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WAPO: Peter Thiel defends support for Donald Trump

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‘What Trump represents isn’t crazy and it’s not going away.’ Peter Thiel defends support for Donald Trump.

Billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel reiterated his support for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump Monday morning, telling a room of journalists that a Washington outsider in the White House would recalibrate lawmakers who have lost touch with the struggles of most Americans.

Thiel said it was “both insane and somehow inevitable” that political leaders would expect this presidential election to be a contest between “political dynasties” that have shepherded the country into two major financial crises: the tech bubble burst in the early 2000s, and the housing crisis and economic recession later that decade.
Thiel was clear Monday, as he has said in the past, that he does not support all of Trump’s actions and words. In particular, he called the “Access Hollywood” tape in which Trump made remarks about unwanted sexual advances on women “clearly offensive and inappropriate.” He said he didn’t support Trump’s words about Muslims “in every incidence.”

But Thiel also criticized the media’s coverage of Trump’s bombastic remarks. He said that while the media takes Trump’s remarks “literally” but not “seriously,” he believes Trump supporters take them seriously but not literally. In short, Trump isn’t actually going to impose religious tests on immigrants or build a wall along the Mexican border, as he has repeatedly said, but will simply pursue “saner, more sensible” immigration policies.
Thiel said he “didn’t think there was going to be this sort of visceral reaction” in Silicon Valley to his support for Trump, saying that his past embrace of fringe ideas in business and technology were better received than political views similar to those of “half” the country.

More at the link.

Personally, I hate this dude after the Gawker thing.


So to paraphase, "I think it would shake things up but Donald Trump wouldn't do anything he says." and I'll add "I'm rich enough that my life as well as the lives of any and all future generations of my family will be secure so if I'm wrong oh well lol."


Billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel reiterated his support for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump Monday morning, telling a room of journalists that a Washington outsider in the White House would recalibrate lawmakers who have lost touch with the struggles of most Americans.




I want to think a McDonald's manager would be more qualified to run the country than Trump. At least they'd represent the common man better.

Better than Killary too. ;)


Another spoiled manchild like Palmer Luckey defending a modern day Marc Anthony under the guise that uneducated bigotry is more important than the tenants our republic was founded on. My only desire for him is to live in the world trump supporters crave, without his wealth being a means of escaping its horrors.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I like how the Clintons were a dynasty during the the dot com bubble burst.

Bill was one of the poorest Presidential candidates to run for office. The first in his family. Hillary is the second. How is that a Dynasty? Do we start calling the Kansas City Royals a Dynasty because they won a world series last year?


Has he thrown in the diversity card? Look, there's a racist! We should be diverse and let him continue in his ignorant/intolerance beliefs.


I feel for people who dislike the options here, but unfortunately this needs to be fought post-election. Electing Trump will break a lot more than it fixes and siding with Trump despite numerous disgusting statements is assassination for your own character and not a rational position to take.


Let's be honest, he supports Trump because he wants to pay lower taxes. Everything else is mumbo jumbo

No, his reasons for supporting Trump are much more scary. Thiel has previously argued that the current political system is broken and needs to be completely demolished, and from the chaos built again from the ground up.

Obviously, he doesn't think Trump is the man for the latter, but he serves perfectly as a wrecking ball.


No, his reasons for supporting Trump are much more scary. Thiel has previously argued that the current political system is broken and needs to be completely demolished, and from the chaos built again from the ground up.

Obviously, he doesn't think Trump is the man for the latter, but he serves perfectly as a wrecking ball.

Oh yeah I forgot he wasn't your run of the mill conservative. He wants to become immortal and live in anarchy. Peter Thiel is like a end game boss villain
Trump has also said he wants to modify First Amendment laws to decrease protections for journalists who publish stories that are unfavorable to him so that he can sue them out of existence.

I wonder if Thiel thinks he's being literal about that too.


No, his reasons for supporting Trump are much more scary. Thiel has previously argued that the current political system is broken and needs to be completely demolished, and from the chaos built again from the ground up.

Obviously, he doesn't think Trump is the man for the latter, but he serves perfectly as a wrecking ball.

It reminds me of Obama's comments on meeting with Silicon Valley CEOs who he says have lots of ideas for society that seem to forget that government has to work with all people at every level of society. If Trump really fucked things up in a way we'd start rebuilding a lot of people would be ruined and hurt in the process, the kinds of people that disruptors aren't thinking about.
No, his reasons for supporting Trump are much more scary. Thiel has previously argued that the current political system is broken and needs to be completely demolished, and from the chaos built again from the ground up.

Obviously, he doesn't think Trump is the man for the latter, but he serves perfectly as a wrecking ball.

It's the thought process of a selfish turd with utmost privileges.
Billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel reiterated his support for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump Monday morning, telling a room of journalists that a Washington outsider in the White House would recalibrate lawmakers who have lost touch with the struggles of most Americans.

Thiel said it was “both insane and somehow inevitable” that political leaders would expect this presidential election to be a contest between “political dynasties” that have shepherded the country into two major financial crises: the tech bubble burst in the early 2000s, and the housing crisis and economic recession later that decade.

I see.


Don't worry guys he's only voting for Trump sarcastically.

But not that sarcastically.

Also fuck you thiel


Billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel reiterated his support for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump Monday morning, telling a room of journalists that a Washington outsider in the White House would recalibrate lawmakers who have lost touch with the struggles of most Americans.

But Trump can't even relate to a normal human being let alone a normal American.


What's fucked up is people like him say "Americans' but really mean republican white guys. Ask your average PoC/woman and see what they think.

Thiel is just a rich dude with an agenda
I started out saying, "This guy is really misinformed."

Now I firmly believe he is just a piece of shit who cares only about himself. That's the only thing that can explain how you can willfully ignore everything Trump's base has said and stands for and claim there's nothing crazy about it.


Not to take what he says literally? Fuck off. Is this some sort of game, try to guess the politics in riddles?


I think some people just project their political hopes and dreams on a Trump presidency for some reason.

"He won't do the things he said he would do, instead he'll do the things I want him to do"

But how can anyone believe that Trump wouldn't be corrupt as fuck? Okay so you're voting for the anti-establishment candidate, but why would think Trump's new establishment would be any better than the old one?


To top it all off this dude is willing to support him despite having someone like Mike Pence on the ticket.
The "Trump actually doesn't mean anything he says" argument as a positive defense has always struck me as a weird one.
You could've a made a case for that in the primaries when that shit sort of helped him, but now...


I don't even know what the fuck this means....

He thinks Hogan is a normal person that doesn't have the resources and clout to stand up to a company.

Love his theory, we need a self proclaimed billionaire, who has gilded furniture and uses a charity organization to buy 6 foot paintings of himself, to reconnect the government with the average citizen.
I think some people just project their political hopes and dreams on a Trump presidency for some reason.

"He won't do the things he said he would do, instead he'll do the things I want him to do"

But how can anyone believe that Trump wouldn't be corrupt as fuck? Okay so you're voting for the anti-establishment candidate, but why would think Trump's new establishment would be any better than the old one?

Trump has more dirt on his character than anyone imaginable, but he's gonna be the guy to "drain the swamp". (the reality is that these people are racist, selfish, misinformed, and yes, deplorable).


What is it about Silicon Valley that turns everyone even thinking of working there into a giant fucking Cunt

Also a generally elitist culture that is kept isolated by high housing costs. A lot of Silicon Valley folk seem entirely out of touch with reality outside their bubble. Not just politics; they have low rates of vaccinations.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel reiterated his support for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump Monday morning, telling a room of journalists that a Washington outsider in the White House would recalibrate lawmakers who have lost touch with the struggles of most Americans.


You cannot make this shit up. Time for the Onion to go bankrupt.


Congratulations, rest of America, for realizing what a joke Thiel was to begin with.

This is the same person who banged on for years encouraging kids to basically drop out of school so they could be wannabe SV types, let alone donated significant money to seasteading efforts, aka offshore libertarian utopias (Galt's Gulch). Those were such innocuous days in retrospect, when most people just politely nodded, took his money, and went on with life.
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