
Could a Battlefield game ever outsell a Call of Duty title though? According to Battlefield franchise head boss Vince Zampella, it “absolutely can” though that’s not what they’re aiming for with their still-in-development Battlefield game.
“If you look at the best Battlefields have outsold some Call of Duties and other way around, back and forth. So I think absolutely it can…”I mean, is that what we’re going for? I mean, not directly, but always. We’re not looking to take down Call of Duty. We’re making something that’s different and we’re making something that’s us. But yeah, it definitely has the possibility.”
Of course, the latest Battlefield game released — Battlefield 2042 — didn’t come anywhere close to Call of Duty’s numbers, and even EA admitted the game fell short of expectations. Even with that in mind, Zampella notes that BF2042 wasn’t a “failure of a game,” though admits they don’t want to repeat the experience they had with the shooter wherein it needed a lot of patches — and several months of development — before it got to an acceptable state by the community. Zampella notes the dev team “really spent a lot of time learning how to adapt it and getting things back,” but also adds “We want it to be good out of the gate,” pertaining to the next Battlefield game currently in development.

Vince Zampella: Battlefield "Absolutely Can" Outsell Call of Duty; BF2042 Was Not a "Failure" But They Don't Want to Repeat Same Experience
Battlefield franchise boss thinks Battlefield "absolutely can" outsell Call of Duty, but says they're not targeting that with the next entry.

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