I don't blame people for having such ire towards Christianity. It's had it coming for a long time.y'know, I've always enjoyed your posts. Well most of them, and you've never struck me as the paint with a broad brush kind of dude. In fact, you usually argue against that sort of thing, and I usually agree. Nearly always.
But here you are, talking like, well, a conservative Christian from Kentucky. I realize that, perhaps, you are being baited, but you know how to internet.
OT, of course they should fire her. She'll be a hero, or maybe not. Some clerks here in Arkansas talked about balking, and that blew over like a little popcorn fart.
There are a lot of people in this country whose lives and the lives of friends and family have been detrimented by Christianity. Whether this was being psychologically tortured with the fears of a literal hell or a coming apocalypse, or being told their sexual desires are evil, or just being made to feel like a piece of shit that needs saving.
It's never been about love, but fear.