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Wahoo! The Klonoa series is 15 years old!


Cool. When are we going to see it? I'm serious man. Make it happen.
It's an ML game successor...but not an ML game. Of course it's only a concept as is, I'd need input from others and maybe 10 years of studying VG development or a time amachine to make it happen @_@

Sure, just like how our deceased loved ones live on in our hearts and minds. I get it.
No need to be a smartass and trying to one up a member, brah.


Why is everyone saying Klonoa is dead?

I was introduced to Klonoa with the Wii re-make. Really enjoyed it!

Fun little game.
It's an ML game successor...but not an ML game. Of course it's only a concept as is, I'd need input from others and maybe 10 years of studying VG development or a time amachine to make it happen @_@

No need to be a smartass and trying to one up a member, brah.
I'm just messing with you man.
Because the Wii game bombed, selling less than 6000 copies in its first week in Japan.

How did it do in the US? Yeah, great game. It's interesting how different the handheld ones are from the two console ones, though... sure, the basic controls are the same, but the games play quite differently. Both styles work well, I think.
Sales wise, how did the mainline titles fare though? Ignoring the remake, the mainline installments were reserved for the Playstations - did the games bomb on those too? Klonoa 1/PS1, Klonoa 2/PS2; what I'd give for a Klonoa 3/PS3 scenario.
Perhaps Paon can port/redo the game on the 3DS, could work nicely, not to mention the interaction with the fore and background would benefit from the 3D!

Not like Paon's a stranger to the 3DS, they did a Tamagotchi game and some nature encyclopedia game with Nintendo.

Then do Klonoa 2 3D, hey if Monster Hunter Tri can make a great transition, why not Klonoa?

Also, Klonoa cameoed in Famista for 3DS at launch.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
How did it do in the US? Yeah, great game. It's interesting how different the handheld ones are from the two console ones, though... sure, the basic controls are the same, but the games play quite differently. Both styles work well, I think.

I don't know how it did in the West, but I suspect it didn't exactly set the charts on fire :/

Sales wise, how did the mainline titles fare though? Ignoring the remake, the mainline installments were reserved for the Playstations - did the games bomb on those too? Klonoa 1/PS1, Klonoa 2/PS2; what I'd give for a Klonoa 3/PS3 scenario.

I think the first game did pretty well, while the sequel had more middling sales. Don't quote me on that though.


I've only played the two localized GBA games and the Wii remake and... the second GBA game is SOOOO fucking good. Like, ridiculously good. One of the best puzzle platformers I've ever played. The first GBA game is alright and the Wii remake is decent, but man, Dream Champ Tournament blew me away.


We are honestly looking at under 50k WW for the Wii remake at best. I can't blame Namco Bandai for not tossing more money at this franchise, even if it hurts. The best we can hope for is that Noctis Sol is successful enough for them to put the games not on the digital storefronts on there.
Well maybe if Namco marketed it to kids and shit, maybe aired commercials numerous times on Nick, CN, YTV, and what not, I heard they did air one on Nick only but I never saw such a commercial or a solid confirmation.

But, you don't just air it on one channel and how often was it aired, once or twice? No fucking way a commercial airs on a popular kids channel anyways and only yields 2K in a month, WHAT THE FUCK?!

Edit: Might be this:


Anyone ever see this on TV?


Well maybe if Namco marketed it to kids and shit, maybe aired commercials numerous times on Nick, CN, YTV, and what not, I heard they did air one on Nick only but I never saw such a commercial or a solid confirmation.

But, you don't just air it on one channel and how often was it aired, once or twice? No fucking way a commercial airs on a popular kids channel anyways and only yields 2K in a month, WHAT THE FUCK?!

Edit: Might be this:


Anyone ever see this on TV?

To be fair, I doubt Namco had the money for a marketing blitz.


Lunatea's Veil is still the best game in the series, imo. Don't try to correct me!

Look, I don't need to get into arguments. I'm just stating facts.

It's the greatest platformer of the 2000s and in my 25 favorite games ever. Lunatea's Veil disguises the way better Japanese title, That Which The World Wants To Forget. What do they want to forget? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR15TNgeek0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBxyHm2uprk It's like Psychonauts before Psychonauts. You play through 4 worlds that represent bad ways people cope with problems: despair, juvenile pleasure, floundering, and anger. After the boss' world, you
fight your enemy, the person who tried to get people to be sad again...in the right way. "When people encounter sorrow, they try to forget it and pretend it never existed at all." The bad guy summoned Klonoa so that he could make the world sad again (in a healthy way), which would help your princess friend resolve her own issues and save the world from destruction. After you stop him from making the world TOO sad, Klonoa actually DEFENDS the villain's logic, and promises that the world will stop running away from grief. So, as a direct refutation to the above ending, the princess agrees to be sad for a moment, only, and Klonoa willingly walks away after they say their goodbyes.
If you just take the console games as their own story arc, it's WAY more ambitious than it has to be.

I mean, for God's sake, how much children's entertainment is an explicit defence of sadness and responsibility? The series is phenomenal!

Great topic.

I also have to mention the top-notch voice-acting (as some may know, gibberish-speak/fake languages is 1 of my favorite video game things), the utter Namco-ness of the aesthetics (audio and video), and how STELLAR the handheld entries are. All 6 games are so good, but: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfHlzNUgmfs is 1 of my favorite platformer levels in any game. The console entries never tested players that way so as not to disrupt the narrative's themes.

It was also the subject of 1 of my 1st intolerable rants here, so I have a soft spot for it! http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=20198262#post20198262

I've only played the two localized GBA games and the Wii remake and... the second GBA game is SOOOO fucking good. Like, ridiculously good. One of the best puzzle platformers I've ever played. The first GBA game is alright and the Wii remake is decent, but man, Dream Champ Tournament blew me away.

To reiterate. It's true! I can't quite put the gameplay quite with Super Mario World, but I have to think about it.

I really, really, really love Klonoa 1 and especially its remake. Also a pretty big fan of the first one on GBA. I just did not like what they did with Klonoa 2 one bit. They added all kinds of dumb friend characters, and way too much story stuff -- there are even locations on the map that serve only to show a story scene, which blew my mind.

I'm not going to argue that it's not weeaboo-friendly, but there's something there, I swear! Also, don't play Legend Of The Star Medal or Namco X Capcom, for the love of God.


Rayman is a good example, I wish other developers would follow suit. And while we're at it, we could get a new Bonk/BC Kid, 2D Actionvania, Clockwork Knight, Pandemonium, Ristar etc... different developers I know but one can still dream.

I wish somebody would kickstart some of these oldschool platformers. They were so popular back in the day that there might be people willing to pay for their creation if given half a chance.

I'm not the biggest Klonoa fan, mostly due to the 2.5D perspective, which often leads to frustratingly imprecise or slow gameplay - Klonoa being the latter - but I'd still like another one.


The first game brought tears to my eyes while playing the Japanese version... and I barely understood any of it. Such a powerful and magical title.
When I first got my PS2 years back I remember playing the demo for Klonoa 2 quite a lot, yet I never took the plunge for whatever reason, i'm still irked by missing out.
So the wii version was my first proper foray into the series, an interesting main mechanic that's for sure heavily revolved around the use of enemies whether to be thrown about or used to greatly increase jump height, those bonus rooms in the wii version really put these aspects through their punishing paces.
Not a platformer I find particularly repayable though, and that ending, well that's not what I expected at all.

I'd be up for more but well, that doesn't look likely at all, just lob Klonoa 2 onto PSN please.
Going to post Baladium's Drive since I don't see it in the opening post, great little boss theme.


So we've essentially got the Wii and its third-party phobia to thank for killing off Klonoa then? Swell. Thanks Wii. Thanks a bunch.

What? It's not like there was really any marketing for the game at all. The only tie-in I was aware of was with a Fish Taco chain on the west coast. It coming out at a weak point in the Wii's lifecycle didn't help it, but that wasn't the killing blow.


Klonoa is one of my favorite series of all time. The first game (PSone or Remake) could easily make my top 5/10 favorite games of all time list. Klonoa 1 is just the perfect platformer. I too don't like the second game as much as the original, but I still love it for other reasons. I don't really have a problem with all the new characters they introduced, though. My problem was that the world/setting wasn't as interesting as the original. Ghadius and Joker were fucking amazing old school platformer bosses. The ending in the original game is unmatched. I still get a bit chocked up when I see it. Klonoa 2's ending was so completely devoid of emotion (for me anyway, but maybe I should see it again because I don't have as fond of a memory of it as I do with the original). The second game does do A LOT right though so I can't say I was disappointed with it. It's still one of my favorite PS2 games of all time.

I'd seriously KILL for a proper sequel. This is one of those series I'd want to see come back more than anything. Threads like this make me sad. =(


What? It's not like there was really any marketing for the game at all. The only tie-in I was aware of was with a Fish Taco chain on the west coast. It coming out at a weak point in the Wii's lifecycle didn't help it, but that wasn't the killing blow.

Klonoa Wii came out in 2008/2009. You saying Wii was dead before its' third birthday? Hardware sales don't agree.


Klonoa is a miracle of the universe. My favorite non-nintendo platformers.
so damned adorable. When the first game was remade for wii I rejoiced. I wish they had remade the second one too.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
The only tie-in I was aware of was with a Fish Taco chain on the west coast.

I remember opening up my copy on the way home from Fry's and saw the coupon. I thought that was kind of cool and bonus there was a Wahoo's on the way home! But then I noticed the coupon expired two days before I bought the game. :(


Remember when they wanted to change his look for the 2009 remake? I couldn't believe they were even considering it at the time! I think only for US audiences though...


Neo Member
I remember playing the second one nonstop with my neighbors on their PS2. We had no idea what it was cause their parents just bought it. But damn it quickly became one of our favorite games to play.


Remember when they wanted to change his look for the 2009 remake? I couldn't believe they were even considering it at the time! I think only for US audiences though...



The one on the right was the proposed redesign. Horrible idea since it loses his trademark Pac-Man hat.

John Blade

Own the remake of 1, the two gba games, and the ps2 game. Love the game very much. Do wish they can release another one (maybe on the 3DS or the Wiiu)


Klonoa Wii came out in 2008/2009. You saying Wii was dead before its' third birthday? Hardware sales don't agree.

Not that it was dead, just that it was coming out in a bad release period. It predated NSMB Wii and whatever hype that brought back to the 2D platformer genre, had poor advertising and at that point in the Wii's life there was an abundance of shovelware with similar stylings and it sure didn't look good on shelves next to them.

I remember that point in time being a low point for the reported Wii attach rate, but I'm probably wrong on that.
I swear you have the best taste in games, Tizoc. Every thread you make is always for some game I really love.

I love this series, man. I was in the mood to play one of the games earlier, by complete coincidence. Hah. Guess I'll go play now. :)

By the way...weren't we talking about Klonoa a few years ago back on SNK-Capcom when the remake of the first game was announced?


I remember when I used to play the first Klonoa and Tail Concerto back in the day. Loved 'em both. Klonoa 2 was even better than the first.

Sad how a lot of people seem to overlook these games.


How appropriate, a month or so back I bought the original on PSN and played it through :) (first time, but I had played the Wii remake on release)

Such a wonderful, underrated series. Really like the character and the style of the games, definitely reminds me of games that endeared me as a kid (and still do!). I'll have to pick up the first GBA game again, it was one of my favourites on the system but I lost it on a French holiday :( Need to grab the sequel too.

Honestly...thinking about it, this is probably my favourite Namco series! I wish it caught on more, just like Rocket Knight :( Dammit, Klonona on 3DS or in HD would be so good.
My first 2.5D platformer. I'll never forget pouring over the import preview in Gamefan, I rented it as soon as it was released and loved it. Klonoa and Mischief Makers were two of my favorite games during that time. I really need to stop procrastinating and try the Wii remake sometime.

And now Klonoa is dead.

First post nails it...like a rusty nail on a chalkboard that is.


We are honestly looking at under 50k WW for the Wii remake at best.

My God...:( Modern gamers have awful taste confirmed (again).
I'm one of the few who bought the game on day one (even though i had never played a Klonoa game before) and loved it.
And i was wondering why Namco hasn't made another one...i couldn't imagine it bombed so hard.And the irony is that this gen was considered as "the ressurection of the 2D platformer."
When I beat Road to Phantomile as a child I cried mah little eyes out ;___;

Never ended up playing the sequel sadly, though this thread has made me want to seek out a copy.


My God...:( Modern gamers have awful taste confirmed (again).
I'm one of the few who bought the game on day one (even though i had never played a Klonoa game before) and loved it.
And i was wondering why Namco hasn't made another one...i couldn't imagine it bombed so hard.And the irony is that this gen was considered as "the ressurection of the 2D platformer."

It should be pointed out that when the remake was made, Klonoa had already been dead for six years, and the last game made before then was a top-down action RPG with talking head cutscenes where you couldn't pick up enemies with the ring and the voice clips were in Japanese.
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