I should say intelligent "assumptions" based on the VG Leaks document and a few rumblings here and there.
I should say intelligent "assumptions" based on the VG Leaks document and a few rumblings here and there.
better is a relative term, but i guess you're right.Its also possible PS4 could be more expensive, and just better.
better is a relative term, but i guess you're right.
Would be the first time in history Sony is 'better'.
It's worth noting it seems to me, PS4 is shaping up as the more expensive product.
*If* PS4=4 steamroller cores vs 8 Jag cores Durango, the former is quite a lot more die area (too lazy to look up right this second)
If PS4 is a pitcairn and Durango is cape verde, the former is 230mm and the latter 130. Former almost twice as big.
Durango may feature SRAM (but 32MB/s should be pretty small) and supposed "special sauce".
GDDR5 in PS4 should be handily more expensive. As 256 bit bus GPU if thats the case.
IF MS can get on par performance as PS4 in a product they can sell for $50 or $100 street price less, that's a win too. But that's all just basic conjecture at this point.\
Its also possible PS4 could be more expensive, and just better.
Hmmm, so there's no performance increase? Well then its more sensible for Sony to have gone with the GCN as opposed to the GCN2. It's likely had for cheaper, while being in greater quantity and being a tried and tested product. The only bragging rights to be had by having a GCN2 in your console is to say that you have a newer iteration of what is essentially the same product.
It's worth noting it seems to me, PS4 is shaping up as the more expensive product.
*If* PS4=4 steamroller cores vs 8 Jag cores Durango, the former is quite a lot more die area (too lazy to look up right this second)
If PS4 is a pitcairn and Durango is cape verde, the former is 230mm and the latter 130. Former almost twice as big.
Durango may feature SRAM (but 32MB/s should be pretty small) and supposed "special sauce".
GDDR5 in PS4 should be handily more expensive. As 256 bit bus GPU if thats the case.
IF MS can get on par performance as PS4 in a product they can sell for $50 or $100 street price less, that's a win too. But that's all just basic conjecture at this point.\
Its also possible PS4 could be more expensive, and just better.
It's 212 for Pitcairn.
I remember reading thosemodel numbers in a post too, so it seems like that was definitely a rumour at one point (still is?)On B3D he said that Orbis is using the 8830/8850 with 50% more CUs - those are Hainan cards GCN2 and not some rebranded OEM cards. Furthermore he added that Durango will use 8750/8770 cards which are Bonaire GCN2 models.
But I guess nobody cares since Proelite is just posting various things so nobody gets onto his leaking and insider information...
I remember reading thosemodel numbers in a post too, so it seems like that was definitely a rumour at one point (still is?)
Can't really keep up with everything there's so many differing rumours at the moment, part of waiting for next gen consoles though I guess!
HWinfo.com Oct 8 2012 update listing Thebe and Kryptos is pretty much locking the hardware design. Both Jaguar, both @ 1.6 Ghz with a turbo mode of 2.4 Ghz.Sweetvar26 info was also old in fact i think it was older than the vgleaks article from what i remember .
We also know that Sony has beef up the GPU and added more ram since then .
HWinfo.com Oct 8 2012 update listing Thebe and Kryptos is pretty much locking the hardware design. Both Jaguar, both @ 1.6 Ghz with a turbo mode of 2.4 Ghz.
Also for those who think we might see memory clocks above 2 Ghz, LPM silicon gets hot with clock speeds over 2 Ghz. Efficiency is best for everything below 2 Ghz; Memory controller, CPUs, GNB (southbridge/Northbridge, integrated conroller), unless it's using a different process or node size. Pennar was ported to GF from TSMC and it's GNB was 20nm and likely had 2 128 bit wide memory channels.
Sweetvar26 said they moved from Steamroller to Jaguar considering the 10 year life. 3rd party AMD roadmaps seem to indicate Jaguar and Jaguar's replacement will be used for performance and mobile designs in the near future (once everyone stops writing single threaded code).
Next year 128 bit wide memory will be an industry standard then memory will move to stacked ultra wide IO in Mobile and PCs will follow shortly after. Current AMD designs reflect the memory that is available in 2012 but Game Consoles have the volume to get custom designs.
Both Jaguar, both @ 1.6 Ghz with a turbo mode of 2.4 Ghz.
There was also that Japanese report that suggested Sony was carrying forward 2 different APU designs, one with Jaguar cores, and another with Steamroller cores. The choice between them would supposedly come down to whether they could get on the 28nm fabrication schedule at Global Foundries in time for a launch in 2013, in which case they'd use the Steamroller design, otherwise they'd have TSMC fabricate the Jaguar version for a launch in late 2013. That's an interesting possibility that would explain some of the back and forth rumors about the Orbis CPU.
I do think it would be 8 Jaguar cores, just like Durango if they go that direction, or 4 Steamroller cores if not.
I know, but it's clear that everybody in these forums expect Durango to outperform Orbis and i just don't see how.
Creating the confusion are two issues;My understanding is the APU + GPU combo is only in dev kits. The final will supposedly be one System on Chip with the combined power of both.
Could someone refresh my memory regarding Steamroller-->Jaguar switch?
If they went Jaguar, is it still 4 cores? And if it's 4 cores, is it 8 threads?
Or is it 8 cores, 16 threads like Durango?
Both Jaguar and Steamroller are single-threaded cores, AFAIK.
I don't think anyone has reported/leaked how many cores Orbis is using since the reports about a switch from Steamroller->Jaguar emerged.
Thx, but wasn't it mentioned that Durango had 16 threads and is using Jaguar cores?
Could someone refresh my memory regarding Steamroller-->Jaguar switch?
If they went Jaguar, is it still 4 cores? And if it's 4 cores, is it 8 threads?
Or is it 8 cores, 16 threads like Durango?
AMD uses a Xbar switch for the CPU packages. There are slots for 4 CPU packages. A Jaguar CPU package contains 4 Jaguar CPUs and 2 meg of shared L2 Cache. A Steamroller CPU package contains 2 Steamroller CPUs. All AMD CPUs are single threaded.Could someone refresh my memory regarding Steamroller-->Jaguar switch?
If they went Jaguar, is it still 4 cores? And if it's 4 cores, is it 8 threads?
Or is it 8 cores, 16 threads like Durango?
Microsoft has done a lot to alienate me from the Xbox brand this gen. It's funny, I was going to say I am far more interested in the PS4 this time around, but then looking back on it, I was far more interested in the PS3 as well. The reason I bought a 360 was simply to scratch my next-gen itch. It was the first console out of course.
Model Launch Codename Fab (nm) Transistors (M) Die Size (mm2) Bus interface Memory Clock rate (Core/Mem) Config core Fillrate (Px/Tx) Bandwidth Bus Type Bus Width GFLOPS (SP) TDP3 (W) (Idle/Max) GFLOPS/W GFLOPS (DP) Release Price (USD)
Radeon HD 8750 2013 Bonaire Pro 28 1700 135 PCIe 3.0 ×16 1024 Unknown Unknown 640:40:16 Unknown Unknown Unknown GDDR5 192 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown
Radeon HD 8770 2013 Bonaire XT 28 2000 160 PCIe 3.0 ×16 2048? Unknown Unknown 768:48:16 Unknown Unknown Unknown GDDR5 192 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown
Radeon HD 8830 2013 Hainan LE 28 3200 230 PCIe 3.0 ×16 1024? Unknown Unknown 1024:64:32 Unknown Unknown Unknown GDDR5 256 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown
Radeon HD 8850 2013 Hainan Pro 28 3400 270 PCIe 3.0 ×16 2048 925-975 Unknown 1536:96:32 31.2 93.6 192 GDDR5 256 2990 10 130 23 187.2 $199
Don't blame me, blame WikipediaHow can the 8830 be 230mm² and the 8850 270mm² when they both use the same chip?
Don't blame me, blame Wikipedia![]()
It was just a copy/paste job, I don't have that level of knowledge about GPUs. If anyone knows any more reliable figures for any of the stats feel free to correct them and I'll update the table.
This took far too long to format properly, in retrospect I should have just took a screenshot of Wikipedia![]()
Currently known specs of the four rumoured cards for next gen - either the 8750/8770 is rumoured for Durango, and either the 8830/8850 for Orbis.
How can the 8830 be 230mm² and the 8850 270mm² when they both use the same chip?
That's from the rumoured table that got shot down as fake.
Fyi, this is probably the reason why wiki for sourcing is not always a good idea.
AMD uses a Xbar switch for the CPU packages. There are slots for 4 CPU packages. A Jaguar CPU package contains 4 Jaguar CPUs and 2 meg of shared L2 Cache. A Steamroller CPU package contains 2 Steamroller CPUs. All AMD CPUs are single threaded.
Rumors and Sweetvar26 says 2 Jaguar CPU packages (8 Jaguar CPUs) which leaves 2 slots on the Xbar switch free......Jaguar is small and cheap so why arn't they using 4 CPU packages or 16 Jaguar CPUs:
1) Don't need more than 2 Jaguar packages
2) redundancy, there may be 3 or 4 CPU packages but defective CPU packages will be turned off.
3) Some other CPU packages will be included for BC
They are only multithreaded if you want to call each Bulldozer/Piledriver/Steamroller module a single core. AMD's designs are not comparable to the SMT IBM uses or Intel's hyperthreading. The way AMD counts cores, each one only supports a single thread.
Bulldozer on PC has tons of L2 AND L3 cache (16MB SRAM total) that makes up a ton of the transistor count. The OoOE scheduling hardware in really complicated as well, compared to Jaguar.
is there a practical reason you'd go for 4 bulldozers instead of 8 jaguars? from a gaming context.
is there a practical reason you'd go for 4 bulldozers instead of 8 jaguars? from a gaming context.
You really shouldn't make posts like these. There are too many unknown variables. In current configurations, ProElite mentioned that either system could be up to 50% more powerful. I am not a programmer, so I have no idea how these things work. However, you need to take some facts in:
1. Orbis is using GCN, Durango is using GCN2
2. Durango was designed to work around bandwith issues and Orbis brute forces those issues.
3. The effect of 4 GB versus 8 GB of RAM. Fast versus slow RAM. What type of engine, etc.
Both should be a massive jump.
I swear I have read this exact post somewhere before. The article you link sounds like the dev talking about the PS3 at the beginning and yes it was said to be terrible.
A much more logical way of trying to predict whether they have improved in this area would be to look at their latest device. That is the Vita and I read that it is a big improvement.
I think the main reason would be that even though games are becoming more multithreaded, not everything can be split up.
Sure they're working on that already: LINK
Also, in one of the next-gen threads it was suggested that 1.6Ghz Jaguar cores have 2.4Ghz Turbo mode, so 8 of them in turbo mode using such compiler could easily outperform the Orbis. Obviously we don't know whether all 8 will be available for games, as e.g. 2 might be locked out for background system stuff, etc.