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very short egm halo2 quotes


i just wanted to post a few very short quotes because im giddy like a school girl over this game

(thanks to gary)

though Bungie couldn't confirm it, at least one Marine sounded like he had a celebrity voice - comedian David Cross.
"The vast majority of people who worked on Halo wouldn't change anything about it," he says, "with one exception: the repeating environments. Which is why we're making sure that, as you're moving through these enormous levels in Halo 2, you're seeing and experiencing new things."
"Single player is by far the most important part to us." "It is the most important thing."
"We make you feel more like the ultimate badass than you did before."

ok, mods if this isn't cool please delete. i think it should be ok these are some short quotes compared to entire article and i didnt post any meat just quotes that got my psyched.



Ramirez said:
Thought I'd mention it says you can only be in ONE clan :(

i HAVE to be in a clan with my friends, and my brother wants to start a clan, and i wanna be in the ga clan. i might just buy two more 1 year cards and have 3 xbox live accounts. i know that sounds beyond stupid but i get good deals on the cards so its not bad at all.

damn you bungie! IM SORRY I LOVE YOU!


Olimario's scans are up at that forum where all the badass scans get posted -- you know the name.

Some other interesting details:

--you can trade guns with other marines
--Master Chief will be doing and saying a lot more, there is heavier characterization and longer cutscenes, 4 times as much dialogue as in the first game
--multiple paths are being built into the levels, but from the sound of things it might just be different methods of approach....not a totally branching structure

Single player missions described
--Troubled Bridge Over Water: you and a batallion of marines must get a tank across a very long bridge as you as assualted by Covenant forces
--Black Pelican Down: you and marines must hold down a courtyard in Old Mombasa. A Covenant Phantom (new ship) shows up and drops off many reinforcements (Brutes included). Then make your way through a sniper-filled alley and out to the beach.

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
"The vast majority of people who worked on Halo wouldn't change anything about it," he says, "with one exception: the repeating environments. Which is why we're making sure that, as you're moving through these enormous levels in Halo 2, you're seeing and experiencing new things."

Thank Christ for that.


IJoel said:
This is quite stupid of Bungie. I don't mind a limit, but only 1 is just too short sighted.

Actually, I disagree. The reason is to keep people caring about their clan, otherwise people join 12 and don't really care about any of them. This keeps it to fewer (but there will still be fukloads), quality clans instead of 10 times the amount of dead or dying ones.


Wow, Halo 2 is even more kickass then I thought :D.

The 'Buggers' sound like a sweet enemy. Fast & annoying. Nice contrast to the new Brutes.


MaddenNFL64 said:
Wow, Halo 2 is even more kickass then I thought :D.

The 'Buggers' sound like a sweet enemy. Fast & annoying. Nice contrast to the new Brutes.

Yeah, and they add an entirely new dimention, litterally, to the combat. In Halo only had to worry about being spotted by watching your line of sight along the ground. Now you need to watch the skies for mobile snipers.

Between these guys and the new antics of the Hunters (breaking down doors, throwing cars out of their way, indiscriminate fuel rod cannon firing) the combat in Halo 2 will be at once more frenzied and more tactical. I cannot wait.


The flying bugs remind me of those Space Pirates with the jet packs in Metroid Prime. I don't think these guys kamikaze into you when they die though :p.

Would be cool if they did :).


Actually, I disagree. The reason is to keep people caring about their clan, otherwise people join 12 and don't really care about any of them. This keeps it to fewer (but there will still be fukloads), quality clans instead of 10 times the amount of dead or dying ones.

That's an excellent point.

In my case, I have another brother who will probably need another Live account...or can we both join in (eg. he will be the "guest" a la PGR 2)?


GhaleonEB said:
Yeah, and they add an entirely new dimention, litterally, to the combat. In Halo only had to worry about being spotted by watching your line of sight along the ground. Now you need to watch the skies for mobile snipers.

Yes, and we finally understand what bungie meant when they claimed halo 2 IA would be completely 3D whereas halo 1 only thought in 2 dimensions.
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