I know it is pointless to say on GAF, but it's not as racists as people make it out to be. Most folks aren't racists in MS, and it's not like, "I have black friends", it's more like half of everybody they know and interact with is black, and for black people, half the people they know and interact with are white, and most people most of the time love each other and get along perfectly well with family bonds that carry on through generations. I've never witnessed a KKK or panther rally or overt racists propaganda being handed out. The city is not as corrupt with white rulers as people like to say. Almost all the city officials are not white and are democrats, including the mayor, the police chief, and many of the judges. You see more fellowship across races in MS than in states where the entire black demographic falls into the "1% other" category. There are plenty of racists and examples of racism, no doubt, but that is because unlike many states, they all actually live together and interact with each other all the time. If either one was virtually non-existent like many other states, then they could sit high and mighty and, being sanctioned by the forum, unfairly generalize you. Fuck these kids. The white racists who would allow them to go free do not represent the majority of white people, and they will not let them have their way.