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Vin Diesel confirms Riddick Game sequel.


being watched
Me = happy :D


CS!: Do you think that the DVD will bring a whole new life to the film? Do you think that a lot of people will wait for the DVD since it will be unrated and have more footage?

Diesel: Yeah, I think people wait for the DVD. Pitch Black was really introduced to the world via DVD. I don't know how many people actually saw the movie in the theatre, but when Pitch Black came out, it was introduced in the DVD format. I always thought that The Chronicles of Riddick is this intense ball of energy that hasn't really exploded yet and will continue on throughout the DVD release. There's a sequel to the video game being made. There is constantly work being put into the franchise. I think there will be a follow-up, because you'll have to see Riddick go to the Underverse and ultimately, you'll have to see him go back to Furia.


Hollywood Square
Methinks David Twohy's vision of a Riddick trilogy will continue in the videogame franchise and not the movie franchise.


Banstick Emeritus
What? More melee fighting! It was done so well, the punches were so meaty....and it made weapons much more significant. I hope Starbreeze is still driving the project, Butcher Bay is easily the best Xbox game I've played all year.


works for Gamestop (lol)


Willco said:
Methinks David Twohy's vision of a Riddick trilogy will continue in the videogame franchise and not the movie franchise.
Quite ironic, actually. But given how abysmal the movie was, this is probably the best way to continue the franchise.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Of course there's a sequel.. because unlike the movie the game WAS a hit. ;)


Chili Con Carnage!
Wasnt the impression given a while back that Starbreeze werent working on another riddick game?

That would pretty much end my anticipation for a sequel.

Edit: Looked it up, Starbreeze are signed up with Majesco for their next game (next gen) so unless majesco bagged the rights to Riddick...which i guess is a slim possiblity.



I think Starbreeze has split into two teams by now. It would be a waste not to reuse the Riddick engine this engine. However, Vivendi also has an option to use the engine under license which might be the case.
Ramirez said:
Vin owns his own game dev doesn't he?Seems like I remember reading that in an EGM...he's real big into games.
His company, Tigon, isn't a dev house but more a talent pool where the "hollywood" aspect is handled. Writers handling story development, hiring actors for the VO and whatnot.
Ghost said:
Wasnt the impression given a while back that Starbreeze werent working on another riddick game?

That would pretty much end my anticipation for a sequel.

Edit: Looked it up, Starbreeze are signed up with Majesco for their next game (next gen) so unless majesco bagged the rights to Riddick...which i guess is a slim possiblity.

Is it some kind of "exclusive" agreement. Starbreeze is an independent developer (I think) so it's possible they could be working with VU and Majesco.


Mr_Furious said:
His company, Tigon, isn't a dev house but more a talent pool where the "hollywood" aspect is handled. Writers handling story development, hiring actors for the VO and whatnot.

Are you sure about that? I remember him talking about his company developing at least two games, that one called Perrone and another mature slanted Zelda-like fantasy game.
Redbeard said:
Are you sure about that? I remember him talking about his company developing at least two games, that one called Perrone and another mature slanted Zelda-like fantasy game.
I'm pretty sure. He's probably referring to the story development. Like I said, Tigon is more Hollywood centric than video game centric. I don't think he'd bother hiring on full staff to develop a game when he could go overseas on the cheap, ala Starbreeze. Who knows, maybe Starbreeze is the designated developer to tackle those projects you mentioned.


being watched

Enclave 2 then? ;)


Get Starbreeze to make Halo 3 and Perfect Dark Zero. :D

MS should have snapped them up ages ago. God forbid those fucking EA hacks swallow them up.
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