I see people on here falling for it constantly. Just like Republicans (when it came against Hillary or Obama), some people are so eager for collusion they'll believe anything.
When did you notice that fake news does best with Trump supporters?
Well, this isn't just a Trump-supporter problem. This is a right-wing issue. Sarah Palin's famous blasting of the lamestream media is kind of record and testament to the rise of these kinds of people. The post-fact era is what I would refer to it as. This isn't something that started with Trump. This is something that's been in the works for a while. His whole campaign was this thing of discrediting mainstream media sources, which is one of those dog whistles to his supporters. When we were coming up with headlines it's always kind of about the red meat. Trump really got into the red meat. He knew who his base was. He knew how to feed them a constant diet of this red meat.
We've tried to do similar things to liberals. It just has never worked, it never takes off. You'll get debunked within the first two comments and then the whole thing just kind of fizzles out.
And how long did it take for that story to deflate and be forgotten after someone corrected it shortly after it was posted? It's insulting to compare how "both sides" absorb fake media.I've been thinking about this recently, how receptive each side is to 'fake news' as long as it follows their narrative. Always check your sources. It happened last week with that stupid "Sean Spicer wore two different shoes" story. Even NYT, which I respect in general, mislead readers with those Super Bowl attendance photos, though at least they issued a correction.
And how long did it take for that story to deflate and be forgotten after someone corrected it shortly after it was posted? It's insulting to compare how "both sides" absorb fake media.
And how long did it take for that story to deflate and be forgotten after someone corrected it shortly after it was posted? It's insulting to compare how "both sides" absorb fake media.
Exactly. Seth rich got far more press in the past two weeks than anything the palmer report, Taylor, mensch etc posted.And how long did it take for that story to deflate and be forgotten after someone corrected it shortly after it was posted? It's insulting to compare how "both sides" absorb fake media.
This seems to personally irk Mensch, who has occasionally suggested the Palmer Report is ripping her off.
Louise Mensch retweet = unfollow
As in Louise "if you buy coffee, you can't protest" Mensch? Who the fuck would listen to her...?
Mensch has been right way more times than she's been wrong and this is from someone who thinks she's crazy as cat shit
Aye. "Fake News" isn't just a problem on the Right. It's an indisputable core aspect of right wing media as a whole. There is no Left equivalent.The difference is that there is no liberal news network spending every hour of every day pushing these conspiracy theories and treating them as fact. People always want to start the "both sides are the same" thing but that's not close to what's happening here. Some people retweeting or going to the sites isn't the same as what conservatives have been doing for years.
Who would fall for that horseshit? Jesus.
That's a broad generalization seemingly supported by just a few.
While there's undoubtedly a few democrat-identified folks who've passed along some of this, there's at least been a bit of evidence to suggest democrats are less susceptible.
Obviously it's worth noting that there's no equivalence between some nutjobs on the left believing crazy people on twitter and an entire right-wing infrastructure propagating crazy stuff, from shit like infowars or subreddits to AM radio to massively popular news channels, and believed by people from bottom-level voters all the way to the actual honest-to-god-somehow potus. But rather than just patting ourselves on the back for being less stupid than the other side, we should work to maintain that by being careful with sources, reading more than just the headline, tracking down where stories are actually coming from before believing them. Look for other angles, understand how stories spread, find the original source, read the study. It takes work to keep your beliefs in line with reality.
Obviously it's worth noting that there's no equivalence between some nutjobs on the left believing crazy people on twitter and an entire right-wing infrastructure propagating crazy stuff, from shit like infowars or subreddits to AM radio to massively popular news channels, and believed by people from bottom-level voters all the way to the actual honest-to-god-somehow potus. But rather than just patting ourselves on the back for being less stupid than the other side, we should work to maintain that by being careful with sources, reading more than just the headline, tracking down where stories are actually coming from before believing them. Look for other angles, understand how stories spread, find the original source, read the study. It takes work to keep your beliefs in line with reality.
Despite what smug Democrats will tell you about the rubes on the other side, everybody's vulnerable to the lure of tribalism and cognitive bias.
If your right:wrong ratio is 50:50 you aren't a reliable source. Same with gaming-side "insiders" who just post what people want to hear and bask in the back-patting when they get something right once a year.
I've looked at all. Unconfirmed and unproven does not me disproven. However I'm still left with this list of proven reports:
FISA confirmed. Not bullshit.
Chaffetz resignation confirmed. Not bullshit.
Grand Jury subpeonas confirmed. Not bullshit.
FBI warrants granted and executed confirmed. Not bullshit.
Trump secret plane meetings with Oligarch confirmed. Not bullshit.
She tells people what they want to hear. "Jeff Sessions might get arrested tomorrow!" and similar speculative garbo.
Liberals definitely need to be wary of the bullshit that random people come up with but it is nowhere near the same as what has happened with conservatives. Conservatives live in a completely different world that their media helps to perpetuate.Lead story right now
CNN: Trump and Russians
MSNBC: Trump and Russians
Fox News: Dam repairs
Fake News exists on the left, no doubt. The same forces are there, and the left is just as susceptible. Seriously, during the election some of the shit The Young Turks peddled was just as dumb-as-shit and blatantly false as anything I'd see on Breitbart...well, minus the antisemitism.
I think the big difference, and why you don't, and likely won't, see fake news take over the left like it has the right is that there is no Fox News of the left absorbing the fake news, amplifying it, and mainstreaming it.
Yeah nah
there isn't a democrat subreddit filled with hundreds of thousands of people actively putting their hands over their ears refusing to believe news coming out about the orange fuckstick while grasping at conspiracy theories that have no value
Vox is reaching