Re-read the OP. Coffee might be a carcinogen or it might decrease the risk of (some) cancer. Hot drinks give you cancer.
Ah, of course Iran's mouth cancer rate! I should have foreseen!
If you want hand cancer!Bacon, now my morning Joe.
Is there any reason left to get out of bed? Is wanking still okay?
I believe it's actually been shown to reduce your chances of prostate cancer. So wank away <3
Basically. The more you force cells in one area to repeatedly divide, the higher the chance they'll go bonkers. Particularly cells who have to divide often. See skin, liver and pancreatic cancer.Are they suggesting the cell damage thatvhas to be repaired from hot coffee is linked to cancer?
But cancers are increasing over all. That's why we're getting better at treating them, more available research subjects.With coffee consumption at an all time high wouldnt we see a pattern of esophagus vancer increase?
This will change nothing. I love coffee that burns me to my core.
No shit burning your tongue, mouth and throat over and over increases your risk of cancer. I never got how ppl could enjoy eating/drinking scalding hot substances.
Also, seems like the ignorant as fuck "everything gives you cancer" brigade" has made its appearance.
Newsflash: everything does not fucking give you cancer.
Adittionally, magnitude of risk is important. A carcinogen may cause a few more people out of thousands to develop cancer among those exposed. Another carcinogen may cause a majority of people exposed to it to develop a particular cancer.
Which one am I going to make sure to avoid?
For the irrational, unthinking "everything causes cancer" ppl, it doesn't matter. For someone like me who has a functioning brain and can weigh risks, it does.
I'm awaiting the next study that says drinking water cause cancer.
Noooooope. Find a partner to help. Doctor ordered.
You can go blind or so they say...
Yes wanking cures cancer so you need to wank to the amount of times relative to everything you do which causes cancer to be safe.
Careful, you'll get dick cancer.
I believe it's actually been shown to reduce your chances of prostate cancer. So wank away <3
Regular orgasms lower the risk of prostate cancer, so wank away!
If you want hand cancer!
Which one is it?! To stroke, or not to stroke...
I'm awaiting the next study that says drinking water cause cancer.
I'm awaiting the next study that says drinking water cause cancer.
Hell the shit we put in drinking water now days it probably does. Course now that you think about it. Do people who bath not get skin cancer? Is not everything we drink made out of water? Throat cancer and stomach cancer. Hmmmm yea think I've just proven it. The real cancer culprit is water. STOP DRINKING WATER FOLKS! It causes cancer.