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Viva Las Vegas (GT4)


maskrider said:
Heh ! Car shots at higher floors of Tokyo forum, it is very hard to do it in real life.

Here is a comparison shot and that's an awesome building too, very impressive.



...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
segasonic said:
did none of you play gt4 prologue?

final game will look nothing like this...








Enjoy your can of Campbell's Shut The Fuck Up Chicken Soup.


As I expected Photo Mode stages are one thing...playable tracks another...

A pity...I wanted to race through those japanese streets :(


GT4 will look much better than Prologue. Ingame screenshots from the BMW 1 Series demo which uses the updated E3 2004 graphics engine look several times better than Prologue ever did, plus I hear the physics are even better.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
What I looove about the additions they made to GT4's physics is two things:

1) You can feel the weight of the car. It was a feature that was sort of present in GT3, but not quite as much. Taking a hard turn in a heavy vehicle just feels so...right. Watching the nose of the car dip and the body shift...it's just flawless.

2) The second complements the first and it's the new camera feature where the screen dips down upon hard breaking. If you're going 80+ and you slam the breaks and you're playing via 1st person, the screen tilts downwards, simulating the feeling of a car braking really aggressively. The more weight a car has up front, the more the screen will tilt downward. So awesome...

GT4 will so be the game of the year.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
AlphaSnake said:
2) The second complements the first and it's the new camera feature where the screen dips down upon hard breaking. If you're going 80+ and you slam the breaks and you're playing via 1st person, the screen tilts downwards, simulating the feeling of a car braking really aggressively. The more weight a car has up front, the more the screen will tilt downward. So awesome...

Hmm Konami can't be real happy about that... isn't their new racer using screen/camera position/motion as it's big gimmick?


Here are some impressions of the new BMW dealership demo featuring the new 1 Series.

By amar212 @ GTP
OK. It is 3 am, and it is time for impressions. Piictures comes first thing in the morning.

BMW Series 1 Virtual Drive is the very latest public avaliable code of GT4 so far. As I can see, it is a code shown on E3 and it is 100 miles away from Prologue. First thing you notice is graphic.

After the intro movie (nice one, and car looks great in motion), the game-driven replay with S1 on Nurb begins. I could only say "They didn't manage to do this, no way". The graphic looks outstanding. High-res everywhere, amount of details around the track is fabulous, and car itself looks great. The resolution of car is the same as resolution of surroundings and sky and lightning are great. Replay looks astonishing.

There are just few options - screen (normal or wide), no music, no replay, nothing else. After the track selection - Nurb, NYC and Costa di Amalfi (Capri) - you find yourself in seat of gasoline driven S1 on start of Nurb. And the hell breaks loose there.

I can't realy imagine how will it look like to drive around the Nurb with 500+ HP cars. The track is exact copy of the Nurb (we knew that from before), but you find yourself realy amased with the narrowness of the track. Because of that, you have the feeling that S1 eats road, and you even do not pass 200 km/h mark nowhere except on the main straight (final section) - I managed to cope 208 km/h. It takes around 9:20 (with some nice fence kissing) for S1 to go around the Green Hell. And all the writings on the road are there, all the mountains are there, trees, telephone wires, more then 10 ddifferent looks of asphalt, more then 10 different looks of grass around the track, darker and lighter clouds, blazing sun, and 10+ variations of curbs (sound of tyres passing the curb at 180 km/h is something unique).

One fact - pictures posted before are not from this demo. There is no time-limit, you're only limited with one lap. You can watch a replay after the race, with the nifty "press-triangle-2-zoom-on-car" option. No specials there.

After you got blown-away with the glypse of future graphic, the race begins. Dials are new ones, with "G-Spot Meter", fuel indicator (not working), oil indicator, all as seen before on E3 pics. Lateral movement meter is a nice touch, especially in replay. Hope that final game will bring some data management there. The race begins (no clutch) and then you realise that this is a totally new physics engine. Prologue is arcadey (we knew that too, but it was hard to beleive) in compare to this. Suspension works properly for the first time in the series. When you speed up, suspension of the rear end takes accelration force in the way you feel it, while front suspension takes it while breaking. The view field goes up/down, depending of the movement, and car now reacts on another new feature - track roughness.

Naturally, Nurb is a very rough track. But now (and it can easly be compared with Prologue on NY track), all the tracks are more rougher or better said - now yoiu feel it on the car behaving. On Nurb and Capri car even goes airborne somewhere (we knew that too), and sound of landing is too good to be true. Having a nice surround setup in your room is highly wellcomed.

Tyre sound and all the algorythams regarding it are improved. You can't do much drifting because the TCS is always ON, but little drifting is welcomed and both physics and sound are great. Tyre squeezing in corners is a pure auditive heaven. Intresting is that game lets you choose between 3 type of tyres - normal, street and arcade. "Racing", although they exist on menu, can't be selected. I'll se what is that tommorow when I got back from work and drive all 3 tracks in the row, maybe something will happen.

Both sticks works, didn't try the wheel. DS2 driving is great - car now reacts very instantly and directly, while maintaing the great sense of speed. It is more difficult to cope with slow turns in high speeds then in Prologue, and all of "Wall Riders" can say goodbye to their little hobby - slightest kiss to the fence introduce another new feature - impact penalty.

It is not 10 sec slow-down, it is a total physics and visual treat which is manifesting trough screen blurring, shaking and a loosing control over car movement on a short time. As the impact is heavier, the effect will be bigger.

Rear-view mirror is another grat feture. It is big, wide, and filled with details. You see everything in it, like you're watching a rear-view on a small screen. It is a great job done by graphics programmers, taking into concern the public-known capablities of PS2.

There are no effects of fire or sparkles.

As you speed up, the sound of wind becomes louder and louder, while engine sound becomes more noosier. On the main straight it is a total wind-blowing vs. engine-roar sound battle. Fantastic job done in sound design.

NY is two times more detailed the in Pro. Capri looks great. But I just drove one lap of both and get my ass back to Nurb.

After driving few laps of Nurb and watching some replays I started to think how the final code will look like if this demo - hopefully, 4 months before the final game release - looks like this. Job done here is beyond expectations in every way. And I'm sure that this is not the final physics "Simulation" code, final graphic code and final sound code. Not to mention game structure or anything else which does not exist on this DVD.

Pictures in the morning. Vid - not so sure. I'll see what I can do.

Welcome to the first ever diesel car in the GT series. It has a great torque, nice sound and nice colours to pick. At 19 000 euros starting price, I find this demo a nice way to enjoy in something I can only dream about - driving a new Beamer around the Nurburgring. 4 am, going to sleep. All the people on the other side of the globe, have a nice evening.


Hmm Konami can't be real happy about that... isn't their new racer using screen/camera position/motion as it's big gimmick?

Well, even the Ridge Racer games on the PSX did it to some extent...even when you are changing gears. I wouldn't think it's much of an issue.


SolidSnakex said:
Outside of the AI what's wrong with the game design? The tracks are great, the physics are awesome ect. Yah the AI sucks but so does 99% of all racers so it's not like GT is the odd man out. Plus now you have online play so you don't really even need to worry about the AI since you don't get any better than human controlled cars.

It's been a long time since GT3 was released, so this is a tough one to answer. If I remember correctly, one of my main complaints was with the racing cups. On the surface it seemed like there was so much to do and that the games choices were diverse. After getting through 5 or 10 cups it became evident that this was not really the case. It was really hard to maintain my original enthusiasm for the game at that point because they ran out of ideas. From then on a typical GT3 racing cup pretty much consisted of, "Ok, you completed a series of 3 lap tracks with car A, now do it over with car B and this time do it for 10 laps per race." Maybe it wouldn't have become so repetitive if the A.I. was more competitive, I don't know for sure. I would like to have a centralized racing season in addition to these other isolated racing cups. One idea I have is an option to create your own racing season. You would have the ability to pick the class of cars, starting horsepower rating, as well as the tracks you would race on. Design options would extend far beyond this of course. This would be really great if you could implement it for online use. Building your own online tournaments would be awesome.

I don't mean to single out Gran Turismo as the only racing game with bad A.I., as I haven't played one yet that is perfect. But GT's A.I. flaws are numerous. The most glaring problem with GT's A.I. is it's complete lack of competitiveness. It just no longer fun when my racing agenda is completely based on how many times I can lap the computer. The A.I. is so worthless, that I might as well just play in the time trial mode, I'd get the same experience. Other racing games have competitive A.I. that reacts to your presence, there is no exscuse for the talented people at Polyphony to not meet that benchmark. Online play is a welcome addition, and GT4 might be the game to get me interested in online games. But I still want to enjoy this game in the offline mode as well.

SolidSnakex said:
Yes you can select the time of day and weather setting now.

Awesome, that is good news!


As you speed up, the sound of wind becomes louder and louder, while engine sound becomes more noosier. On the main straight it is a total wind-blowing vs. engine-roar sound battle. Fantastic job done in sound design.

Fuckin' awesome!!!!!!!
GOTY 2004


dark10x said:
What the hell is wrong with you? "Blah blah blah, play Soul Calibur 1...it's TEH BETTAR!!11" "Blah blah blah, GT4 looks SOOOOO bad...
Very sad...
It's very sad if one can't accept other people's opinions.

I have both SC1 and SC2 and I think SC1 is the better game. I also have GT4 Prologue and I think the graphics are a jaggied shimmery mess compared to many other games on PS2.

But I should have known that I will get flamed for posting something negative in a hype thread like this...
Jumpman said:
It's been a long time since GT3 was released, so this is a tough one to answer. If I remember correctly, one of my main complaints was with the racing cups. On the surface it seemed like there was so much to do and that the games choices were diverse. After getting through 5 or 10 cups it became evident that this was not really the case. It was really hard to maintain my original enthusiasm for the game at that point because they ran out of ideas. From then on a typical GT3 racing cup pretty much consisted of, "Ok, you completed a series of 3 lap tracks with car A, now do it over with car B and this time do it for 10 laps per race." Maybe it wouldn't have become so repetitive if the A.I. was more competitive, I don't know for sure. I would like to have a centralized racing season in addition to these other isolated racing cups. One idea I have is an option to create your own racing season. You would have the ability to pick the class of cars, starting horsepower rating, as well as the tracks you would race on. Design options would extend far beyond this of course. This would be really great if you could implement it for online use. Building your own online tournaments would be awesome.

I think one thing they need to do to help the AI out is to put a HP cap on races. I know alot of people that just sit in the earlier races and keep winning to get more money so they can upgrade their car so for awhile they'll have around a 500hp car going up against cars that are in the early to high 100hp range. All the races need to have a HP cap on them to prevent you from ever racing your car with others that are just so low in HP that they can't possibly give you any real competition.

I'm not sure if they're doing that in GT4 but hopefully they'll consider it for GT5.

"But I should have known that I will get flamed for posting something negative in a hype thread like this..."

Strange that Jumpman is posting some negative comments on GT, yet no one is flaming him. You know why? Because he's actually giving real criticisms instead of doing blatant trolling like you're.


i have prologue and played the e3 version. you guys expecting the game to look anything like these shots are in for a huge disappointment. all the detail and texturework is great but the shimmering at e3 was horrendous. I pray for HD support so it wont be THAT bad.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
segasonic said:
But I should have known that I will get flamed for posting something negative in a hype thread like this...

For your next trick will put your hand over a flame?

Be spare me... you don't pray for anything positive.


segasonic said:
It's very sad if one can't accept other people's opinions.

I have both SC1 and SC2 and I think SC1 is the better game. I also have GT4 Prologue and I think the graphics are a jaggied shimmery mess compared to many other games on PS2.

But I should have known that I will get flamed for posting something negative in a hype thread like this...
The fact is that GT4 will look nothing like Prologue. Once some ingame direct feed video of the BMW 1 Series demo is released I don't think anyone will be able to complain about the graphics.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
segasonic said:
It's very sad if one can't accept other people's opinions.

I have both SC1 and SC2 and I think SC1 is the better game. I also have GT4 Prologue and I think the graphics are a jaggied shimmery mess compared to many other games on PS2.

But I should have known that I will get flamed for posting something negative in a hype thread like this...

Can you actually explain why SC1 is a better game than SC2? Do you actually understand what Prologue IS? Why do you present your opinions as fact and then proceed to play the "victim"?


DarienA said:
Be spare me... you don't pray for anything positive.

i just did didnt i? this is exactly why i dont even bother to say anything or hope for anything nice about the ps2. ps2 fanboys make me sick. fine. i hope the game doesnt have HD supprt and the game continues to get worse. I hope that theres a big screw up at the printing press and millions of copies of GT4 freeze up after the first course and make every GT4 owners ps2 catch fire. I hope that sonys online "service" drops GT4 game connections every 17 seconds. i pray that GT4 is the biggest disaster in videogame history. There darien. is that better for you? Is that more XBOT for you? I pray it is. :)


segasonic said:
It's very sad if one can't accept other people's opinions.

I have both SC1 and SC2 and I think SC1 is the better game. I also have GT4 Prologue and I think the graphics are a jaggied shimmery mess compared to many other games on PS2.

But I should have known that I will get flamed for posting something negative in a hype thread like this...


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
BeOnEdge said:
i just did didnt i? this is exactly why i dont even bother to say anything or hope for anything nice about the ps2. ps2 fanboys make me sick. fine. i hope the game doesnt have HD supprt and the game continues to get worse. I hope that theres a big screw up at the printing press and millions of copies of GT4 freeze up after the first course and make every GT4 owners ps2 catch fire. I hope that sonys online "service" drops GT4 game connections every 17 seconds. i pray that GT4 is the biggest disaster in videogame history. There darien. is that better for you? Is that more XBOT for you? I pray it is. :)

I've always encouraged you to be more true to yourself. ;)

BeOnEdge said:
i hate you
EDIT: LOL I'm sorry Be I freely admit I baited you with that last post.. I couldn't help it.. it's Friday and my work day is now over! ;)


BeOnEdge said:
i just did didnt i? this is exactly why i dont even bother to say anything or hope for anything nice about the ps2. ps2 fanboys make me sick. fine. i hope the game doesnt have HD supprt and the game continues to get worse. I hope that theres a big screw up at the printing press and millions of copies of GT4 freeze up after the first course and make every GT4 owners ps2 catch fire. I hope that sonys online "service" drops GT4 game connections every 17 seconds. i pray that GT4 is the biggest disaster in videogame history. There darien. is that better for you? Is that more XBOT for you? I pray it is. :)

Well I think that's enough for today....


lol BoE, couldn't have said it better.

It'll be fun beating you fanboys on Nüburgring in GT4 online hehehe

I'm looking forward to the game, just pointing out that I don't think it'll look nearly as good as those screenshots. If it however will look that good... so much the better.


Ante Up
I don't know about others, but with GT, I derive most of my fun simply from taking a real production car that I may be curious about or interested in and taking it around a track as fast as possible. These are things that I would do if 1) I didn't have to worry about losing my license/insurance coverage, 2) I could travel around the world to different tracks, and 3) I had the cash to buy whatever car suits my fancy at any given moment.

As far as AI is concerned, I prefer to race against the clock more than anything else.

I really only enjoy racing against others when the other drivers are REAL people. That increases the fun factor for me tenfold at least. In all other situations, enemy cars are simply annoying obstacles, competitive or not (and in GT, they are extremely competitive once you reach the Professional League). I can't think of a game where I actually enjoyed racing the AI. Maybe arcade-y games like NFS and Daytona.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
segasonic said:
lol BoE, couldn't have said it better.

It'll be fun beating you fanboys on Nüburgring in GT4 online hehehe

I'm looking forward to the game, just pointing out that I don't think it'll look nearly as good as those screenshots. If it however will look that good... so much the better.

The fact of the matter is, anti-aliased screenshots are EXTREMELY common these days (especially on XBOX) and they NEVER EVER look that smooth on an actual TV. Why even make a point of it anymore? It is a topic that has been done to death for years. All of the content within these screenshots represents the visuals you will see on the screen, only the resolution is different.

Do you think the 30 fps FORZA will look as clean as those shots? It will certainly look cleaner than GT4, but it won't come close to matching those ultra high-res shots. People were SHOCKED yesterday when IGN captured frame buffer grabs of Ninja Gaiden. They started claiming they were "bad caps" when in fact they were simply ACCURATE caps (unlike those ultra high-res shots Team Ninja released).


Well Xbox video output is much better than PS2 video output, jaggies aren't nearly as noticeable in most Xbox games (yes also the ones without FSAA) than they are in most PS2 games. I think that should be common knowledge by now...

However some programmers have gotten good results (regarding image quality) out of the PS2, unfortunately Polyphony (up until GT4 Prologue) isn't one of them


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
segasonic said:
Well Xbox video output is much better than PS2 video output, jaggies aren't nearly as noticeable in most Xbox games (yes also the ones without FSAA) than they are in most PS2 games. I think that should be common knowledge by now...

However some programmers have gotten good results (regarding image quality) out of the PS2, unfortunately Polyphony (up until GT4 Prologue) isn't one of them

XBOX games run in 480p (at least most of them). PS2 games are forced to run in line-doubled mode and end up looking nasty as a result. However, 480p PS2 games are actuall sharper looking than 480p XBOX games (in general). SSX3, for example, looks nicer on PS2 when running in 480p than it does on XBOX...

That is an exception, of course, not the rule. PS2 games tend to have shit output. Of course, you being a Sega fan, I can't imagine why you would prefer image quality over framerate. GT4 at 60 fps with lower IQ is much better than something like FORZA at 30 fps with great IQ...


Well I have a PAL Xbox and a PAL PS2, which means both only have interlaced output.

About framerate vs. image quality. I don't prefer IQ over framerate. But if I can have both 60fps and good/great IQ, then of course I will prefer that. Examples for this would be RSC2 (Xbox) and Burnout 3 (PS2).

Btw, I don't think it's been confirmed that Forza will only have 30fps...


"GAF's biggest wanker"
segasonic said:
Well Xbox video output is much better than PS2 video output, jaggies aren't nearly as noticeable in most Xbox games (yes also the ones without FSAA) than they are in most PS2 games. I think that should be common knowledge by now...
Funny about that - I find jaggies more noticeable in Xbox games because texture shimmering is less prevalent than it is in PS2 games. Without texture shimmering, the stairstep effect of aliasing stands out more since its the only part of the image that hasn't been smoothed out.

Problem with "common knowledge" is that it's often inaccurate for the sake of simplification. PS2 has jaggies, Xbox doesn't, for example. Nevermind the fact that you see many people confusing jaggies and texture shimmering as the same thing.

But if you are such a believer in common knowledge, there shouldn't have been any reason to remind everyone that screenshots don't necessarily represent the quality of final output on your display :p


mashoutposse said:
I don't know about others, but with GT, I derive most of my fun simply from taking a real production car that I may be curious about or interested in and taking it around a track as fast as possible. These are things that I would do if 1) I didn't have to worry about losing my license/insurance coverage, 2) I could travel around the world to different tracks, and 3) I had the cash to buy whatever car suits my fancy at any given moment.

As far as AI is concerned, I prefer to race against the clock more than anything else.

I really only enjoy racing against others when the other drivers are REAL people. That increases the fun factor for me tenfold at least. In all other situations, enemy cars are simply annoying obstacles, competitive or not (and in GT, they are extremely competitive once you reach the Professional League). I can't think of a game where I actually enjoyed racing the AI. Maybe arcade-y games like NFS and Daytona.

I love racing against the clock as well, but I also love to race against competitors. If the A.I. is done well enough, then it can be almost as fun as racing a human opponent.

As far as the professional difficulty goes, I don't agree. It's certainly a fair bit tougher than the other challenge levels, but I still had no problem completely dominating the computer. To get any kind of challenge, I have to use a vastly inferior car just to try and make things "even."


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Of course, you being a Sega fan, I can't imagine why you would prefer image quality over framerate.
SEGA hardware has usually been pretty well-rounded in performance. It's not a case of choosing one or the other like the old video card days where a 3Dfx would run nine or ten frames faster but only at lower IQ settings. SEGA teams would often lock down 60 fps and still deliver proscan, high res, etc.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Btw, I don't think it's been confirmed that Forza will only have 30fps...

Well, as of E3 it was...

I dug up a quote before, but I don't feel like doing it again. :p Check the last big Forza thread...


I didn't read the thread beforehand and looking at some of the photomode screenshots, I thought they were real. Looking at the jump from the ps1 gt's to ps2 gt's, I think we'll be VERY close to photorealistic graphics.


I have been playing GPL lately and although it's a fantastic sim, the thing that detracts from the awesome experience of racing F1 cars on the Ring is how bloody difficult it is to keep those light 1965 soapbox racers on the road and not spinning out. Not to mention it only runs at 36fps.

With the Ring being in GT4, and rumors of Formula 1 cars making another appearance, I am salivating at the thought of racing Nurburgring at 60fps online with a FF wheel in some F1 open-wheelers! It's going to rawk my boxers!










Just look at those beauties! If the F1 cars in GT4 handle the way they did in GT3 and have the same SoS, I'm going to kill my chicken! You guys are going doooown ;)
isamu said:
With the Ring being in GT4, and rumors of Formula 1 cars making another appearance, I am salivating at the thought of racing Nurburgring at 60fps online with a FF wheel in some F1 open-wheelers! It's going to rawk my boxers!




They're in there don't worry.


isamu said:
If the F1 cars in GT4 handle the way they did in GT3 and have the same SoS, You guys are going doooown ;)

Not a chance, I know the Nurburgring like the back of my hand from playing GPL and F1C 99-02 :D

F1C 99-02

I will be the Gaming Age king of the Nordschleife.


SolidSnakex said:



They're in there don't worry.

That confirma it then. :) Thanks for those shots SSX.

Dekajelly said:
Not a chance, I know the Nurburgring like the back of my hand from playing GPL and F1C 99-02 :D

F1C 99-02

I will be the Gaming Age king of the Nordschleife.

Well then look for me in the rear view mirror ;)


GT4 will definately be my GOTY. One of the new additions to the game, besides online mode, is the fuel mileage, penalty system for damage and the camera shifting during heavy braking, as Alphasnake was alluding to. I like GT because it simulates what a real race car driver gets to do better than any other racer out there; down to almost every last detail. In particular, I'm intrigued by the fuel mileage guage and how it will play a factor in gameplay. Now, mashing the gas after each corner will have a consequence, just like it does in real life. I wonder is this will be included in the online mode, as it may help determine who wins the race, which may possibly not turn out to be the best driver. I just can't wait for November, with GT4, Halo 2 and MGS3 all coming out!


Dekajelly said:
Not a chance, I know the Nurburgring like the back of my hand from playing GPL and F1C 99-02 :D

I will be the Gaming Age king of the Nordschleife.

Yeah, I look forward to playing the GA members online in GT4.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
BeOnEdge said:
i have prologue and played the e3 version. you guys expecting the game to look anything like these shots are in for a huge disappointment. all the detail and texturework is great but the shimmering at e3 was horrendous. I pray for HD support so it wont be THAT bad.

Actually, that had nothing to do with GT4. Those Hi-def TVs aren't meant to display games like GT4. Even I admitted to it looking all fucked up. Sony always uses TVs that makes their games look terrible. E3 2003 GT4 looked terrible, but Prologue looks *awesome* on my TVs.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Actually, that had nothing to do with GT4. Those Hi-def TVs aren't meant to display games like GT4.
A TV with less clarity will of course diminish the appearance of imperfections along with everything else, but its poor look on HDTVs might be because the game possibly doesn't support full-res outputting (if it's field rendered like GT3).


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Almost every game at every E3 looks shit on those TVs. They are also so big and you have to stay so close to them that you can see every single pixel of the screen.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Lazy8s said:

A TV with less clarity will of course diminish the appearance of imperfections along with everything else, but its poor look on HDTVs might be because the game possibly doesn't support full-res outputting (if it's field rendered like GT3).

Yes I know that GT4 doesn't output resolution high enough to look good on HDTVs. But to say that GT4 looked shimmery, bad, and etc. isn't fair. It looked bad because of the TV and (like TTP just said) because we were playing the game two feet away from the monitor.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I wonder if I should get a wheel for this game... But if I do I'd feel guilty for not getting an arcade stick for VF4. Hmmmmm....
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