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this guy loves the vtuber drama

but I did not see the hate coming for Calli (yes I did)
I don't feel sorry for these tweeter vtubers, Calli goes out of her way to support smaller channels that put out content all the time

gave her a sub
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Gold Member
Isn't she playing this game on master or some hard difficulty?
Is she? It didn't look very difficult. She almost didn't do anything to kill a dragon. Just hit it with the axe 2 times while it was getting destroyed by a giant, a few mammoths and some random villagers lmao
HH is so annoying he clickbaits and cherry picks random twitter comments from nobodies and pretends it's a big deal. Numerous times he's blown things out of proportion with zero research and caused way more drama than he's "exposing." I blocked his channel from my channel feed. Don't feed the keemstar of vtubers.
Okay I thought I was the only one who was not feeling him, he seems to have a following. I won't need to post his stuff here if we all agree.

His channel keeps showing up you can tell it is him nearly all the time.
I saw one video series he did where he went after a vtuber for being an anti girl ot a lot of hate later he finds out that vtuber did not do what he claimed made a she did not do it so stop hating her video. I think a few channels have surfaced using vtuber drama news style.

I am not sure how to block his stuff from showing up, he does like 2-4 videos per day. He does not show up on my front page but he does show up in most of my searches. I think he as enough of a following that goes out an targets who he is aiming at. I started following him during the China drama but then started seeing some of the dumb shit and unfollowed un-subbed. Do not recommend all that still he shows up.

Is she? It didn't look very difficult. She almost didn't do anything to kill a dragon. Just hit it with the axe 2 times while it was getting destroyed by a giant, a few mammoths and some random villagers lmao
I checked the first video. She has bragged about this setting a few times. She seems to know the game pretty well. At least she knows what is coming and times most of her jokes. I felt she knew where the wolves would be and such things. I sometimes think most of the EN girls play badly at games for the content.

Muse Dash kinda makes Gura sucking at games kinda sus to me. I know she says she only has to press 2 buttons but just saying it seems kinda weird those same eyes and reflexes can't be transfered to other games as some level.
I just watched Kiara's second stream the one after her debut, she was so tired but also really had no confidence. And she does not bother to translate everything on the spot anymore. She brings up her language skills more naturally now.

I want to watch Haachama but she does things that trigger my anxiety she is always ready to kill off her character like she has billions of clones ready to go.
she is kinda the same level of lewd but calmer chill version of Haachama

note to self, I want to read the manga with the blind girl
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I personally love Haachama, she is my favorite VTuber now.

There are rarely native Japanese speakers that can speak English so well that you can fully understand it. For me she is like a bridge to the crazy side of Japanese culture.
she was mine too during her Gen Zero EN phase. I am even a member of hers but I am just being honest you can't relax around that girl.'
The Suicide on the EN server was enough for me. Gave her another chance and she cooked and ate a tarantula

when she Collabs with EN she is nice and sweet it is when she is alone she goes off in some insane directions without warning
I like her as a vtuber I just can't watch her. I really like her but she a little nutty for the relaxed vibes I am looking for.

Ollie and Kiara are my type of wild and crazy, Haachama goes for the mind-fuck psychosis triggers. If you are at all depressed she will fuck your shit up.

I follow these two right now

collab on now
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Haachama isn't really for relaxing. Haachama is for "your real life is so boring so you want something unexpected to happen every day".

For some reason I can't really get "warm" with most of the HololiveEN members. The more I watch of them the more bored I feel, it's always the same and they don't really "open up" their true selves much (except for Kiara).

But I also can't really connect if I don't understand what they are saying, so most JP members are hard for me to connect to except from watching clips (unfortunately, unlike with animes, Hololive doesn't have fully subbed VODs and Cover Corp actively fights against full fansubs).

So in the end I end up liking people like Haachama, that I can understand, I know their history and what has made them the way they are now and still make something new and interesting every day.

Today I found out about Risu from HololiveID. I really like her too now, she made a lot of English only streams too. She is probably the least fake and most relatable Hololive member I've seen so far.
she was mine too during her Gen Zero EN phase. I am even a member of hers but I am just being honest you can't relax around that girl.'
The Suicide on the EN server was enough for me. Gave her another chance and she cooked and ate a tarantula

when she Collabs with EN she is nice and sweet it is when she is alone she goes off in some insane directions without warning
I like her as a vtuber I just can't watch her. I really like her but she a little nutty for the relaxed vibes I am looking for.
Good news for you, Haachama is gone, Akai Haato is back as of today.

Unfortunately Akai Haato is too embarassed to speak English so we're back to Japanese-only. =/

Edit: If I can trust the translators, she still plans to do more English streams. Haachama might also come back but is asleep right now.
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Good news for you, Haachama is gone, Akai Haato is back as of today.

Unfortunately Akai Haato is too embarassed to speak English so we're back to Japanese-only. =/

Edit: If I can trust the translators, she still plans to do more English streams. Haachama might also come back but is asleep right now.

I was annoyed at that in my reply to you, I watched that clip. To me Haachama dying is not 'Good News' just because I can't watch her long does not mean I want her to kill off the character and play Seiso Idol.

I can't even imagine how the Akai Haato fan felt when she went away and Haachama was born.
I think girl just wanted to shake things up to make sure she gets to 1 million subs faster.

I don't mind Akai Haato not speaking english most of my favorite Hololive JP can't speak English at all.
Haachama's English is not that strong but it was charming and she is super cute while doing it.

I think this talent is still moving at lightspeed, I am not trying to take anything away from her but unlike you I don't find EN boring at all they don't really act out their characters as much as Haachama does. They allow the real people behind their persona to leak through so you do get to know them.

As soon as you start getting to know Haachama she mind fucks you. But like it has been said many times in this thread Hololive has a vtuber for everyone find who you connect with. Haachama is more of an act that breaks the 4th wall harder than when Kiara, Gura, or Ina breaks the 4th wall.
Since I was the one posting Scru Face Jean reactions on here I'll just give a heads up that he reacted to Demon Dice, he seems to be very positive about it.
Not sure why he went that directions but he knows the rules might just have loved the music or just wanted the clicks that came with it.

As a fan of the vtuber, do you think this is a bad thing for her or will she be happy about it? (even if she can't talk about it)
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moving this here

nice seeing Ame on her grind she loves to Collab

I wonder if Gura is avoiding Collabs outside EN?
She had one set up but had some issues and had to cancel

If Ame and Mel can get together without understanding each other Gura could find some fun with her JP friends
I think girl just wanted to shake things up to make sure she gets to 1 million subs faster.
Haachama talked quite a bit about her motivations in her last member-only ASMR (which wasn't ASMR at all, she was just lying in bed and talking lol). Unfortunately that's also Japanese-only.

But basically she really likes tease people and watch how they react.

You could even say that bringing Haato back is also a very Haachama thing to do.

Though I'm really hoping this was more a one-off and not a permanent sealing Haachama.

There are a lot of speculations going on right now. She didn't stream on sunday then on monday cancelled her stream. Some people were speculating that the staff talked her into being a bit less insane. She also build a fortress in minecraft and said it's to "protect Haachama" and now everyone is wondering what she means with protect. Like sealing her or just giving her a secure place to live in? Protect her from being banned?

I'm sure Haachama enjoys seeing all the people going crazy over this though.

To be honest, for me Haato and Haachama are the same person still, maybe it's because I can relate to her so much that I understand where she is coming from (I basically was the same at her age). My main concern was that she stops doing English streams because as Haato she said she is too embarassed to use English because it's not good enough. I've seen it often enough that people studied abroad and got really good in a language but after they moved back home they stopped using the language since they had nobody to talk to and the language got kind of forgotten. It must be especially hard in Japan, where basically no one speaks fluent English, so you can't talk to anyone who could even correct your mistakes.

But for now I'll hold on to her promise to do more English streams.

I don't mind Akai Haato not speaking english most of my favorite Hololive JP can't speak English at all.
Do you speak Japanese? If not, how can you really enjoy content if you don't know what's being said at all?

Also since I wanted to talk about it anyway: What are you favorite Hololive members?

Haachama's English is not that strong but it was charming and she is super cute while doing it.
Yes, her English is super cute. I think her English is basically "survival English". Like it's not fully grammatically correct and she often uses words that native speakers wouldn't be using in that context (this is kind of surprising considering she was 3+ years in Australia, but I guess she didn't really have any native speaker to talk to in English there either - and she admitted she was too lazy to study English herself), but she kind of learned some kind of English where you just know what she wants to say (or maybe that's just me again because I relate to her so much? because in the chat I often see people being confused on what she is saying, but I always seem to understand what she means).

I think this talent is still moving at lightspeed, I am not trying to take anything away from her but unlike you I don't find EN boring at all they don't really act out their characters as much as Haachama does. They allow the real people behind their persona to leak through so you do get to know them.
You think so? I really like Kiara because that describes her really well. And I admit that I didn't watch Calli for more than I few minutes because her "shyness" seemed so fake (and I really dislike rap), so it's very hard for me to give a fair judgement on her. Ina definitely leaks through her real life a lot, but she just isn't a very interesting person, she just makes you relax. She is definitely the Bob Ross of Hololive. Sometimes I want to watch her on second screen to relax, but she doesn't make content where I want to sit down excited in front of the monitor. Ame really seems to hate revealing anything about her and it feels like she's just lying whenever she is asked something private by fans. I liked her at her debut, but then she kinda got boring for me since she didn't stay very crazy afterwards. And Gura is really just acting her persona rather than revealing anything from her real life. Like whatever question is asked she always talks about something that happened in Atlantis that definitely couldn't have happened to her in real life. It feels to be like she really just wants to forget about her past herself. The only real life story I ever heard from her was where she lost an entire loaf of bread. The only reason I still watch Gura is because she's cute and occassionally plays games that are fun to watch. But even that is often frustrating as she lacks concentration and misses half of the dialogues and instructions.

Honestly I'm generally not very interested in watching LPs, so I mostly focus on "Talk only" archives. A gamer must have some really highly redeeming qualities for me to enjoy watching LPs and none of the HololiveEN members really have that (Ame is good in FPS, I give her that, unfortunely that's my least liked genre, Gura has the special trait to sometimes say exactly the right thing to make it enjoyable like saying "Banana" every time she sees one - but that also only applies in some of the games she plays - the others - I don't know, haven't found something enjoyable, but I only watched 20% of the LP archives tops).

There is only one person in Hololive that I enjoy watching playing games and that is Korone. Her sheer willpower to play through a game, even if she has to try the same stage for 8 hours without break (and she only stops after 12 hours because maximum archive size is 12 hours, she even asked the staff if she could do a 56 hour endurance stream) is really impressive. She enjoys playing so much that even if she dies she's not frustrated but instead laughes about her own mistakes. She also uses Japanese that is so simple that even I can understand it (it's also perfect to learn new Japanese words). Plus her game choices are amazing. I love how she is playing old classics she never played before like Sonic and R-Type and doesn't just dismiss them because she didn't grow up with them but actually gives them a real try. Korone isn't just the best gamer at Hololive, she is like in the top 5 gamers of all time in my opinion.

None of the EN girls even get remotely close to that.

But like it has been said many times in this thread Hololive has a vtuber for everyone find who you connect with.
Yep! And that's a great thing.

Like I'm not even discussing this because I want to prove my point that X is better than Y or something, I'm just genuinely interested in sharing opinions.

There isn't really another place to talk about it, because on streams you aren't allowed to talk about other Vtuber, in Reddit it's basically meme-only and all discussion threads get buried and I even tried Discord but it felt more like a gathering of elite fans rather than a place where you could generally talk about Vtubing or what your favorite X is.
Yea, Im too old for this shit

Haachama talked quite a bit about her motivations in her last member-only ASMR (which wasn't ASMR at all, she was just lying in bed and talking lol). Unfortunately that's also Japanese-only.

But basically she really likes tease people and watch how they react.
I think that is the point, Haachama plays a high level mind game.
You see my avatar? That is Potato he is a dog who is featured in an anime series called AIR. AIR is cute af but there is a darker under current very dark.
AIR made me respect Japanese anime and the people behind them from how much they can impact you emotionally.

Haachama is that yandere type the other girls hint at being but this girl really is that type.

I watched her fortress build a few times. what I can read from Haachama is her insecurities if you really watch her you'll see it. Everything that is trending she tries very hard to be part of but often gets dismissed or rejected.

The JP minecraft servers are full of stories and relationships but to me Haachama is a loner. I think being away in Australia made her lonely and isolated. Most of the girls have a good friend in Hololive that supports them but Haachama is just seen as the crazy girl. Seriously if you have been following her name her best friend? She is not really connected with anyone that close.

When EN came along she really wanted to be part of EN, I think Hololive should have allowed her to move under the EN banner if that is what the talent wanted.
But in the end she was not really that confident in her English.

On the JP server I saw when the girls started to build Gundams, it was Pekora vs Subaru they had a whole few streams of competing. Pekora made her bunny Gundam and Subaru tried to build her Duck but Pekora was trying to prank Subaru by shooting fire arrows at her build.

When Subaru took a few days off. Mike built her own Gundam next to Pekora's Gundam and went to Subaru's build replaced the duck head with a Miko head that was vomiting water.

When Subaru came back she was pissed and she changed her build to hold two heads Pekora's head and Miko's head.

Meanwhile many of the clipper channels followed these events, during that whole time there was a nice Haachama Gundam build right next to Miko's and Pekora's Gundam and nobody paid attention to it. They just said Haachama and moved on.

She does not get to interact with as many stories and events, I think this pushes her to create over the top events on her own.

None of the EN girls even get remotely close to that.

Maybe it is because I saw this thread just a little while after the EN debuts that might be why I focused on them.
EN talk only streams do happen. Kiara talks personal stuff when reading Superchats which she does after each gaming session.
Ame does talk only streams, they also do Q and A streams a lot. Members Only talk streams get more personal details.

I don't think they are doing anything different than Haato. It just depends if you are following or not.

With EN the talk or chat streams are rare but if you watch any solo Minecraft stream from any one of them they talk while they build and get real personal at times.

You can watch many changes through their EN Minecraft server growth. Ame had a huge meltdown and quit the game after yelling at chat because the game kept trolling her. She took a day off the next day. She has grown a lot during her minecraft builds and she sends the most time on the server.

Ina also chats during her drawing streams about personal life, and during her late night surprise minecraft streams when she can't sleep.

Gura and Calli are the hardest ones to have personal down time with but they do that member's only.
Otherwise they are playing games to entertain and not get personal. But in Member's Only they are more relaxed.

So it would be their Minecraft VOD I would watch if I want to get to know them.
Do you speak Japanese? If not, how can you really enjoy content if you don't know what's being said at all?

Also since I wanted to talk about it anyway: What are you favorite Hololive members?
I've been learning Japanese for ages but it never really sticks. I have 3 other languages in my head fighting for space so maybe that is my issue but I have been having a harder time retaining and remembering my Japanese than the languages I do speak.

So I am not totally lost if I watch a JP stream but I do like to go back and search for translation clips to get a better idea of what was really going on.
I find I still can enjoy most of Hololive JP even when I don't understand 90% of what they are saying.

Favorites change from time to time, since I got into Hololive late I had to play catch up. So the recent events had more to do with who became my favorites

Haachama was an early favorite until the last stunt on the EN server.

Pikora became my favorites due to her history of pulling pranks and going to war on the Minecraft JP server.
She was seen as a lonely stay alone type but her pranks and builds was worth following.

Then Pekora really started to shine when she took in Moona from Hololive ID. HEY MOONA!!
Total cuteness and charming moments would take place between them. So that story took months to follow.

Clippers and translation channels helped follow the events. But Moona became a friend for Pekora.

Then you had Pekora gaining a million subs and had to come out to her mother about being a vtuber.
Things like that made her fun to watch.

I started to follow anyone who showed up in EN chats then subbed everyone

But if you showed up in a Gura live stream I would go and watch a VOD to see who that vtuber was.
That is how I started to like Matsuri, Shion, and Marine.

Then came the music side. Watame might be my number 2 favorite sometimes number 1.
She also has a lot of chill talk only streams.

I lot of the JP girls had major style and looks changes for New Years that made them cuter. TMT is the cutest change.

Luna is very difficult to get use to she makes me feel like an old man or her dad. Weird, but has her own charms.

Right now I watch everyone from EN-ID, then Nenechi, Watame, Pekora, Subaru, and Coco. Started watching a lot more Mel due to Ollie and Ame collabs with her.

So at times I regret my understanding of Japanese being limited because I really enjoy the personalities some of these girls have beyond the acting and memes
I have to say Kiara can pretend to forget who she is and be reborn after youtube banned her channel by mistake but she can't pull off the act long enough without giggling and breaking character

while Haato is 100% believable and stays in character
Haachama is that yandere type the other girls hint at being but this girl really is that type.
While I agree to pretty much everything you said below (as said, I was exactly like Haachama at her age, exactly as you described - I'm actually banned on most gaming forums at this point because of this), I don't really call this the Yandere type at all.

In English you'd probably say "Attention Whore", though I guess the connotation is a bit more negative than I would like it to be.

Yandere for me is a person that when neglected even slightly would get fierce and demand it. Haachama is not like that at all, she only tries to get attention indirectly, but would never admit she is lonely or feels neglected.

Korone honestly is the only true yandere I've ever seen.

You made me realize that a lot of our different impressions lie in that I really really don't like Minecraft so I haven't watched a single Minecraft stream except for Haachama's yesterday (and that was only because I was worried about her).

And I guess if the HololiveEN members hide normal talks under membership, that's another big obstacle for me. Like, why should I get membership before I even like them? Haachama won me over first and then I got member just to support her (and rewatch ASMR streams).
While I agree to pretty much everything you said below (as said, I was exactly like Haachama at her age, exactly as you described - I'm actually banned on most gaming forums at this point because of this), I don't really call this the Yandere type at all.

In English you'd probably say "Attention Whore", though I guess the connotation is a bit more negative than I would like it to be.

Yandere for me is a person that when neglected even slightly would get fierce and demand it. Haachama is not like that at all, she only tries to get attention indirectly, but would never admit she is lonely or feels neglected.

Korone honestly is the only true yandere I've ever seen.

You made me realize that a lot of our different impressions lie in that I really really don't like Minecraft so I haven't watched a single Minecraft stream except for Haachama's yesterday (and that was only because I was worried about her).

And I guess if the HololiveEN members hide normal talks under membership, that's another big obstacle for me. Like, why should I get membership before I even like them? Haachama won me over first and then I got member just to support her (and rewatch ASMR streams).

I guess both Yandere and attention whore are a bit too much in describing Haachama.

Haato is just a bit deep with how she wants to spend her time at work this is how she wants to interact. Haachama cooking takes a lot of effort and if she even eats half of that mess for real she is more dedicated to her craft over any vtuber I have seen. Haato is to be feared and respected is all I am saying.

I am not going to start following sweet little Haato so Haachama can kill her off in some dramatic way.

EN does not always hide behind Minecraft or Members Only but when you get to know them they are really sweet people

but Ame is someone you have to watch be Salty while she plays games it is a real part of who the girl is

Ame has suffered and grown a lot more in minecraft

she was also pissed at chat on the last quit she came back a few days later took a day off.
It was funny really she came back with a fake ASMR stream where she layed on a couch for an hour and just sweet talk chat making cute sounds

that is not Ame at all but her rage forced some time off and changes
Rya.Reisender Rya.Reisender
I did not mean to reply with only Amelia examples but I do think any english speaker into vtubers that don't know them is really missing out on some wholesome streams. I think Ame is the one you must watch play games if you want to know her.

Kiara is an open book since the start, she keeps her role as a Phoenix/Chicken on the surface but she is also Kiara the super Pekora fangirl. She is also Kiara the girl who came to Japan on a special 1 year visa to try and follow a dream she had but COVID19 locked her out of that dream. She was very depressed stuck in Japan but not able to do what she came for had to give up on.

Kiara always speaks her mind during superchat readings, she is never afraid to leave behind the Phoenix and get real life stuff out. Even when she says Australia all her fans knows she means Austria.

she talks the most during solo Minecraft builds

Q and As work too normally most vtubers don't pick questions that are personal not Kiara

You can tell which part is bullshit and which is real life

So all the background info explains her deep love for Pekora
Girl was having a shitty 2020 like everyone else but watching Pekora inspired her to apply to become a vtuber

fangirl finally gets to say thank you

Pekora's relationship with Kiara really interesting to see... This is what I mean about Haachama and the deeper connections

Kiara's impact on Pekora is huge, from a girl who is super shy to someone who is proud to tell her mom she has 1 million fans and one of them is Kiara who loves her.

I am not sure how to explain why Kiara's journey motivates me to follow her while Haachama just raises my anxiety but I think Kiara opened me up to Hololive JP than any other she was just a super fan of Hololive because the job pulled her out of a shitty place. Haters started hating on her very early on calling her an attention whore and everything had to be about her. But the truth was she was just a super fan of Hololive and wanted to do well.

She was having a very hard time at the beginning

She has more confidence now and the Chat can't get to her like that anymore.

Looking at what Kiara went through during her first week kinda makes me think maybe Haachama is the protector of Akai Haato maybe she was having a hard time too in 2018-2019

Or it is just a catchy virus

big change

did not know Haato spoke French

yeah... this is just weird

I understand now that she has both models one with a dark suit one with a light suit kinda makes it easier for her to switch things up when she wishes
the fortress is a bit big taking lots of time to build

that minecraft stream brings sad memories of this shit right here

I can't even finish watching that... it is still not cool vibes.
It made me feel like she was being forced out of the EN server or was ruining the Hololive EN brand with her antics
Or she created this death thing on her own.

But if she is Haato now what will here relationship with Hololive EN be like?

I feel like if Hololive was smart they should allow Haato to join Hololive EN Generation 2
It seems that talent gets bored easy. Shoot I might just leave Haato in Japan and allow Haachama to join EN. Which ever way you do it Haato with EN and Haachama in JP whatever just split her up and allow her to explore those characters she seems to be more at peace when she is free to do what she wants to do.

Now I have to watch what the next move is.
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This is a good combo

I won't understand much might as well wait for some translation clips

this stream was chill until Ame found a challenge she could not beat

it is always the case

eh wat?
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Smiles and Cries Smiles and Cries
The more I watch of Ame, the less I like her to be honest. Went through all your videos in hope there's something I can connect to, but all I see is general idol talk and someone being frustrated playing games. There might be people who like that but I prefer watching people who really enjoy playing like Korone.

Kiara I'm already convinced of as said she's an exception. She isn't really like Haachama. Kiara is the type that has really low self-esteem and tries to make up for it with effort. That's why she completely overworks herself sometimes.

I'm not quite sure if Haachama is there to protect Haato. I think Haachama is actually closer to the person she wants to be, while Haato is the person she thinks she should be. I have kind of the same conflict. Like in real life, I'm like the super normal shy silent guy, it feels like society doesn't want me to do anything crazy, so I just behave. But the person I am is not exactly the person I want to be.

In the end if you have enough willpower not to give up, you'll realize that you really should just do whatever you enjoy.

By the way, she isn't completely without backup, Coco definitely supports her:
Smiles and Cries Smiles and Cries
The more I watch of Ame, the less I like her to be honest. Went through all your videos in hope there's something I can connect to, but all I see is general idol talk and someone being frustrated playing games. There might be people who like that but I prefer watching people who really enjoy playing like Korone.

Kiara I'm already convinced of as said she's an exception. She isn't really like Haachama. Kiara is the type that has really low self-esteem and tries to make up for it with effort. That's why she completely overworks herself sometimes.

I'm not quite sure if Haachama is there to protect Haato. I think Haachama is actually closer to the person she wants to be, while Haato is the person she thinks she should be. I have kind of the same conflict. Like in real life, I'm like the super normal shy silent guy, it feels like society doesn't want me to do anything crazy, so I just behave. But the person I am is not exactly the person I want to be.

In the end if you have enough willpower not to give up, you'll realize that you really should just do whatever you enjoy.

By the way, she isn't completely without backup, Coco definitely supports her:

I was only sharing what she is like when Ame plays and what you can learn about her personality is better judged when she plays.
I dunno when Amelia Watson debutted they compared her a lot to Haachama. She can flip at any moment

Many many times I found reasons not to like Amelia Watson. Sometimes I feel Ame can show a very cold side. I guess I am still not over her Uto is a cousin not a sister statement. Other times she is sweet.
So I don't mind if you can't connect with her. But to me she is the closest to being Haachama like in EN.

Ame and Haachama seem to like to collab together they get along well. Behind the scenes who knows if they are that cool. Ame has a similar relationship with Gura but Gura is not Ame's senpai. Ame seems very respectful when she is in a collab with a senpai. She will roast Gura and make fun of Gura but she does not do it to Haachama. Haachama has earned her spot as being very unique so Haachama is just Haachama and Ame is Ame, so it would not be fair to say they are the same just closer. IMO Haachama seems to be a sweeter girl than Ame is.

I don't know if Coco support is getting to the point I was making.

Coco X Kanata = Good Friends you can Ship them and it would seem normal

Coco x Haachama = partners in Crime. They tend to get into the same types of troubles with management.

Coco supporting Haachama is a given.

I thinking about who is her closest friend and you might be right Coco is the only choice to consider as her best Friend / Supporter.

But who can you SHIP Haachama with?

I am thinking about relationships as Coco x Kanata and Korone x Okayu

girls that are such close friend people ship them. I felt that Haato was isolated because she was alone in Australia.
I want to see her get more love for being herself and not because of the fact she does crazy things.
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Yeah, Haachama + Ame Collabs were actually quite nice. The only time I liked watching Ame except for her Debut.

I don't even want to ship Haachama with anyone (except myself lol). I just want to know that there's a person that supports her and is there for her when she needs someone and I think Coco is the right person for that.

Coco isn't on Okayu level (I mean this girl is a genius at emotionally supporting others), but it seems Coco knows exactly what she needs to tell Haachama to make her happy. So I'd put my worries of Haachama being in danger and all alone a bit back, especially now that she's back in Japan.

Here we go looks like she is going back to the hashtag. #hololiveEN0 EN zero gen is back.
She wrote on twitter that she was busy planning something big for her goal to reach 1M subscribers too.

By the way the staff forbid her to use the HololiveEnglish tag, that's why she is using the zero gen one now.

Really looking forward to the upcoming stream(s).
she is putting on a good show so far

By the way the staff forbid her to use the HololiveEnglish tag, that's why she is using the zero gen one now.

Really looking forward to the upcoming stream(s).

That is one thing I don't understand, how can you know the staff does not allow her to use the EN tag?

Can you really trust anything Haachama says as truth?
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I've noticed the chat is not being allowed to superchat. She is going to kill off Haachama at least understanding her game direction and did not invest into her I don't get triggered as I did with the EN server death.

She is really splitting her own fanbase in 2 though

edit: Yeah I can't invest into this WWE show she puts on. We have a to be continued lol. It was an unarchieved stream too.
I get that the whole vtuber thing is WWE but at least you can trust most of the girls to let you in on that gag. Break the 4th wall be honest with you that they are just entertaining you.

This is not much different from Kiara being reborn after Youtube-Kun banned her Channel but she allowed all of her fans to make memes for her just for the show. Everyone was in on the joke and still had fun. Haachama does not care if a fan really does not want that character to die off or not.
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It's now an epic.

I love the new orchestral opening.

I trust her at least.
Yeah hells no. Nope. I don't trust Haachama at all. She does not even allow you to like her because she throws the fact that this is all an act into your face and you feel like a sucker for even caring. The Simps look even worse. Her fans have to be masochists to enjoy the ride she takes them on. I have to force myself to watch her with a detachment of emotions. Those who invest in her they they invest in Kiara, Calli, Ina, are going to get burned out emotionally.

It is all an act for her, this is her job her Kayfabe is kinda sus. When someone is just playing you it is difficult to tune in.

Still I might like her more than you do, her branding is all over the place right now. Looking it from the vtuber perspective, there is putting on a show or act but there is also connecting with your fans. Haachama is not allowing that connection, unless she allows down time from the act that I don't know about. Every other vtuber I follow either does not act at all or let you in on the joke when the performance is over. You can trust them to do that, they wink at you when they are telling you a lie.

You enjoyed this and I don't. Which makes my point she splits her fanbase.
You might be enjoying this but it is a negative point against enjoying her streams. You are forced to tell yourself this is just a staged show, she is acting over and over again so you won't get an anxiety attack the next time she commits suicide on stream. Or try to follow the story she is weaving and hope she chooses a safe path. She will tease Haato until she reaches 1M and go back to Haachama cooking lol.

That girl is reckless.
Kiara's channel got banned by mistake. I think Haachama's don't give a fuck ways will get her channel banned for real. Her Hentai fan art review is still funny af but management has to be on her hard or this girl will do something stupid.

her next stream is in 2 hours

I woke up early to watch this but I'm going to sleep. That whole show made me have more respect for Kiara at the end of the redebut stream all she did was talk to chat and let them know what was going on.
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I feel like you're worrying way too much about it.

Or as Haachama would say "Haachama is Haachama".

You only need to be able to tell apart when she is roleplaying and when she is herself. There were a lot times when she just talked normally with her viewers, but her "show" streams are not like that.
Does anyone have clips of Haachama breaking the 4th wall and letting her fans in? Not the performance side, just a chill down time talk to fans. Maybe she is trapped now and her fans don't allow down time? Like Rya.Reisender Rya.Reisender admittion of being banned from most forums because of his actions, are all her fans the troll for lulz and chaos types?

The more I think about it the more the whole thing brings me back to Risu's open feelings about vtubing and why everything she shows on stream is part of who she is and can't be an act 24/7. I am watching Haato's minecraft stream. Haato-sama this and Haato-sama that from chat, make them sound like the same otakus who go to the maid cafes. This is how she sees her fans I feel. I don't feel like that is real down time. It is not the same conversation tone as Risu

I like the fact that Risu at least respect her fans. Not saying Haachama does not respect her fans but to me it does not feel like it when it is an act, if she has no down time from the job part of it, if she can't let you in on the joke, you are watching an Anime. Haachama is not an example of why I think vtubers and the tech can take you to places an Anime show cannot. The big ass fortress makes more sense now, it becomes a routine job to get done. A pattern a place to go to talk to chat. She does not have to play around with the JP server and the other girls on that server. The fortress is a controlled environment now, the maid cafe. Service, Haato is service.

I was thinking the reason Haachama does not do down time is because she can't really find the english words to say things like Risu said in the video above. But even in Japanese I don't believe she expresses that much honesty. I am sure part of her personality is still there but she keeps it service. This fortress is huge.

What Risu says is true, but it goes both ways, you have to respect the vtuber for being a real person but she also has to understand Chat her fans are real people tunning in. Haachama is a cartoon, it is a show it is entertainment. It is a service. Nothing wrong with that she gets the job done, but Risu's reasoning is easier for me to support. Risu knows she is here to try to make a living she is not going to reach 1 million subs any time soon. Haachama is more clear to me now as I watch every little cute Haato giggle, service. If you allow that to become every vtuber it is easier for people to look down on you for watching or being a fan.

That is a depressing thought. :(
I feel like you're worrying way too much about it.

Or as Haachama would say "Haachama is Haachama".

You only need to be able to tell apart when she is roleplaying and when she is herself. There were a lot times when she just talked normally with her viewers, but her "show" streams are not like that.

It is just a discussion about vtubers. Also I could be wrong maybe you do believe you see the real person when she is not putting on a show. Like my post above I can't imagine the girl does not put part of herself into this like Risu said they put in too many hours not to put part of themselve in this.

But Haachama takes me to a dark place. She is service, performance, an act. She shows you the on and off button by killing herself off.
Haachama is Haachama. I'll move my membership over to Risu and if Risu starts to build a big ass fort in Minecraft I'll save money. lol

Also wisdom from Risu, "Don't be a party pooper" Haachama is Haachama.
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Does anyone have clips of Haachama breaking the 4th wall and letting her fans in?

Also, Risu really is the most "real" Hololive member I know. She's definitely in my top 5 Hololive members now. In regards to "just talking" streams she probably delivers the best ones. Of course Haachama doesn't get close to that.

I don't fully agree with Risu's view on VTubers though. I think it strongly depends on the VTuber. Some VTubers like Risu are just themselves, but there are others that fully play their persona.
Ame did not wait for the remake it seems

In a few hours

Also, Risu really is the most "real" Hololive member I know. She's definitely in my top 5 Hololive members now. In regards to "just talking" streams she probably delivers the best ones. Of course Haachama doesn't get close to that.

I don't fully agree with Risu's view on VTubers though. I think it strongly depends on the VTuber. Some VTubers like Risu are just themselves, but there are others that fully play their persona.

This is good to see not fully the down time I was thinking of but, from that clip it is clear enough that she does have some down times. Also it is harder to 4th wall break when you speak of the persona in 3rd person anyway so I doubt she ever refers to her IRL story outside of the Haachama wrapper. Still chill background talk is still down time for the talent. Do you understand her at these times or do you only watch her event times?

Yeah, I am not sure if anyone at hololive reaches Risu's what you see and hear is really me approach. Maybe Moona because of her circumstances streams while babysitting her brother's child at times. Or streams from her car beacause she is caring for a sick parent. Moona is on the JP server often her hours are massive long.

You have a point agreed, I am not saying what Risu said had to be the rules everyone does their job their own way but when she said she is the real person so should be allowed to say what real people say without being called a hypocrite is what I agree with the most. It is not that Risu does not play her Persona and have fun with it as well. It is just that she does not carry and shape her lore as often. I like Risu's persona she is Korone and Okayu's child at least that is were the lore and memes takes you if you follow her.
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