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WaPo: Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin

I think the answer is obvious.


he needed to finish what he started when he locked up Kushner sr

Prosecutor Christie is the best Christie


You have to wonder what people who supported Trump at the CIA and FBI think about all of this. Does their professional experience outweigh their partisan inklings?

Maybe they are the ones helping with the leaking? And no, most of them probably do not like Trump, specially after firing Comey.
He didn't recall that one billion dollar loan he floated that he's personal guarantor of $300m of, either, eh? Remembering things: it's harder than anyone thought it would be.
We rag on that kind of comment a lot, but it makes sense that they would make that comment to avoid being contradicted. Nobody can prove what they can and can't remember. Still, it's just delaying the inevitable.


No Scrubs
Yeah. I mentioned in PoliGAF that it feels like there's some puzzle pieces falling together.

This also might explain the whole unmasking thing from earlier in the year. If Rice (or whoever) saw this conversation she'd want to know who it was exactly the Russians were talking to.
LOL at the "I didn't recall" excuse that everyone from Flynn to Sessions to Pence and now Kusher has used. That should have been the campaign slogan


It would be the ultimate burn if Christie was doing this, and not only took down dad, but son Kushner, too.


Lewandowski? but he was gone.
Manafort? but he was gone.

Bannon? he would have loathed Kushner.

THINK OF THE IMPLICATIONS. If someone on the transition team knew, then trump would have known for sure, it was _strategy_. This couldn't be a Kushner loose-cannon project.

Bannon was dogs loose canon. Bannon turned snitch. I wonder what the alt right jackasses would think. Bannon turned judas on Cheeto Jesus.


"Did your client attempt to set up a back-channel communication with Russia government at the Russian embassy to circumvent FBI/NSA/CIA monitoring?"

"He has no recollection."

That response really does say a lot.



I do. I said way back then that the whole thing was awfully weird and that they should look closer at it. The details about it were insane. OH yea we have this server pinging Trump and them pinging it. Oh look they shut it down and first server that the new one is communicating with is again Trump. Yet they tried to say it was a Trump server sending them spam. Odd that it found the new server as soon as it was put up. None of it made any sense.
LOL at the "I didn't recall" excuse that everyone from Flynn to Sessions to Pence and now Kusher has used. That should have been the campaign slogan
Like, seriously. I mean, of course I don't expect them to admit it or anything, but try coming up with a better lie at this point at least rather than trying to use the same excuse every single time.

Tommy DJ

I don't understand the attempted logic here. If they were colluding, why would that mean they wouldn't need a back channel once Trump was elected?

The attempted logic is that since he didn't already have an established method of contacting the Russians in secret, he definitely wasn't concluding with the Russians during the election.

Secret channels are apparently not the rarest thing when you're in government so they're trying to fight back against the allegations that they were concluding during the election. It logically fits the same defense they used to defend Trump leaking Mossad info to the Russians ("don't you want peace in the Middle East/between Russia huh? what's wrong with us giving info/keeping in contact with them?").


New York Times with both confirmation and what has the strong scent of a Trump camp counter-narrative.

This actually is even more disturbing. Why in God's name would they want to conceal plans on Syria strategy from the US military?


"The idea behind the secret communications channel, the three people said, was for Russian military officials to brief Mr. Flynn about the Syrian war and to discuss ways to cooperate there. Less than two weeks later, Mr. Kushner backed off the idea of the communications channel when Mr. Trump announced Rex Tillerson, a former chief executive of Exxon Mobil who had worked closely with Russian officials on energy deals, as his choice to become secretary of state."


I see a call coming in from Russia nowadays I just send it straight to voicemail. They are so needy and call so often, how can anyone be expected to remember each conversation?


New York Times with both confirmation and what has the strong scent of a Trump camp counter-narrative.

This actually is even more disturbing. Why in God's name would they want to conceal plans on Syria strategy from the US military?


"The idea behind the secret communications channel, the three people said, was for Russian military officials to brief Mr. Flynn about the Syrian war and to discuss ways to cooperate there. Less than two weeks later, Mr. Kushner backed off the idea of the communications channel when Mr. Trump announced Rex Tillerson, a former chief executive of Exxon Mobil who had worked closely with Russian officials on energy deals, as his choice to become secretary of state."

None of that adds up..


Bannon probably didn't want Trump to win, if he did he probably didn't expect things to go the way they have, so he could very well be planning his political future. If things go south for this administration, Bannon is well positioned to attack people like Kushner and the GOP for being responsible.

New York Times with both confirmation and what has the strong scent of a Trump camp counter-narrative.

This actually is even more disturbing. Why in God's name would they want to conceal plans on Syria strategy from the US military?


"The idea behind the secret communications channel, the three people said, was for Russian military officials to brief Mr. Flynn about the Syrian war and to discuss ways to cooperate there. Less than two weeks later, Mr. Kushner backed off the idea of the communications channel when Mr. Trump announced Rex Tillerson, a former chief executive of Exxon Mobil who had worked closely with Russian officials on energy deals, as his choice to become secretary of state."

I said it before, Flynn was the conduit to tell Trump what policy to follow. It's why Trump called him at 3am to ask him if a weak or strong dollar is better, and didn't understand why Flynn told him to ask an economist (Flynn knowing they're being tapped, pretended he didn't understand why Trump was asking him about this).

The Syria thing was probably a cover.

It also explains why Trump is so desperate to try and help Flynn since he's been fired, he knows he's the big deal in this whole thing.

When Tillerson got the job, they realized they didn't need to rely on Flynn anymore, since Tillerson could do the equivalent without even communicating with Russia through any back channel, he'd do so through his job directly.


Dems should go to McConnell and Ryan and say enough is enough, we'll fast track Ryan as new Pres then clean house. Everyone in that admin is too dirty, including Pence who was supposed to be overseeing the transition. Get this done so we can focus on all the awful legislation and regulatory decisions of the past five months instead of being distracted by outright brazen corruption
Dems should go to McConnell and Ryan and say enough is enough, we'll fast track Ryan as new Pres then clean house. Everyone in that admin is too dirty, including Pence who was supposed to be overseeing the transition. Get this done so we can focus on all the awful legislation and regulatory decisions of the past five months instead of being distracted by outright brazen corruption

Ryan may be implicated too.

Hatch FTW


Dems should go to McConnell and Ryan and say enough is enough, we'll fast track Ryan as new Pres then clean house. Everyone in that admin is too dirty, including Pence who was supposed to be overseeing the transition. Get this done so we can focus on all the awful legislation and regulatory decisions of the past five months instead of being distracted by outright brazen corruption
Ryan is part of the problem.


Dems should go to McConnell and Ryan and say enough is enough, we'll fast track Ryan as new Pres then clean house. Everyone in that admin is too dirty, including Pence who was supposed to be overseeing the transition. Get this done so we can focus on all the awful legislation and regulatory decisions of the past five months instead of being distracted by outright brazen corruption

its not 'enough is enough' for die-hard Trump voters ... yet.

The blowback and chaos from removing Trump from office RIGHT NOW would be immense ... for now.

This is why things are gradually (relatively) ratcheting up so that this information seeps slowly into the public consciousness.

Trump is done - just give it a little time for things to play out.
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