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Wahoo! The Klonoa series is 15 years old!

I think Door to Phantomile is a good platformer, but nothing special. I completed both versions. The remake (if it can be even called that, more like an embellished port) adds 3 hearts (rather unnecesarily), a special move I never used so I'm not sure what it does, and some ultra-hard mini-stages hidden between levels. It's ok but it could have done more, I think.

I tried Lunatea's Veil but I didn't like it. Too much bouncing over the place (reminded me of 3D Sonic). Maybe I'll give it another shot some day and change my mind.

I prefer the portable line, as I belive the slow paced gameplay and grabbing mechanics work better in a puzzle context. Dream Champ Tournament is the best of the three, and a really good puzzle platformer. Highly recommended, though all 3 are worth playing.


I'm just messing with you man.

...and now you're chickenin' out.



The one on the right was the proposed redesign. Horrible idea since it loses his trademark Pac-Man hat.

I'd like to think he had Pacman on his jacket =P. I don't mind that design, but it just isn't Klonoa, since Namco solidified his image since the first game.

I swear you have the best taste in games, Tizoc. Every thread you make is always for some game I really love.

I love this series, man. I was in the mood to play one of the games earlier, by complete coincidence. Hah. Guess I'll go play now. :)

By the way...weren't we talking about Klonoa a few years ago back on SNK-Capcom when the remake of the first game was announced?

Ooof don't remember sad to say, been years since I last posted at S-C forums (last time I had some life issues that just didn't motivate me to post back there =/).
...but ya know I don't remember WHY I got myself a Wii in the first place, but that Klonoa game was well worth it.
A shame it didn't sell too well...wonder if it's possible to get that game on Steam or WiiU shop, I mean you don't REALLY need the Waggle to play it.

It should be pointed out that when the remake was made, Klonoa had already been dead for six years, and the last game made before then was a top-down action RPG with talking head cutscenes where you couldn't pick up enemies with the ring and the voice clips were in Japanese.

Said last game was released within the 2 years in-which the series had the most game releases.
...and you sort of described most jRPGs released on the GBA.


Why was it so fucking hard for Namco to make the other Klonoa games like the first one, they all played so shitty compared to it.



Dig Dug isn't the only Namco series celebrating an anniversary milestone this year. This month marks the 15th anniversary of Klonoa! The first entry in the series, Klonoa: Door to Phantomile debuted in Japan on December 11th, 1997 to critical acclaim and still remains a fan favorite to this day. The series went on to span a sequel, numerous spin-offs, and most recently ShiftyLook's very own Klonoa web-comic! To help celebrate the occasion, Klonoa artist Hitoshi Ariga shared this amazing piece of art via Twitter. To see more of his beautiful art, read Klonoa every Wednesday, only on ShiftyLook & share your own Klonoa fan art with us on twitter @ShiftyLook

i have only played the wii remake (since i was apparently one of the 2000 people who bought it in the US). i like it and found it charming but a bit too easy. the bonus end stages were good because they were tougher and forced you to master the controls.

OP - for those of us less familiar with the series, it would be helpful if the OP had some information about how each game in the series played. obviously the volleyball game is a volleyball game, but i am picking up that the handheld ones were less straight platformers than the console ones. can someone elaborate?


I have the Wii remake and Klonoa 2 for PS2. Great platformers with deceivingly sad and despressing stories. A third game would be lovely
I got into the series through Klonoa 2. To this day playing that game is one of my favorite memories from that time. I played the GBA games and the Wii remake as well, and enjoyed those too, but not as much.
The story of 2 was pretty dark if I remember right, and I recall enjoying it a lot.

I was also 12 though so who knows.
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