's right for the people that bought the game. Buying the game and then bringing it home to find out you can't play it is a total kick in the nuts to consumers.


Chili Con Carnage!
jedimike said:
What a cluster fuck... Valve and VU need to put their personal problems aside and do what's right for the people that bought the game. Buying the game and then bringing it home to find out you can't play it is a total kick in the nuts to consumers.

:lol :lol

You mean Vivendi "It's all we got" Universal

and Gabe "We have this awesome new delivery method that'll make us richer and you no better off" Newell


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
snapty00 said:
Why did Valve align itself with Vivendi if it wanted to use Steam so badly?

They aligned themself w/ Sierra (RIP) which was backed by GT Interactive back in 1998 (if I can remember correctly). They basically got stuck with VU due to larger circumstances beyond their control. It's a good thing they're well off enough to finance their own games and always retain their own IP, or this could have been a disaster rather than a soap opera.


Mooreberg said:
They aligned themself w/ Sierra (RIP) which was backed by GT Interactive back in 1998 (if I can remember correctly). They basically got stuck with VU due to larger circumstances beyond their control. It's a good thing they're well off enough to finance their own games and always retain their own IP, or this could have been a disaster rather than a soap opera.
I could be mistaken, but I don't think GT ever had anything to do with Sierra... didn't they get bought by Infogrames?

Dave Long

GT never had anything to do with Sierra. Sierra was an entity unto itself until it was purchased by another company who were in turn bought by Vivendi.

I was at Best Buy this morning and saw they were selling Half Life 2. I couldn't give them my money fast enough. I rushed home, loaded it on my computer and found out that I couldn't freakin' play it until Tuesday. This is a total crock of shit, imo.



Street dates are not between the consumer and the publisher. We have no contract with them. There may be a street date agreement in the terms of service/EULA but I doubt it. Basically what VU is doing is illegal and I would not be suprised to see a class-action come out of this.

Stolent from Slashdot:
"Unless the vendor anticipated this situation in their EULA, they could be open to fraud charges for knowingly, willfully, and maliciously selling a product that cannot work.
The "release date" issue is strictly between the retailer and the manufacturer, who have a contractual relationship. The end user isn't a party to any "release date" restrictions and isn't bound by them.

Live by the EULA, die by the EULA. "



Edit: bah, it's already been posted in the big HL2 thread
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