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WaPo: Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin



Looks like Hannity's interviewee is watching CNN.


Junior Member
Ok so fox news is running this.

We about to see the cards drop I think.

Trump will resign by the end of the year. Calling it.


Junior Member
He wouldn't do it. He's to proud to give it all up now.

Nah he'll just say washington is a swamp that can't be drained it's so corrupt blah blah blah toxic witch hunt I can do more not being the president blah blah blah and his stupid supporters will eat it up.


Nah he'll just say washington is a swamp that can't be drained it's so corrupt blah blah blah toxic witch hunt I can do more not being the president blah blah blah and his stupid supporters will eat it up.

I'm conflicted. Trump believes he is untouchable. Hell he has been his entire life. I don't think he backs down until he absolutely has to. I don't think he'd let it go so far he'd be in cuffs though. He has money so he can bail if the dam breaks. And the scenario you laid out does sound like a good exit strategy for him.
He obviously just wanted to be able to achieve peaceful interactions without the influence of the (((FBI))) and the (((NSA))) and the rest of the Soros machine. Everything is a conspiracy to you people.

I think we need to talk about the real problem. These leaks have to stop.

I mean, seriously. #MAGA #emails


I'm conflicted. Trump believes he is untouchable. Hell he has been his entire life. I don't think he backs down until he absolutely has to. I don't think he'd let it go so far he'd be in cuffs though. He has money so he can bail if the dam breaks. And the scenario you laid out does sound like a good exit strategy for him.

I don't actually know what Trump does if they take his inner circle away, though. The man isn't smart enough to policy. Ivanka and Jared are straight up just there because he only really trusts family. so what does Trump do if he's President, surrounded by people he can't trust, having to do all the boring shit?


Ok so fox news is running this.

We about to see the cards drop I think.

Trump will resign by the end of the year. Calling it.
Gotta make it public that I believe the same. I'm not sure though if he will resign or be forced out by Congress.

I hope this won't be drawn out for as long as Watergate, but I don't see Trump surviving this. Feels like everyday there's another piece of evidence proving what we thought. What could trigger it this year is a win in places like GA06 suggesting a blue wave in 2018.
Wait, avatar bets are serious business! Are you saying he'll also not leave when his 4/8yr term is up, unless in handcuffs? How never-period is your never-period!? These are important distinctions.

Any scenario that ends his presidency besides his arrest, conviction or death by natural causes counts as me losing, which includes him failing to get re-elected or hitting his term limit.


Very exciting stuff. Hoping for some clandestine 4am one way tix to Russia for these monsters.

Eta- I use tucker's furrowed expression when I want my coworkers to think I'm hard at work focusing on something, but I'm just trying to kill some minutes before lunch or a break.


There's no way this can be true because it's too crazy to fathom Kushner would be this dense. Part of me is starting to think this is all fake news and one of these stories will be false enough to give Trump supporters justification to label the whole thing as fake.


Junior Member
There's no way this can be true because it's too crazy to fathom Kushner would be this dense. Part of me is starting to think this is all fake news and one of these stories will be false enough to give Trump supporters justification to label the whole thing as fake.

Yeah ok wapo nytimes CNN and Fox news are all fake news.


There's no way this can be true because it's too crazy to fathom Kushner would be this dense. Part of me is starting to think this is all fake news and one of these stories will be false enough to give Trump supporters justification to label the whole thing as fake.
What a strange sentence

Seems credible enough to be true. My only concern at this point is that somehow Trump will be able to deflect everything and remain in power.


There's no way this can be true because it's too crazy to fathom Kushner would be this dense. Part of me is starting to think this is all fake news and one of these stories will be false enough to give Trump supporters justification to label the whole thing as fake.

His father is a convicted felon.
There's no way this can be true because it's too crazy to fathom Kushner would be this dense. Part of me is starting to think this is all fake news and one of these stories will be false enough to give Trump supporters justification to label the whole thing as fake.

damn kushner's got a great pr team. even reppin' him here!


Isn't that basically announcing that he's a loser?

Not if the game is rigged. The liberals and the fake news cheated Trump you see.

Trump supporters, and really Republicans in general have proven they will go to great lengths to brush away the Trump stank.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
There's no way this can be true because it's too crazy to fathom Kushner would be this dense. Part of me is starting to think this is all fake news and one of these stories will be false enough to give Trump supporters justification to label the whole thing as fake.

Welcome to Hanlon's Razor. Occam was a hipster!


There's no way this can be true because it's too crazy to fathom Kushner would be this dense. Part of me is starting to think this is all fake news and one of these stories will be false enough to give Trump supporters justification to label the whole thing as fake.

I can't find the tweet right now, but when somebody on Twitter suggest Trump start planting fake news to catch the fake news unawares a reporter responded basically saying his camp has been trying that, but the actual press verifies prior to publication so it hasn't worked.

WaPo has been sitting on the letter this stuff came from for six months now; I don't know if I believe the Trump team has its shit together enough to pull off a con that long.
There's no way this can be true because it's too crazy to fathom Kushner would be this dense. Part of me is starting to think this is all fake news and one of these stories will be false enough to give Trump supporters justification to label the whole thing as fake.

The apple did not fall far from the tree... Look at Kushners dad.


Trump supporters don't need a reason to hand wave away everything as fake though. They already are. They wouldn't believe it even if Trump was in jail because they have him on video handing Putin the nuke codes.

Tommy DJ

There's no way this can be true because it's too crazy to fathom Kushner would be this dense. Part of me is starting to think this is all fake news and one of these stories will be false enough to give Trump supporters justification to label the whole thing as fake.

Kushner is a child in the same vein as Donald Trump or Jim Dolan. They've got through this whole life with the benefit of being white. male and rich meaning that they've never ever suffered any consequences for doing illegal or stupid shit.

The biggest difference is that Kushner's dad is literally in jail for white collar crime, a crime that Kushner himself thinks that he would have gotten away with if his dad's relatives weren't jealous. Its not out the realm that Kushner would do illegal activity for personal gain and think he could get away with it by implicating the Republican Party and other individuals for the same sort of shady activity.


remember me
I can't find the tweet right now, but when somebody on Twitter suggest Trump start planting fake news to catch the fake news unawares a reporter responded basically saying his camp has been trying that, but the actual press verifies prior to publication so it hasn't worked.

WaPo has been sitting on the letter this stuff came from for six months now; I don't know if I believe the Trump team has its shit together enough to pull off a con that long.

Kushner is a child in the same vein as Donald Trump or Jim Dolan. They've got through this whole life with the benefit of being white. male and rich meaning that they've never ever suffered any consequences for doing illegal or stupid shit.

The biggest difference is that Kushner's dad is literally in jail for white collar crime, a crime that Kushner himself thinks that he would have gotten away with if his dad's relatives weren't jealous. Its not out the realm that Kushner would do illegal activity for personal gain and think he could get away with it by implicating the Republican Party and other individuals for the same sort of shady activity.

I keep seeing people referencing Kushner's father as being 'in' jail/prison.

From the google searches I've been doing, he apparently spent 14 months there and was released in 2006.

Just clarifying - is that right, or no?


I can't find the tweet right now, but when somebody on Twitter suggest Trump start planting fake news to catch the fake news unawares a reporter responded basically saying his camp has been trying that, but the actual press verifies prior to publication so it hasn't worked.

WaPo has been sitting on the letter this stuff came from for six months now; I don't know if I believe the Trump team has its shit together enough to pull off a con that long.

The Trump Admin is constantly in civil war with all the various factions that want more influence over Trump. Bannon, Reince, Kushner.


Trump will stick to the job if he feels he can.

If he feels he might be on the losing end, he will start to take actions to turn this into as chaotic of a situation as possible to make it look like he's actually being taken down for being too awesome.


The biggest difference is that Kushner's dad is literally in jail for white collar crime, a crime that Kushner himself thinks that he would have gotten away with if his dad's relatives weren't jealous.

OK so basically Jared Kushner is just Michael Cera?

Tommy DJ

I keep seeing people referencing Kushner's father as being 'in' jail/prison.

From the google searches I've been doing, he apparently spent 14 months there and was released in 2006.

Just clarifying - is that right, or no?

No, you're correct. He's been released and gone back to real estate. Still, doesn't change the fact Kushner's dad is someone willing to do some really shady shit that justifies jail time and there's no evidence that Kushner is a saint compared to him.
Some crazy outcomes this can have

1) Trump resigns thinking that he would get off free (lol) gets arrested or his businesses are frozen

2) Trump is guilty and straight up refuses to leave the White House telling everyone it's fake news and it's time to start fighting

I can't see a scenario that Trump would ever admit that he was caught. Can you imagine how he will look after all the "it's a witch hunt" "there is no Russia collision" etc.


Is there some reason that Bill Mitchell shows up so often!? I mean it's fun to laugh at him, but part of me dies every time I read one of his tweets.
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