Vita PSN Game & Service Thread | February 2013 | The most desirable handheld in Japan

I got yelled at today by my wife because I have Uno on my Vita and my son (3 doesn't).

I wish I could just gift my son's PSN money ($5) so I don't have to hear that conversation again.

There are worse things to get yelled at for doing.

TOP OF THE PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!

Buy games from Indie developers. Show your support and prove to them the Vita is a viable platform for their games.

Sound Shapes
Strangers Wrath
Retro City Rampage
Future Lab games like Surge

Keep on the look out for upcoming Indie games as well

Hotline Miami
Binding of Issac
Frozen Synapse
Dragon Fantasy
Lone Survivor
Velocity HD
Rainbow Moon
and more.....


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
So we know Devs are making money on the console, since its apparently a console that sells games better in some instances than any other platform.

Do we know somehow whether Sony is making money on the console? Or is it being heavily subsidized? I mean Sony has a few studios making money off the Vita, gets a few % of other games being sold and PS+ subs that they get through Vita. Could that possibly be a net positive somehow or is there no chance that Sony is making money with it currently?

Honest question, sorry if I am missing something here. But I mean, if games on Vita sell as good as we think they do, Sony must be able to get some money out of that Vita business.


The DLC for Soul Sacrifice sounds like it'll be pretty decent. So looking forward to it! The JPN demo spoiled me though. Went back to Monster Hunter frontier and it just felt so slow :/

Hell even Tri portable demo on 3DS felt slow! Might skip Tri and Wait for 4 .. seems to have a better evolution!
So we know Devs are making money on the console, since its apparently a console that sells games better in some instances than any other platform.

Do we know somehow whether Sony is making money on the console? Or is it being heavily subsidized? I mean Sony has a few studios making money off the Vita, gets a few % of other games being sold and PS+ subs that they get through Vita. Could that possibly be a net positive somehow or is there no chance that Sony is making money with it currently?

I think long term the Vita will be more profitable than the PSP, even if it sells a quarter of the units PSP sold lifetime.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I think long term the Vita will be more profitable than the PSP, even if it sells a quarter of the units PSP sold lifetime.

Yeah, I mean those game pickup rates are insane compared to PSP and even apparently better than on Steam in the case of the aforementioned RCR.

I just hate hearing the argument of "SONY WILL KILL IT IN A FEW MONTHS BECAUSE THEY DONT MAKE MONEY WITH IT", because it doesnt seem true. I mean more and more developers latch onto it, since they are apparently making money on the console. People are saying they dont see any big games as upcoming releases from western devs (as in Bethesda and whatnot), but if other games sell this well that Sony can still make money off the console in 2 years, who cares?


I think long term the Vita will be more profitable than the PSP, even if it sells a quarter of the units PSP sold lifetime.

That seems unlikely. The Vita might struggle to reach a quarter of the PSP lifetime units anyway. It'll certainly pull a decent profit but I don't think we'll see PSP numbers.
^^^^^^^As I understand it though the PSP had a terrible attach rate, a poorly utilized online store and capabilities. All things the Vita has going for it. Not to mention, the Vita will probably scale a lot better in terms of cost of manufacturing than the PSP ever did. I am not saying it will do PSP raw numbers, but that it facilitates a more profitable platform.

Yeah, I mean those game pickup rates are insane compared to PSP and even apparently better than on Steam in the case of the aforementioned RCR.

I just hate hearing the argument of "SONY WILL KILL IT IN A FEW MONTHS BECAUSE THEY DONT MAKE MONEY WITH IT", because it doesnt seem true. I mean more and more developers latch onto it, since they are apparently making money on the console. People are saying they dont see any big games as upcoming releases from western devs (as in Bethesda and whatnot), but if other games sell this well that Sony can still make money off the console in 2 years, who cares?

Marathon, not a sprint.....


I just hate hearing the argument of "SONY WILL KILL IT IN A FEW MONTHS BECAUSE THEY DONT MAKE MONEY WITH IT", because it doesnt seem true. I mean more and more developers latch onto it, since they are apparently making money on the console.
Sony have been amazingly patient with their hardware recently, and it seems to pay off for them in the end. Still don't think (amazing new unknown exclusive franchise notwithstanding) it'll ever be a runaway succes, but I think they'll make money on it.


The DLC for Soul Sacrifice sounds like it'll be pretty decent. So looking forward to it! The JPN demo spoiled me though. Went back to Monster Hunter frontier and it just felt so slow :/

Hell even Tri portable demo on 3DS felt slow! Might skip Tri and Wait for 4 .. seems to have a better evolution!

*O* I was beginning to think I was the only Frontier vet on this forum. Have you already reached HR 999? I have *.* kind of stopped playing after but MHF5 should bring me back


Buy games from Indie developers. Show your support and prove to them the Vita is a viable platform for their games.

Sound Shapes
Strangers Wrath
Retro City Rampage
Future Lab games like Surge

Keep on the look out for upcoming Indie games as well

Hotline Miami
Binding of Issac
Frozen Synapse
Dragon Fantasy
Lone Survivor
Velocity HD
Rainbow Moon
and more.....

Vita + Indie developers, I like that!

I'll go buy RCR & stranger!
So I saw a trailer for bit.trip runner 2 yesterday and it said it was coming to PS3 and Vita. Isn't that coming out today?? I haven't seen anything on it tho. Am I missing something??

It is it a different release date?


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Vita + Indie developers, I like that!

I'll go buy RCR & stranger!

Me too, best thing that could have happen to the Vita for me personally. FS is like a wet dream, but FTL certainly would be nice too. Hopefully those Indie devs will be even more vocal about the platform and push more devs onto it. Certainly wouldnt be a bad thing for Sony in terms of PS4 preparation either if the Indie scene knows they are good to talk to.

So I saw a trailer for bit.trip runner 2 yesterday and it said it was coming to PS3 and Vita. Isn't that coming out today?? I haven't seen anything on it tho. Am I missing something??

It is it a different release date?

Vita and iOS later this year I believe.


I suppose it was outsourced or something. The fact that it and DOA5+ are a month apart tells me that they were developed by two separate teams, and DOA5+ looks a lot more impressive.

If one game HAD to be given the short shrift, they chose the right one.

Store manager let me return it as a defect thankfully, put that money torwards boob raider. I'll wait on reviews before I touch DOA5+.
Sorry Toma, I am definitely looking forward to Frozen Synapse though. Also can't forget about Rainbow Moon. Anything else I am missing? Lone Survivor was just mentioned......OH! Machinarium. Hopefully we get more point and click games.

Edit: Dragon Fantasy!!!

what about that game thats a platformer, but you take pictures of the level i believe and use those pictures to build platforms etc... snap-something or pic-something?


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
what about that game thats a platformer, but you take pictures of the level i believe and use those pictures to build platforms etc... snap-something or pic-something?

Snapshot! Yes, looking forward to that as well. Looks really neat.


Has anything been said an English release for Phantasy Star Online 2?
A bit interested in that and if it comes out for the Vita in English I want it.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Time to whoop your ass on Vita again. :p

Now THAT is a story only time will tell.
And I mean... a LONG time :p

A Virus named Tom is apparently also announced for a Vita release btw. Other games include Starlight Inception and Vektropolis.
Has anything been said an English release for Phantasy Star Online 2?
A bit interested in that and if it comes out for the Vita in English I want it.

No, not even a breath of mention. We don't even know if an international PC launch is still happening at this point; absolutely nothing has been said (beyond a cryptic "we're not allowed to talk about it") since PAX last year.


^^^^^^^As I understand it though the PSP had a terrible attach rate, a poorly utilized online store and capabilities. All things the Vita has going for it. Not to mention, the Vita will probably scale a lot better in terms of cost of manufacturing than the PSP ever did. I am not saying it will do PSP raw numbers, but that it facilitates a more profitable platform.

Marathon, not a sprint.....

Still as far as I understand the PSP is around 80 million? And as far as we know the Vita hasn't hit 5 million yet. Even with a piss poor attach rate the PSP will likely remain far more profitable unless Vita starts to improve it's situation (I'm hoping the price cut will send it to around 18,000 a week even after a month or so in Japan, that's my gut feeling)


No, not even a breath of mention. We don't even know if an international PC launch is still happening at this point; absolutely nothing has been said (beyond a cryptic "we're not allowed to talk about it") since PAX last year.
I could have sworn there was buzz about a western release back around when it was revealed for the Vita, but perhaps that was just rumour and speculation.


No, not even a breath of mention. We don't even know if an international PC launch is still happening at this point; absolutely nothing has been said (beyond a cryptic "we're not allowed to talk about it") since PAX last year.

Oh, so not even the PC version has been confirmed to the localized... I thought that was done and over with already. Well that's a shame, hopefully it will make it over.
Someone should really put up a new thread for that RCR sales talk. Brian also mentioned he will be GDC talking about this situation as well, and seem he will evangelize the Vita platfrom there to other indies. I hate making threads, especially when it is not a topic I discovered.
Vita + Indie developers, I like that!

I'll go buy RCR & stranger!

Nobody should buy RCR.
I know I'm channeling Toto, but after the hype building up to it's release, playing the demo and thinking it was terrible, and then having it go free within 2 months of release (give or take a week or 2)... NO.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Just noticed that this game is apparently also announced for Vita:



That stuff is actually pretty old, and hard to come by. It was part of some contest Sony was doing in promotion of LocoRoco 2:

Seeing this picture actually makes me miss my old PSP :(
Not that I don't love my Vita, but the PSP was wonderful to me.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Nobody should buy RCR.
I know I'm channeling Toto, but after the hype building up to it's release, playing the demo and thinking it was terrible, and then having it go free within 2 months of release (give or take a week or 2)... NO.

I would generally agree with you about this game, but considering the dev is THIS vocal about Indie Vita support... makes me actually want to support him. If anything gets other Indie devs on board.. its Indie devs.
im 110% all for indie games...but honestly i wish i saw more retail sized games coming or vita specific downloadable titles.

its funny to think that vita is producing bigger downloadable sales when ps3's consumer base is astronomical when compared...

makes me think downloadable games should come to vita first and depending how well they do there they can get moved to ps3..

maybes it's easier to go from PS3 to vita than vita to ps3...

oh ho hum...

edit: from the sound of it though we will be hearing of some more realeases over the year. so all is not lost.


So we know Devs are making money on the console, since its apparently a console that sells games better in some instances than any other platform.

Do we know somehow whether Sony is making money on the console? Or is it being heavily subsidized? I mean Sony has a few studios making money off the Vita, gets a few % of other games being sold and PS+ subs that they get through Vita. Could that possibly be a net positive somehow or is there no chance that Sony is making money with it currently?

Honest question, sorry if I am missing something here. But I mean, if games on Vita sell as good as we think they do, Sony must be able to get some money out of that Vita business.

Last time I checked the BoM was around 150$ right? With like 70-80 coming from the screen.

Assuming my memory is correct, it always made me chuckle when Vita sales and company sinking potential were compared to Wii-U considering one is confirmed to lose money on each sale and does not become profitable with one game and one isn't, again assuming my memory is correct.
The obvious question would be whether those numbers were due to the preferential treatment to make it one of the free PS+ games. How many units would it move if it just came and went with only a minimal promotion? And without disentangling relative quality it also seems some sections of the store are much better off than others e.g. Featured vs PlayStation Mobile. We haven't heard any devs saying they are very happy with the numbers on the PSM side (yet)

There are some reasons for that:

1) PSM is garbage. A failed initiative that's completely worthless. No non gaming apps and 99% of the games that are there suck.
2) Pricing. Developers put their games on google play/steam/iOS for free - $1.99 and try to sell them on vita for $2.99 and up. Yeah, it's jut a dollar or two more, but it's a 100% markup to put it on a machine with buttons. No thanks. I have an iphone, steam account, and am getting an android phone, if your game is cheaper on the competition, I'll get them there.

I think this is thread-worthy, if it hasn't been done already.

Yeah, new thread worthy IMO.

Not surprising to me, as he puts it Vita owners are hungry, perhaps the hungriest gaming sector out there. This was an interesting comment to that though:

Robert Boyd
Lead designer, programmer, and writer at Zeboyd Games, makers of the RPGs, Breath of Death VII, Cthulhu Saves the World, and Penny Arcade's Rain-Slick 3.

If he makes RPGs then vita owners will eat it up, given that there is nothing new on RPGs for vita.

im 110% all for indie games...but honestly i wish i saw more retail sized games coming or vita specific downloadable titles.

its funny to think that vita is producing bigger downloadable sales when ps3's consumer base is astronomical when compared...

makes me think downloadable games should come to vita first and depending how well they do there they can get moved to ps3..

maybes it's easier to go from PS3 to vita than vita to ps3...

oh ho hum...

edit: from the sound of it though we will be hearing of some more realeases over the year. so all is not lost.

Indie games are honestly what's keeping the vita interest at the moment, but yeah, it would be nice, but you shouldn't hold your breath. Bioshock is a major vaporware and dev on it hasn't even started, Killzone Mercenaries got overshadowed by its bigger brother, no GT, no big 3rd party games, yea....
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