Wal-Mart is beholden to one thing-everyday low prices at all costs, including your shopping experience. I hate going to Wal-Mart with a passion-it's a place where everything wrong with unrestricted, exploitative free-market capitalism is mixed with the selfish American obsession with the accumulation of wealth and goods. Belief in things like quality of life and the good of man just disintigrate when you're walking in a store that is loud and unappealing to your eyes and ears, and unappealing to your heart if you know just why those goods and services are so cheap. It's just oppressive.
Target is a slightly better experience. The employees seem to be less dejected at their job (which means they are probably getting paid better), the goods feel higher quality (meaning that there was a consideration to quality and not final cost in the purchase deliberations), and the atmosphere is fairly clean and orderly-time and money were put into making the store more appealing.
Personally, I want a big box store that:
A) Has unionized employees.
B) Buys American goods, even if it means higher costs. Preferably from manufacturers with unionized employees, if possible.
C) Keeps the store attractive and clean.
Target's only 1/3 in that regard. I'd rather support a store where I pay for the welfare of the employees and their suppliers directly through patronage, and not through the backdoor of paying for their required social welfare through higher taxes to support the safety net they must fall back on because their employers worship a brand of capitalism that works against, and not for, the common citizen.