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Vodka + ?

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I like China Whites (or White Chinas, same thing).

It's a shot:

Vodka topped with Bailey's + sprinkle of cinnamon on top.

aoi tsuki

lime juice = gimlet

Add a splash of Cointreau if you've got it. Makes it closer to a kamikaze than a gimlet, but regardless it's damn good.

i also like to indulge in a flavored (designer?) martini from time to time when i don't drink them proper. Watermelon Pucker mixed with Grey Goose is quite good. Women love 'em too, and it gets 'em fucked rather quickly.

Meier said:
Red Bull and Vodka is super popular for a reason. It's fucking good.
i love Red Bull and vodka, but not as much when mixed together. But you get the benefit of both drinks.

Anyone had Vodka Kick? i remember seeing an ad for it in Mixmag a few years ago and was curious about how it tasted.


vodka + orange juice = screw driver
vodka + milk + cahlua = white russian (very tasty drink)
vodka + coffe liquor = black russian


shitting in the alley outside your window
im drunk as motherfucker and i just want to talk tock, where's ck.

01:35<sefskillz> WHERES CK
01:36<sefskillz> WHERES CK
01:36<MiG> sleeping
01:36<sefskillz> :<<<<<<

aoi tsuki

Fjord said:
Its 40%, you can't drink that straight all night!
Been there, done it. But i prefer to have a few mixed drinks, and a few drinks on the rocks in a night. A few shots, maybe, but at that point i'm usually too far gone for it to matter in the short term.

Seth C

Anything! That's the beauty of vodka. Just mix it with whatever you like.

Orange juice? Check!
7-Up? Check!
Cream and Kahlua? Check!
Kool-Aid? Check!
Fruit punch? Check!
Anything else you like? Check!


Seth C said:
Anything! That's the beauty of vodka. Just mix it with whatever you like.

Exactly. The thing about vodka is that it (ideally) has almost no taste to itself besides the alcohol, so whatever you mix it with is more or less what it'll taste like.. So I find the question kinda odd.


Go with the OJ man. cranberry juice isn't bad either. If it's expensive vodka you might wanna take few straight shots so you can appreciate it. Damn this is making me thirsty. 7 hours of work to go. meh


Looking for Pants

Yummy in your tummy!
Fjord said:
Wouldn't want to see someone after they've had a few too many of those.
You're amped way up on caffeine so you're talking a mile a minute. But you're also drunk, so you're not actually making words.
What's the proportion mix to Red Bull and vodka? One can of Red Bull + one shot of vodka?

Also, Smirnoff Vanilla vodka mixes very well with coca-cola. Use something like a shot or two depending on the mood your in + a can of coke.

Nevershoot Smifnoff vanilla vodka. You'd be better off going to the kitchen and downing a bottle of vanilla extract. Both taste fucking HORRIBLE straight but at least the extract will REALLY fuck you up.


Vodka and Clamato (AKA Ceaser) for us Nucks is great with the evening meal.
Vodka and Redbull during the evening festivities.


Vodka tonic with a slice of lime is one of my default drinks. If I'm out at the right kind of bar (read as: elegant), I will occasionally order a one of the "vodka martini" type drinks (yeah, I know it's an oxymoron) like a Cosmopolitan. However, you have to pick the bar carefully since a) they are usually watered down and b) you may get those "which team is THIS guy playing for?" looks from other guys at the bar.

When I make them at home for parties, they are almost purely alcohol -- the cranberry juice is literally only a splash for color. Ditto for my sour apple martinis -- two shots of vodka + one shot of sour apple pucker shaken with ice, then poured into a sugar-rimmed glass. Add slice of green apple, and enjoy!
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