SeanSpicer's Mic @Spicerlies
No where in the blog was it ever stated or implied that SCOTUS was starting the impeachment process.
It DOES say House Judiciary. SCOTUS does in fact Marshal.
See attached, specifically §672 (c)(2)..."serve and execute all process and orders issued by the Court"
as mentioned I reached into my network within the legal community, one who happens to work in SCOTUS Marshal office.
Here are the text
It bears repeating at no time did their blog say SCOTUS was starting Impeachment proceedings, because they can't. Duh
I don't have a dog in this fight. I'm not taking sides. What I am asking you and others to consider is,
it's plausible that SCOTUS may have been asked by a ranking Dem Judicary House or Dem leader to see what SCOTUS could to establish a body of evidence to assist the House with evidence for Articles of Impeachment? They are the minority party and would need a rock solid case to win GOP votes, no?