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Visual wise this generation has been a disappointment, which is I have unrealistically high expectations for Spider-Man 2 graphically


PS5 is equivalent to 2070 or 2070S, you are not going to see incredible leaps unless you want the games to run at upscaled 1080p with unstable 30 fps lol

nathan drake but uncharted is soooo dear to meit has a special place in my heart GIF

Say hello to UC4, running on a base PS4

Cracking Up Lol GIF


Gold Member
nathan drake but uncharted is soooo dear to meit has a special place in my heart GIF

Say hello to UC4, running on a base PS4

Cracking Up Lol GIF
Uncharted looks amazing ofc, on PC even more
Remember ps4 to ps5 isnt some crazy power leap like it was in ps1 to ps2 to ps3, its 1,8tf to 10,2tf so best case scenario including newer gpu architecture 6x jump, and about 3-4x in cpu.

Just look how ps4's ragnarok runs/looks vs how ps5's ragnorok does, ofc there is difference, but from my pov graphical leap is smaller vs tekken 1 to tekken 3 on same first playstation.

Here again very informative digital foundry video and comparision between both versions

Edit: Sony Santa Monica are top tier dev team and u can assume they did best they could, simply ps5 isnt as strong as u think it is, if it was SSM would make game look like in fidelity mode but run it at 4k/60fps, yet they couldnt, they had to cap it at 30 or 40 with different mode, and there is no raytracing there even, so all the gpu/cpu oomph went into the meat.
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Edit: Sony Santa Monica are top tier dev team and u can assume they did best they could, simply ps5 isnt as strong as u think it is, if it was SSM would make game look like in fidelity mode but run it at 4k/60fps, yet they couldnt, they had to cap it at 30 or 40 with different mode, and there is no raytracing there even, so all the gpu/cpu oomph went into the meat.

May not be a fair comparison because if they are working on an existing engine they won’t be taking advantage of retooling the engine for next gen, like say UE5 games using lumen or nanite


I guess that's because of to high expectations. The new consoles have the problem that there was a mid gen refresh which already had about 1/3 to 1/2 of the graphics processing power. So the resolution was already higher. Also many expect 60 fps so effectively we half the gpu resources already by expecting 60 (in more or less all games). So there is less power for improvement in other graphics departments.
Also we reached a point where small steps cost many many resources.

This might be a reason why most players won't see the generational step they expected to see.


Aiming for 60fps does not give devs complete leeway to rest on their laurels using last gen pipelines and putting the bare minimumto push the tech forward. We had 60fps games last gen such as doom eternal and battlefield 1(huge upgrades in the same gen even) that were ridiculously impressive, had massive scales and fidelity and were running on pathetic jaguar cpus, 1.2tflop gpus and 5400rpm hdds etc and now after getting ~10xgpu upgrade, vastly superior cpus and streaming systems we barely see a signifigant upgrade even in 60fps games....look at bf2042 its arguably a downgrade.

So again your criteria of basically patting devs on the back for just adding a 60fps and job done is disappointing...you can and should expect more.
This x100.

That"..but....but its 6 60fps is such a fucking lame excuse.

SW Battlefront 2015 runs 6 60fps and still looks better than a majority of these cross gen titles. Shits super dire.
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Gold Member
Thats my point exactly, the gpu/cpu oomph will mostly go into 60fps/resolution above 1080p, not into eye candy, coz again keep in mind ps4 to ps5 jump isnt that big, quick math on gpu power, ps4 1,8tf, ps4pro 4,2tf, ps5 10,2tf.

And 1080p to only 1440p is +78% of pixels on screen, so if u going from 1080p 30, to 1440p 60 for exactly same looking game thats 100% vs 356% of gpu power needed( ofc 1,8tf vs 10,2tf on much newer architecture is visibly bigger than that, but its not crazy leap u would think if u count in 2x fps and 1080p to 1440p, so not even 4k).

Thats why amazingly looking demons souls remaster has 2 modes, 4k30 and 1440p 60fps, simply ps5 is too weak to run it in 4k60 mode- im sure ps5pro, if it ever gets introduced, could easly handle all the ps5 games looking like in fidelity mode but actually running them in 60fps, maybe even with rt features on top since those newer amd gpu families are making big gainz in rt too, rdna2 architecture(so ps5/xbox series based gpu's) was first amd gpu family that allowed raytracing, if/when ps5pro gets introduced we can be sure it takes advantage of rdna4 so 2 gens above that.


I think how good a game can look PS4 era onwards will now more come down to how much budget/resources a developer has, competency of the game engine, as well as the artistic talent and art direction. The raw power available seems less important now, if devs don't have the money to exploit it. See Red Dead 2, TLOU2, Horizon FB, GoW R etc.. to name a few released games that will probably still be some of the best looking and detailed games throughout this generation.

If they were PS5 exclusive, sure they would look a bit nicer, but I don't think the leap would be huge as a lot of extra power would simply be spent on the resolution, framerate and a few things that probably wouldn't change the fundamental game design and visual look much, just polish it up.

We'll know for sure when Rockstar, Naughty Dog, Santa Monica etc.. show their first current gen only games. Probably within the next 2 years.
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Gold Member
I think how good a game can look PS4 era onwards will now more come down to how much budget/resources a developer has, competency of the game engine, as well as the artistic talent and art direction. The raw power available seems less important now, if devs don't have the money to exploit it. See Red Dead 2, TLOU2, Horizon FB, GoW R etc.. to name a few released games that will probably still be some of the best looking and detailed games throughout this generation.
here nice comparision of settings and how rdr2 looks on them, 3years old vid, so by then we had to use optimised settings
From some time not anymore ofc, 4k maxed looks visibly better from last gen consoles and runs visibly better too, magic of PC aka ever upgradable hardware :p


Gold Member
I like pretty visuals as much as the next guy but they way some people here obsess over it as if graphics is the only reason they got in to gaming in the first place.
Those guys sound like movies as a hobby would be an infinitely better fit for them. I can almost guarantee non-stop visual gratification fiesta and climaxing/nutting all over place from the modern CGI in movies.
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Von Hugh

Gold Member

I think next gen is going to be sweet unless we reach for 8K resolution or 120 fps. Hopefully AMD's APU development doesn't stagnate.


Gold Member
Uncharted looks amazing ofc, on PC even more


The very video you posted highlights some downgrades compared to the PS5 port, which was itself already considerably downgraded in many ways compared to the OG on PS4:

here nice comparision of settings and how rdr2 looks on them, 3years old vid, so by then we had to use optimised settings
From some time not anymore ofc, 4k maxed looks visibly better from last gen consoles and runs visibly better too, magic of PC aka ever upgradable hardware :p

Again with a flawed port.
Framerate aside, visually RDR2 looks best on version 1.00 on Series X. It's a much more consistent and solid presentation, native 4K, noticeably better AO, additional light sources, perfect draw distance etc.

AO downgrade most noticeable on characters:



General lighting downgrade (same Time of Day/Weather via Mission Replay):





Inferior draw Distance/LOD management:




Some more severe Draw Distance issues:





And more.

What Red Dead Online did to this game is a disgrace.
Thank God for physical media. And emulation, as one day RDR2 1.00 is going to be played on PC at higher framerates.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Many games will show a giant leap in graphics at the PS showcase I reckon

Death Stranding 2 being PS5 only and using the updated Decima engine used in Forbidden West will look crazy

Diminishing Returns.
The Diminishing Returns Generation is going to be so awesome
Diminishing returns I guess. It rarely meets my expectations to this day, possibly because the old Xbox was so impressive?

I am as excited for this gen as much as the next zealot...

but damn... the very definition of "diminishing returns". Honestly looks great, but I'm wondering if this gen will be defined as "open the damn muddy/screen door already!!" Better textures and crisper models are about all I'm expecting for the next 8 years I guess.
Man, talk about diminishing returns... I mean, I'm a total graphics whore and I'm really geeky when it comes to this kinda stuff, love reading up about it and always used to follow the demo scene etc... But even though I do see and understand that there's so much new and advanced tech in these demos, it just doesn't end up impressing much more than say Battlefield 4 or even 'standard' UE3 games that don't do anything super crazy like Hawken.

We've really entered an era where it's so much more about art than before, similar to how the first Toy Story movie was a technical marvel but by the time we were at Finding Nemo, technical advancements had become so much more unnoticeable compared to artistic distinction.

Either way still cool shit and I still love this kind of stuff, especially when it comes to advances in lighting, global illumination and new AA methods being applied and such.

Rinse. Repeat.
Rinse. Repeat.


I feel like the specs are below average for both consoles and then there is series S. This gen we are not going to get those groundbreaking games. 10-11 TF level is not going to give any good looking games that you have not seen on last gen machines. We are only going to get fast loading screens and instant map and asset loading this gen.


500 dollars dosent cut it anymore for a BIG leap in graphical fidelity, but anyway, better resolutions and effects and ALL the games running in 60 fps is more them OK for this gen ... demons souls and HFW looked fantastic

Time for ps5 pro .. and I hope they give me a 700-800 dollars monster .. the time for 400/500 dollars only consoles is over imho... people are paying double that for shitty iphones every year
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I feel like the specs are below average for both consoles and then there is series S. This gen we are not going to get those groundbreaking games. 10-11 TF level is not going to give any good looking games that you have not seen on last gen machines. We are only going to get fast loading screens and instant map and asset loading this gen.
The current consoles are a massive step over the last gen. We just haven't seen them pushed yet. Lockdown and Covid never helped matters's nor has the late roll out of Unreal 5.
This year will change all that and I say again I thin more people need to invest in a better TV.

I still have my One X console and my old OLED LG 55B TV and I have my Series X hocked up to my new LG 55CX and there is a night and day differnce in gaming with full VVR support and 120FPS support. Like I said, its now painfull to play games on the old set up.

Still I remember people saying the same at the start of the last gen, they're uppowered and not be much better than a 360. A few years down the line and that talk was utter crap



What do you mean?

Let me ask you this: what are you playing your games on?

When I play a PS3 of PS4 games on my LG C9 OLED, compared to playing a PS5 game on the same OLED.. it truly is a huge gap in graphical fidelity. When you play on a 1080p LCD monitor, yeah it all the same.
Let's assume you got a HDMI 2.1 TV or monitor: you can't see the difference in framerate when comparing versions of even a launch title like Miles Morales? You can't see the difference RT makes in the reflections? Loading times aren't impressive? When none of this matters to you, then I agree: this generation doesn't impress. But that's only because you aren't paying attention.
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Gold Member
By "next gen" you mean make it more realistic, I would say no thanks.

In fact I was not at all fan of what Bluepoint did with enemy/boss designs in Demons Souls visuals. I take FROM's visual design over so called "next gen" any day.

I like both 🤷‍♀️

The IQ in the remake is sublime as well.


The nicest person on this forum
The IQ in the remake is sublime as well.
Sure from tech perspective its more advance but for me personally really not fan of the design changes they made. FROM has its own way designing environments and enemies, which kind of what attract me to their games in the first place.

Bluepoint's remake was just all about making visual more technically advance rather than being true with original game visual and art direction.
I think one of the reasons why this generation doesn’t look quite as impressive as people expected is because of the mid generation upgrades as well especially the XBOX One X which I feel can hold its own against the PS5 visually. Also, cross generation isn’t helping either because obviously they are not generally not taking full advantage of the hardware and specifications.


I think one of the reasons why this generation doesn’t look quite as impressive as people expected is because of the mid generation upgrades as well especially the XBOX One X which I feel can hold its own against the PS5 visually. Also, cross generation isn’t helping either because obviously they are not generally not taking full advantage of the hardware and specifications.

Yeah there's no doubt that reconstructed 4k on a big tv looks much better than 1080p. It's a big difference, and we basically got that 4 years early.

So of course it has an effect.


What? Is it trolling? I can understand you prefer the art style of 13 Sentinels, but that's art style, not what it's discussed here. 13 Sentinels it's like Norco compared to The Last of Us.

Nah, we are talking about "best looking", this game looks better, it's honestly that simple.
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And yet so called high tech graphics didn’t help me enjoy games like TLOU 2 or Horizon, meanwhile I enjoyed the crap out of games like Sekiro, Elden Ring and other FROM games even without the “high tech graphics”.
Sekiro and ER are what we’re calling “bad graphics” now? Sekiro looks and runs awesome imo, and the only issue I have with ER is the draw distance, there’s nothing wrong with how it looks. Tf.


Can’t Git Gud
The very video you posted highlights some downgrades compared to the PS5 port, which was itself already considerably downgraded in many ways compared to the OG on PS4:


Again with a flawed port.
Framerate aside, visually RDR2 looks best on version 1.00 on Series X. It's a much more consistent and solid presentation, native 4K, noticeably better AO, additional light sources, perfect draw distance etc.

AO downgrade most noticeable on characters:



General lighting downgrade (same Time of Day/Weather via Mission Replay):





Inferior draw Distance/LOD management:




Some more severe Draw Distance issues:





And more.

What Red Dead Online did to this game is a disgrace.
Thank God for physical media. And emulation, as one day RDR2 1.00 is going to be played on PC at higher framerates.
Was it also downgraded on consoles ?
I played it on release on ps4 slim and it looked great. I am thinking about replaying it on ps5 some time
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The nicest person on this forum
Sekiro and ER are what we’re calling “bad graphics” now? Sekiro looks and runs awesome imo, and the only issue I have with ER is the draw distance, there’s nothing wrong with how it looks. Tf.
I know to me Sekiro and ER looks gorgeous but its seems in eyes some people its not considered "high tech" enough.


Can’t Git Gud
Baked lighting and no SSAO with very little going on. Nah.
who cares if there are shortcuts used?
The final result is still the best ever.

if anything, more games should be fully baked like that if it means better graphics.
Decima for example uses MANY bakes for each hour of day in horizon 2... nobody complains that it's baked
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After I switched to 165hz, I don't really care what the game looks like as long as it's not obviously shitty looking. The Witcher 3 still looks really good at 1440p. I wouldn't put my money on Spiderman 2 looking "next gen", but it will look very good.


who cares if there are shortcuts used?
The final result is still the best ever.
It's not the best ever and the shortcuts are proof of that.

if anything, more games should be fully baked like that if it means better graphics.
Decima for example uses MANY bakes for each hour of day in horizon 2... nobody complains that it's baked
Baked lighting by itself isn't a bad thing (and indeed, more games should use it, starting with every RE game since Village) but it's also not impressive. It's just precalculated data. Even less impressive is removing a basic feature like SSAO. It's specially egregious in a game that relies so heavily on ambient lighting. This leads to characters looking extremely flat, almost unlit, something even DF remarked on their technical analysis.
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Gold Member
I haven't upgraded my PC yet for this console gen, mostly out of not having the time. At this point I'm thinking I should ride out until next console gen. Especially since my monitor is 1920x1080 @144.....I'm still playing all the new shit at a mix of high and medium. Granted I don't hit the refresh rate on most console port games, still seems like the gen is already halfway over and I could just ride it out. I've got a GTX 295, the OG Titan GTX and a 690 on the shelf in my workshop, so I'm intimately aware of how quickly the best shit becomes a dust collector. I was also dumb enough to buy not 1 but 2 SLI cards. The 690 came out well after everyone knew it was a horrible idea. But I was chasing that spec.


Hellblade 2 will prob be the 1st omg next gen showpeice that will come out which is sad since it looks like that will be a winter 2023 or 2024 release with how little that has been shown since it was announced.


Horizon FW looks incredible. Dead Space, Cyberpunk. If you think those aren't good enough, your expectations are too high. Sons of the Forest environments are amazing, though models are meh.
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